LMU-UCB Research in the Humanities
In 2007, the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) and LMU Munich established a joint program to pursue innovative, collaborative research in the humanities and humanistic social sciences.
In 2007, the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) and LMU Munich established a joint program to pursue innovative, collaborative research in the humanities and humanistic social sciences.
LMU-UCB Research in the Humanities facilitates academic exchange of faculty members, graduate students, and postdocs. It also supports conferences and workshops conducted jointly by researchers from LMU and UCB. The program is coordinated at UCB by the Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Inquiry and at LMU by the International Office.
At LMU, faculties in the humanities as well as affiliated research centers are eligible for participation. This includes the following faculties:
At UC Berkeley, departments, programs, and centers in the arts and humanities and humanistic social sciences within the College of Letters and Science are eligible for participation.
Fundable activities for LMU and UCB researchers are: visiting professorships; research mobility for doctoral candidates and postdocs; conferences/workshops and short-term research workshops.
The application process takes place once a year and funding is conferred during the next calendar year. Applications for the 2026 funding cycle are due on March 31, 2025. Selection will be announced in May.
Please review the call for applications here (PDF, 120 KB).
Special 2025 Funding Line: Participation in the Young Scholars Conference “Revisiting Empathy” at UC Berkeley, 1 to 3 October 2025.
Please review the designated call for applications here (PDF, 132 KB).
Applications for all program categories must be submitted through the application portal: https://lmu.moveon4.de/form/64194c74fbc62b33ea3ebdda/eng
Only (Post-)doctoral candidates from UCB applying for research mobility to LMU use the following online portal: https://lmu.moveon4.de/form/64e86e38d88f28f4ea091318/eng
The first joint "LMU-UC Berkeley Research in the Humanities" conference on the “Future of Humanities” took place at LMU Munich from 17 to 19 October 2024.
The event brought together researchers from both partner institutions and various disciplines.
Further information can be found in the LMU Newsroom article "Cooperation between LMU and UC Berkeley strengthens humanities research" and the conference program (PDF, 116 KB).
Visiting professors at LMU will be given the opportunity to dedicate their time largely to their own research projects and to collaborative projects with LMU faculty. They will be asked to present their research at LMU in a public lecture. In addition, depending on the length of stay, visiting professors are encouraged to contribute to teaching by co-teaching a seminar for graduate or postgraduate students or a lecture series.
Lectures by visiting professors from UCB can be given at the Center for Advanced Studies at LMU.
Visits may vary from three to nine months depending on individual needs and interests. Visiting professors are hosted by LMU faculty.
Visiting professorships are open to tenured and tenure-track UCB faculty in the humanities and humanistic social sciences.
The following documents must be submitted with the application:
Applications for the visiting professorship must be submitted by the LMU host through the application portal.
Preference will be given to Berkeley faculty who can demonstrate that Munich is a relevant location for their research and who have research partners at LMU.
For further information, please refer to the Q&A with UCB Professor Ian Duncan and Professor Sophie Volpp who participated in the program as visiting professors at LMU.
Visiting professors at UCB will be given the opportunity to dedicate their time largely to their own research projects and to collaborative projects with UCB faculty. They will be asked to present their research at UCB in the form of a public lecture. Depending on the length of stay, visiting professors are encouraged to contribute to teaching by co-teaching a seminar for graduate or postgraduate students or a lecture series.
Visits may vary from two weeks to six months depending on individual needs and interests. Visiting professors are hosted by UCB faculty.
Visiting professorships are open to tenured LMU faculty in the participating LMU departments. LMU applicants may apply to UCB departments, programs, and centers in the arts and humanities and humanistic social sciences within the College of Letters and Science.
The following documents must be submitted with the application:
Preference will be given to LMU faculty who can demonstrate that Berkeley is a relevant location for their research and/or who have research partners at UCB.
Visiting professors at UCB are appointed as visiting scholars in the academic department corresponding to the UCB faculty host. Please refer to the following information regarding health insurance requirements applicable to visiting scholars: https://vspa.berkeley.edu/resources/be-well/vsvsr-benefits.
