19 Nov

CES Munich Lecture in Economics


6:00 pm

19 November 2024


Große Aula, LMU München
fountain at main building


The Changing Nature of Globalization and its Implications for Development
Prof. Pinelopi Goldberg, Ph.D.

Elihu Professor of Economics and Global Affairs
Yale University, USA

Since 1994, the Scientific Advisory Board of the Center for Economic Studies has annually awarded the title of "Distinguished CES Fellow," one of the most prestigious international honors in economics. Some of those honored in Munich for their outstanding work later received the Nobel Prize in Economics. Each year's award winners give a lecture in November in the Great Hall of LMU: the "Munich Lecture." Over the following two days, a high-profile international workshop is held at the ifo Institute, jointly prepared by the Fellow and a member of the economics faculty. The Munich Lectures are organized by CES in collaboration with ifo and CESifo, and sponsored by Munich Re.