Current message from the LMU President
14 Jul 2021
LMU President Prof. Bernd Huber thanked all members of LMU and announced vaccination events for LMU students.
14 Jul 2021
LMU President Prof. Bernd Huber thanked all members of LMU and announced vaccination events for LMU students.
Another semester under pandemic conditions is coming to an end. For almost a year and a half now, we have been operating in a mostly digital mode, which has allowed us to keep up our teaching and research, but cannot replace the personal exchange that constitutes academic life at a university. Once again, I would like to thank you all for your tireless efforts, your perseverance, and your creativity in dealing with this situation.
The prospects for the upcoming winter semester remain unclear. On the one hand, more and more people are being vaccinated; on the other hand, mutations of the virus are on the rise, already leading to the reinstatement of restrictions in other countries. State regulations, especially social distancing rules, will most likely make large in-person events impossible in the winter semester. However, in cooperation with the faculties and departments, we are doing everything we can to ensure that at least smaller teaching formats can take place face-to-face. Vaccinations will play a crucial role in this strategy. They are now available in many doctors' offices and at the state vaccination centers without prioritization. Also, Munich’s vaccination center will offer several on-campus vaccination opportunities for LMU students in the coming weeks. You will find detailed information in your e-mail, on the LMU homepage and on LMU’s social media channels. Please take advantage of these opportunities!
I would like to wish our students good luck and all the best for the upcoming exams. And to all of us a well-deserved and relaxing summer break before we face the new challenges of the winter semester together.
Thank you again, also on behalf of the entire University Executive Board, for your commitment and understanding, and take care!
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Bernd Huber
President of LMU Munich