In the second phase of the Excellence Initiative, LMU emerges as the most successful participant.
In the second phase of the Excellence Initiative, LMU emerges as the most successful participant.
Excellence Initiative 2012
The results of the second phase of the Excellence Initiative were revealed in June 2012. LMU emerged as the most successful of the participating universities. All of its proposals – for four Graduate Schools, four Clusters of Excellence and LMUs institutional strategy LMUexcellent – were accepted. The decision not only ensured that funding for the existing Graduate School and three Clusters of Excellence will continue until 2017, it provided for three further Graduate Schools in Systems Biology (Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences Munich (QBM)), Ancient Societies (Distant Worlds: Munich Graduate School for Ancient Studies) and – in cooperation with the University of Regensburg – Eastern European Studies (Graduate School for East and South East European Studies) and a new Cluster of Excellence in Systems Neurology (Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy).