Virtueller Austausch zwischen LERU-Partnern

Das Internationale von zu Hause aus erleben

Die LMU München bietet Studierenden die Möglichkeit, Kurse von internationalen Partneruniversitäten online für Credits zu belegen. Dieses virtuelle Austauschprogramm ist eine gemeinsame Initiative mehrerer Universitäten innerhalb der League of European Research Universities, und soll Studierenden ermöglichen, internationale Erfahrungen zu sammeln, ohne ins Ausland gehen zu müssen.

Outgoing Students

Kurse von Partneruniversitäten im Wintersemester 2024/25

Computer Science

Sciences / Chemical Biology

Social Sciences

Registration Deadline: 28 August 2024

Kurse von Partneruniversitäten im Sommersemester 2025

Psychology / Education

Interpretation and translation

Registration Deadline: 28 January TBC

Anmeldeprozess für LMU-Studierende

Sie haben ausgewählt, was Sie studieren möchten? Jetzt können Sie sich anmelden, indem Sie diesen Schritten folgen:

  • Sind Sie an der LMU eingeschrieben?
  • Erfüllen Sie die Zugangsvoraussetzungen für den Studiengang?
  • Verfügen Sie zum Zeitpunkt der Anmeldung über ausreichende Kenntnisse der Unterrichtssprache?
  • Passt der Kurs zeitlich und vom Lernpensum her in Ihren Studienplan?
    Denken Sie daran, dass Online-Kurse genauso viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen wie reguläre Kurse. Prüfen Sie auch den Prüfungstermin; er liegt möglicherweise nicht in der gleichen Woche wie Ihr reguläres Programm.

Füllen Sie das Online-Anmeldeformular inklusive eines Motivationsschreiben (max. 1 Seite) aus, in dem Sie erklären, warum Sie an dem Kurs interessiert sind und was Sie sich davon versprechen.

Wenn Sie Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie

Die Fristen variieren je nach Universität - bitte informieren Sie sich über den Kurs, den Sie belegen möchten!!!

Wenn Sie möchten, dass die Studienleistungen und die Noten für den virtuellen Austauschkurs als Teil Ihres regulären Studiums angerechnet werden, müssen Sie im Voraus die Genehmigung Ihres Studienkoordinators einholen. Bitte schicken Sie eine Bestätigung der Genehmigung von Ihrem Studienkoordinator per E-Mail an uns. Für Kurse aus der KU Leuven ist ein Learning Agreement (Tausch eines an der LMU belegten Kurses gegen den beim Partner) notwendig und daher genehmigungspflichtig.

Aufgrund einer begrenzten Anzahl von Plätzen pro Kurs wird es ein Auswahlverfahren geben. Sie erhalten zu gegebener Zeit eine Entscheidung. Die erfolgreichen Bewerber erhalten weitere Informationen und Unterlagen vom Virtual Exchange Coordinator.

Incoming Students

Kurse der LMU Wintersemester 2024/25

    • Antibiotics Resistance & Marine Conservation: A One Health Approach (3 ECTS)

      Antibiotic resistance is a global health threat because many infections caused by resistant bacteria in humans and animals are difficult to treat with the available antibiotics. Thus, antibiotic resistance is considered a "One Health" problem that affects the lives of humans, animals, and the environment. This phenomenon is mainly due to the ability of bacteria and their genes to spread reciprocally between species. However, the overuse and abuse of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine and agriculture can significantly increase the spread and persistence of antibiotic resistance in various ecosystems. For instance, if we focus on one of the vital elements, “water”, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and their genes have been found in sediments, lakes, oceans and rivers. The presence of antibiotic resistance in marine ecosystems can be attributed to discharges from farms, aquaculture, pharmaceutical companies, human waste, and hospitals. This has global implications for wildlife, marine life, and human life.

      This course, therefore, links these two priority topics: antibiotic resistance and marine conservation, under the "One Health" approach, as they are interconnected and have widespread implications for the human, animal, and environmental health.

      Target group: Bachelor/Master/PhD students in human health, animal health, environmental studies and social studies.
      Dates: 02.10.-10.12.2024
      Language: English
      Nominations by 17 September 2024

      • One Health and Climate Change Course (3 ECTS)

        This course will introduce students to the connections between climate change and health. The content material provides a framework to understand the basic mechanisms of climate change and the extent of its impacts on human and animal health, identifying the connection between planetary challenges and local threats. Role-playing exercises encourage the practice of thinking systemically, adopting holistic perspectives, and working with creativity and collaboration to find immediate and long-term solutions.

