LMU funded as University of Excellence
19 Jul 2019
As part of the German federal and state governments’ Excellence Strategy, LMU has been awarded funding as University of Excellence.
19 Jul 2019
As part of the German federal and state governments’ Excellence Strategy, LMU has been awarded funding as University of Excellence.
"LMU’s renewed success in the demanding and highly competitive Excellence Strategy competition is really fantastic," says LMU President Professor Bernd Huber. "Once more, this result proves that LMU holds an outstanding position among German universities." With its new strategic program, LMU will build on its success in the two earlier funding periods of the Excellence Initiative." Without the excellent academic achievements and the commitment of our researchers as well as the tireless efforts of many other dedicated staff members at our university, the recent success would not have been possible," emphasizes LMU President Huber. "I would like to thank everyone involved."
LMU has been successful in the German Excellence Competitions from the beginning in 2006. For the first time, the Excellence Strategy provides a permanent funding opportunity which offers LMU the possibility to build on its successful strategy and to expand its position as an internationally leading university with the long-term program "LMUexcellent: A New Perspective".
An important element of this strategy is the creation of flexible recruitment models in order to strengthen established areas of research and to rapidly develop new scientific fields, while continuing to attract outstanding academics to LMU. By further expanding its successful Academic Career Program, LMU will provide optimal and flexible career options for junior academics, and introduce students to research early on. Accompanying additional investments and its comprehensive campus development will continue to enable LMU to offer internationally competitive conditions for research and networking, and thereby consolidate its position as one of the most attractive university locations in Europe. LMU will continue to foster close collaborations with partners in the fields of science, business, and the arts, and will promote dialogue with the public.
The funding awarded as University of Excellence will initially run for seven years and will be continued given a successful interim evaluation. The approval of at least two Clusters of Excellence was a prerequisite for being funded. Last fall, researchers from LMU and TUM – together with other partners – secured funding for four large research clusters, thus paving the way for today's success.
Alongside LMU, the Excellence Commission – which is made up of internationally recognized experts and the government ministers responsible for research at the federal and state levels – has today awarded funding for ten other universities and university consortia, among them also TUM. "The fact that both LMU and TUM were selected by the commission proves Munich’s strength as a science hub which owes a great deal to numerous non-university research institutes, cultural institutions, companies, and many other partners as well as the ongoing support of the Free State of Bavaria," Huber says. "Therefore, my sincere thanks also go to our cooperation partners and particularly to State Minister Bernd Sibler and the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts."