Nationwide open science network established with LMU participation
1 Feb 2021
The LMU Open Science Center (OSC) is a founder member of the German Reproducibility Network (GRN)
1 Feb 2021
The LMU Open Science Center (OSC) is a founder member of the German Reproducibility Network (GRN)
Comprising universities and non-university organizations alike, the German Reproducibility Network (GRN) is dedicated to the reproducibility of research findings. Alongside the LMU Open Science Center, other founder members include the Helmholtz Open Science Office, the German Psychological Society (DGPs) and the Berlin University Alliance.
The network’s mission is to promote reproducible and robust research on a national level and to increase transparency in the publication of research findings. Only then can the reproducibility of findings be upheld as one of the most important indicators of research quality, and only then can trust in research be strengthened.
Specifically, the German Reproducibility Network seeks to help researchers educate themselves about open science practices and/or encourage the launch of local networks. Another major goal is to promote open science among scientific and political decision-makers throughout Germany, as well as advising and supporting institutions as they commit to open science projects.
The network engages in close dialogue with comparable initiatives in the UK, Switzerland, Australia and Slovakia.