Doctoral candidates and postdocs at LMU can apply for funding of a research stay at UCB. Researchers will have the opportunity to present their projects to the relevant reading groups/colloquia at UCB.
A fundamental funding criterion is that the applicant is supervised at LMU (“Erstbetreuung an der LMU”). The research project must be at an advanced stage. The applicant must have LMU doctoral candidate or postdoc status at the time of application or during the research stay at UCB.
Travel costs will be reimbursed by LMU in accordance with the Bavarian Travel Expenses Act (Bayerisches Reisekostengesetz).
In addition to the qualifications of the applicant and their research project, it is important that the project be received with interest at UCB. Contact with faculty at UCB is therefore essential.
Doctoral candidates and postdocs at UCB are appointed in a visiting academic title (visiting student researcher, scholar, or postdoc) in the academic department corresponding to the UCB faculty host. Please refer to the following information regarding health insurance requirements applicable to visiting scholars: https://vspa.berkeley.edu/resources/be-well/vsvsr-benefits.
Academic contact for this program component at LMU
Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel
Professor of Eastern European History
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Doctoral candidates and postdoctoral fellows at UCB can apply for a research stay of up to three months at LMU. Researchers will have the opportunity to present their projects to the relevant reading groups/colloquia at LMU.
Applicants must be UCB graduate students who have advanced to candidacy or be postdoctoral fellows appointed at UCB at the time of application or during the research stay at LMU. The research project must be at an advanced stage.
In addition to the qualifications of the applicant and their research project, it is important that the project be received with interest at LMU. Contact with faculty at LMU is therefore essential.
Academic contact for this program component at UCB
Prof. Dr. Debarati Sanyal
Professor French; Zaffaroni Family Chair
UC Berkeley
To promote new and innovative research areas within the humanities, LMU and UCB researchers are invited to submit joint proposals for workshops and/or conferences. Applicants can also request funding for a series of workshops that take place over a period of up to two years.
Eligible applicants from LMU are postdocs or professors employed at LMU on a fixed-hour basis. Applications from doctoral students are also welcome. Applicants must establish a collaboration with research partners at UCB. Therefore, existing contact with UCB researchers is a prerequisite.
Eligible applicants from UCB are faculty members in the arts and humanities and humanistic social sciences. Existing contact with LMU researchers is a prerequisite.
LMU can support conferences and workshops conducted jointly by researchers from LMU and UCB with funding of up to 20,000 euros.
UCB can support conferences and workshops conducted jointly by researchers from LMU and UCB with grants of up to 8,000 USD.
Applicants can apply to either institution for funding workshops/conferences.
Please note that with regard to travel expenses and accommodation, in general, the sending institution covers the cost of travel and accommodation of its employees and the host institution covers the cost of catering. Therefore, please bear in mind that travel expenses and accommodation of UCB researchers traveling to LMU need to be claimed at UCB. Likewise, travel expenses and accommodation of LMU researchers traveling to UCB need to be claimed at LMU.
Conferences at UCB:
Conferences at LMU:
Please refer to the budget template provided in the application portal for guidance on institutional rates and format.
A single application should be submitted by the LMU research partner, to include the following documents:
Funding is available for so-called “short-term research workshops” (small-scale, bilateral research workshops) conducted by researchers from LMU and UCB. This offers LMU scholars the opportunity to expand existing research contacts and/or investigate the potential for future collaboration with UCB. It is meant to serve as seed funding for joint research projects. One proposal can provide funding for up to two short-term research workshops with up to three researchers per workshop.
Eligible applicants are postdocs or professors employed at LMU on a fixed-hour basis. Applications from doctoral students are also welcome.
Faculty Contact
Prof. Dr. Debarati Sanyal
Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Inquiry
Program Coordination
Breana George
via UCB-LMU-Exchange@berkeley.edu
Program Coordination
Stefanie Schuster
via network.international@lmu.de