How to reach us

Visit the Press Room for the latest information, press releases, access to our Experts' Service, and contact details for the staff of the LMU's Communications and Media Relations Office.
In October 2025, Matthias Tschöp will succeed Bernd Huber, who has been at the helm of LMU since 2002.
Published in Nature, the study identifies a crucial epigenetic regulator as well as an inhibitor that specifically kills the parasite.
LMU spin-offs attracted around 230.3 million euros in investments in 2024.
Head of Communications and Media Relations, Press Spokesperson to the President
Media inquiries specifically concerning the Munich University Hospital system should be addressed directly to the Pressestelle des Klinikums.
Are you planning to report on LMU, and would like to film or take photographs on campus? If so, we can help you.
Filming and photography on LMU's campuses require prior permission from the University. Please contact the Press and Media Relations Office in good time before the intended date of your visit. Complete the application form you then receive or send the completed form by e-mail to Following assessment of your request, you will receive the necessary permission for your project.
For all still photography and filming/taping, other than that being done by news organizations for news purposes, please contact the Property Management Unit (in German).
Requests for permission to film on the premises of the Munich University Hospital system should be addressed to the Pressestelle des Klinikums.