Would you like to stand in LMU’s famed atrium? Take your place in one of the huge auditoriums? For anyone interested in studying here – and for their friends, parents and teachers – the opportunity is there on 3 February.
LMU boasts the broadest spectrum of study courses in Germany. Literally ranging from A to Z (in German at least!), there is almost no subject that cannot be studied here – including some courses that many prospective students have never heard of. Finno-Ugric Studies is one example, alongside individual scientific niche disciplines. “The conversations we have often reveal that people come here with a notion of study courses that is heavily shaped by the schools,” says Dr. Christian A. Braun of the Student Advisory Service. That is precisely why sample lectures are an excellent way to find out whether this or that subject is really what you are looking for.
The opportunity is open to one and all on LMU’s Campus Day, which is a kind of open day: “You can get a feel for the university, attend talks and events, sit in on sample lectures, get to know lecturers and students, ask questions – and also get the right answers,” explains Christiane Mateus Brinck, head of the Student Advisory Service. Years ago, she was one of the co-founders of the Campus Day initiative. The name was chosen because the day brings all disciplines together in a single place.
You can get a feel for the university, attend talks and events, sit in on sample lectures, get to know lecturers and students, ask questions – and also get the right answers
Christiane Mateus Brinck, head of the Student Advisory Service
Campus Day is suitable for anyone and everyone. It provides information for those who are not even sure whether they want to study and those who know exactly what they plan to learn. And, of course, for anyone – friends, family or teachers – who wants to accompany them. If you are not yet sure and have maybe never had much to do with universities, feel free to simply browse around, soak up the flair, take a seat in a gigantic auditorium, enjoy the atrium or stroll up and down the university’s hallowed halls. Doing so will take you past all kinds of information booths, let you see posters and give you the chance to talk to experts from the various disciplines.
Professor Oliver Jahraus, Vice President for Study and Teaching at LMU, will open this year’s Campus Day at 9 a.m. Student advisor Mateus Brinck will then talk about admission procedures. The lectures covering the individual disciplines begin as of 10 a.m. Information booths for all service facilities and study courses will be open until 4 p.m., giving you opportunity to clarify questions on issues such as scholarships, accommodation, LMU’s International Office, student advisory services and less common aspects such as studying with children.
Since there are so many lectures on offer, it makes sense to study the program carefully in advance. But if two talks you would like to attend overlap, don’t panic: Many will be delivered twice in the course of the day. The program also includes links to the various faculties and departments as sources of additional information. “But people are also welcome to simply come along and be inspired,” Mateus Brinck points out. The most important thing is to ask all your questions: “If you don’t ask, you won’t gain any new insights,” she adds. The student advisor hopes that everyone who comes will go home afterward having learned at least one thing they didn’t know before.
The vast majority of events will be held in the main building. Its size alone is impressive, so it is easy to lose your way – especially if you are here for the first time. Aware of this, we have included links to all lecture theaters in the LMU Room Finder. On Campus Day, guides will also be on hand to help you find your way around the main building. If you miss Campus Day or still have unanswered questions afterward, feel free to contact LMU’s Student Advisory Service, which regularly organizes introductory events, sample lectures, orientation weeks, workshops to help you decide what to study and, of course, one-on-one advisory sessions.