Einsichten cover picture ‘What we inherit’

INSIGHTS. Magazine

Latest findings, current debates - INSIGHTS features research at LMU. The latest issue focuses on the topic "What we inherit – the legacy of family and society"

Not a level playing field

Fabian Pfeffer explains why the extreme wealth gap harms society and democracy and leads to a distinctly uneven spread of opportunities for coming generations.

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Lars Eidinger as the “arch-villain” Richard III in a production at the Schaubühne Berlin, rehearsals 2015.

Beguiling, unsettling

Shakespeare's works exceed the boundaries of the possible and conceivable. This makes them more relevant than ever, explains Claudia Olk, Professor of English Literature at LMU.

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How we became who we are

Wolfgang Enard looks in our genes for traces of how we became human. Comparisons with related species helps him uncover evolutionary mechanisms.

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Dangerous genes

Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women in Germany – sometimes it lurks in their genes. LMU Professor Nadia Harbeck has set new standards in treatment and research.

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Prof. Jeanine Grütter

What we instill

Shakespeare's works exceed the boundaries of the possible and conceivable. This makes them more relevant than ever, explains Claudia Olk, Professor of English Literature at LMU.

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Some scientific terms manage to make their way into everyday speech. Here, we ask LMU researchers to tell us what they mean – to define them, and to outline how they became popular.

The interpreter: Felix Havermann explains CDR
The interpreter: Oliver Jahraus on kafkaesque
The interpreter: Olivia Merkel on “nanocarriers”

Visiting LMU's Shakespeare Library

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Director Claudia Olk presents the only collection of literature on Shakespeare and early modern English literature on the European continent.

3:10 Min | 2 Oct 2020

The big EINSICHTEN-Interview

Desiccated maize, Brandenburg, early September 2022

FOCUS: Call of the wild - What nature asks of us

Climate crisis and species extinction have become ever-present threats, not only for humans. They endanger non-human nature in our environment as well as outside the engineered world - in the wilderness. But what do we see in this term anyway? An analysis.

Portrait of Prof. Dr. Joris Peters

The figure

The science behind the data

Stone Age bird hunting

This is how many different bird species people hunted around the world's oldest stone circle 11,000 years ago.

Wobbly earth axis

ROMY, the world's only ring laser, can measure deviations in the alignment of the Earth's axis with an accuracy of one arc second.

Infectious multiplication

This is how many daughter cells the parasite Toxoplasma gondii can form in a single host cell.

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