"The bourgeois nuclear family - an invention of the 19th century"
27 May 2024
Professor Susanne Lüdemann and her team are investigating how the portrayal of families in media and literature has evolved.
27 May 2024
Professor Susanne Lüdemann and her team are investigating how the portrayal of families in media and literature has evolved.
Professor Susanne Lüdemann, Chair of Modern German Literature and General Literary Studies, is investigating the changing image of the family from the legends of the gods and heroes of antiquity to the current renaissance of the family novel as part of the DFG-funded Research Training Group "Family Matters. Figuren der Ent-Bindung".
It is particularly important to us today to point out this [...] constructed, historically changeable character in order to be able to help shape the future of the family. Literature does this, it has always done it, it is doing it now.Susanne Lüdemann