Insurance (Master/Hauptfach)

Beschreibung des Studienfachs


The Executive Master of Insurance (E.M. Insurance) is a business degree program for highly motivated young professionals, enabling them to obtain additional background, as well as to amplify and broaden existing knowledge. The core topics are insurance-related issues ranging from general economic and mathematical aspects to specific institutional matters, with an emphasis on today’s challenges in rapidly changing insurance markets.

Theory & Practice

Expert knowledge from a first university degree and professional experience will be broadened and strengthened with a focus on insurance sciences. The main purpose is to consolidate and reinforce theoretical and applied know-how with an insurance focus. This program offers a research-based, industry-specific and practice-oriented further education. Current market developments such as digitization and its impact on the insurance business, as well as the regulatory framework and its management implications, are important components of the program, with content provided in an ongoing interaction between industry and academia. The concept for the E.M. Insurance has been developed in close cooperation between several Munich-based insurance companies and the Munich Risk and Insurance Center (MRIC) at LMU.


The composition of the teaching staff reflects the strong link between academia and practice which particularly characterizes this program. Among our lecturers are renowned faculty members of the Munich School of Management as well as highly experienced practitioners from the industry. Duration & Structure The period of study is 24 months, with classes spread across 4 semesters as indicated in the plan of study. The program comprises 90 ECTS credits to be acquired in weekend or one-week sessions.

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Insurance (Master)
Master Executive Master of Insurance
4 Fachsemester

Bewerbung und Zulassung

Formale Studienvoraussetzung
Zulassungsmodus 1. Semester
Zulassungsmodus höheres Semester
Besondere Zulassungsvoraussetzungen

Der Antrag auf Bewerbung zum Eignungsverfahren ist für das jeweils folgende Wintersemester bis zum 15. Juli bei der Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft, Lehrstuhl für Risikomanagement und Versicherung einzureichen (Ausschlussfrist).

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Master Insurance

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