        Target group: Master/PhD students in human health, animal health, environmental studies and social studies.
        Dates: 06.01.-31.03.2025
        Language: English
        Nominations by 18 December 20234

      impACTup!: Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Impact (6 ECTS)

      The course introduces entrepreneurship as an effective tool for implementing sustainable innovations. They will be introduced to entrepreneurship and learn about impact as a guardrail for funding. Which stakeholders are important for entrepreneurs will be discussed and how impact can be presented and measured holistically. Students will also be taught how to develop sustainable business models, finance startups, and protect them in the long run.

      Target group: Bachelor

      Dates: 23.10.2024 - 29.01.2025

      Language: English

      Nominations by 14.10.2024

      Kurse der LMU Sommersemester 2025

      • One Health Core Competencies (3 ECTS)

        The One Health Core Competencies course consists of a blended learning system, including synchronous and asynchronous units. In the asynchronous sessions, the participants will be led through the theoretical foundations of interdisciplinary teamwork, systems thinking and the One Health approach through self-study with interactive elements on the Moodle-platform. Participants will also see illustrative examples of current One Health scientific cases. During the synchronous sessions, participants will meet online via ‘Zoom’ and work together as multi- and interdisciplinary teams. They will reflect and discuss on the One Health approach and solve a real-world One Health problem using an interactive problem-based learning method. The learned content will be reviewed in interactive tasks on Moodle. As a final assignment, participants will develop a written report – the “Mission Plan” for solving the One Health problem.

        The module will last for 8 weeks and is designed for around 90 working hours (3 ECTS), including 30 hours working with online material and meetings and around 60 hours self-study and project work.

        Target group: Bachelor/Master/PhD students in human health, animal health, environmental studies and social studies.

        Dates: 22 April - 16 June 2025
        Synchronous Sessions: tbc
        Language: English
        Nominations by 1 April 2025
        Syllabus One Health Core Competencies (PDF, 108 KB)

      • Introduction to Global Health (3 ECTS)

        In this course, students will gain a basic understanding of Global Health. The course consists of a blended learning system, including synchronous ( 3 sessions) and asynchronous units. In the asynchronous sessions, the participants will be led through the theoretical foundations of global health, the effects of globalisation on health and the burden of disease, the different determinants of health, ethical issues involved in health, strategies to improve global health and working in an interdisciplinary environment, through self-study with interactive elements on Moodle. Participants will also see illustrative examples of current Global Health issues. During the synchronous sessions, participants will meet online via ‘Zoom’ and form groups and present their project. The learned content will be reviewed in interactive tasks on Moodle. As a final assignment, participants will work on a group project which they will present in the final synchronous session.

        The module will last for 12 weeks and is designed for around 90 working hours (3 ECTS), including 30 hours working with online material and meetings and around 60 hours self-study and project work.

        Target group: Bachelor/Master/PhD

        Dates: 15 April - 15 July 2025
        Synchronous Sessions:
        15.04.25 16:00-17.00 (CEST) Kick Off
        19.05.25 16.00-17.00 (CEST) Group Session
        14.07.25 16.00-18.00 (CEST) Presentation Session 1
        15.07.25 16.00-18.00 (CEST) Presentation Session 2
        Language: English
        Nominations by 01. April 2025
        Syllabus Introduction Global Health (PDF, 198 KB)

      • Digital Storytelling (3 ECTS)

        This course is intended to help students learn how to share their message through the creation of stunning, professional and informative digital stories. The course consists of the following sections:

        Chapter 1: Introduction to Digital Storytelling and One Health
        Chapter 2: Script Writing
        Chapter 3: Storyboarding
        Chapter 4: Implementation and Feedback
        Chapter 5: Final Feedback and Certificate

        Target group: Bachelor/Master

        Dates: 3 June - 31 July 2025
        Language: English
        Nominations will 19 May 2025
        Syllabus Digital Storytelling (PDF, 124 KB)

      impACTup!: Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Impact (6 ECTS)

      The course introduces entrepreneurship as an effective tool for implementing sustainable innovations. They will be introduced to entrepreneurship and learn about impact as a guardrail for funding. Which stakeholders are important for entrepreneurs will be discussed and how impact can be presented and measured holistically. Students will also be taught how to develop sustainable business models, finance startups, and protect them in the long run.

      Target group: Bachelor

      Dates: tbc

      Language: English

      Nominations by tbc

      Anmeldung für Studierende der Partneruniversitäten

      Nach der Nominierung durch Ihre Heimatuniversität erhalten Sie weitere Details zur Anmeldung sowie dieses Anmeldeformular zum Ausfüllen. Dies sollte im Normallfall ungefähr eine Woche nach der Deadline geschehen..

      Sie erhalten dann weitere Informationen, wie Sie zum Kurs gelangen.


      Die angebotenen Kurse der vergangenen Semester finden Sie hier im Archiv (PDF, 354 KB).

      Wonach suchen Sie?