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The Advisory Board reports to the University Executive Board. Its tasks are
- Decisions on scholarship applications from international LMU students
- Decisions on study-abroad scholarship applications from LMU students
- Decisions on matters relating to contacts with international universities, insofar as these are not exclusively reserved for the University Executive Board
- Patronage for LMU‘s Munich International Summer University (MISU), implemented by the International University Club Munich (IUCM)
Maj-Catherine Botheroyd-Hobohm
International Office
Social Support for International Students, Grants, TutoRIA
- Prof. Dr. Francesca Biagini (Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity)
- Faculty 01: Prof. Dr. Holger Gzella
- Faculty 02: Prof. Loren T. Stuckenbruck, PhD.
- Faculty 03: Prof. Dr. jur. Lars Klöhn, LL.M. (Havard)
- Faculty 04: Prof. Dr. Andreas Richter
- Faculty 05: Prof. Dr. Uwe Sunde
- Faculty 07: Prof. Dr. med. Dr. sci. nat. Christoph Klein
- Faculty 08: Prof. Dr. Hermann Ammer
- Faculty 09: Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel
- Faculty 10: Prof. Dr. Peter Adamson
- Faculty 11: Prof. Dr. Andreas Mayer
- Faculty 12: Prof. Dr. Evelyn Schulz
- Faculty 13: Prof. Dr. Christof Decker
- Faculty 15: Dr. Lars C. Colschen
- Faculty 16: Prof. Dr. Christian Heumann
- Faculty 17: Dr. Robert Helling
- Faculty 18: Dr. Thomas Engel
- Faculty 19: PD Dr. Lars Kunz
- Faculty 20: Dr. Peter Hasdenteufel
- Student Representative: Jessica Peters