Officers and Representatives

The Anti-Discrimination Officers advise on options for action in the event of discrimination.

The Anti-Semitism Officer at LMU provides advice and assistance in the event of anti-Semitic incidents.

The University Official Data Protection Officer instructs and advises the University Executive Board and the University members on the obligations according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other data protection legislation and monitors their compliance.

The University Women's Representative is tasked with ensuring that female researchers, teachers and students suffer no disadvantages on the basis of their gender. She supports the University's leadership in its endeavors to achieve full equality of opportunity and esteem by removing remaining barriers that discriminate between the sexes.

  • Officer: Dr. Margit Weber

The Equal Opportunities Representative at LMU is the point of contact for all scientific support staff at the University in matters relating to equal opportunities. Her work focuses on participating in all matters of fundamental importance for gender equality, equal opportunities and the compatibility of family and career, as well as advising on gender equality issues and supporting employees in specific individual cases.

  • Representative: Viola Lind

  • Deputy: Ursula Danninger

Conflict Resolution Officer for Professors and Academic Staff

The Conflict Resolution Officer advises and supports staff members who assert that their personal rights have been infringed in the course of their academic work at LMU - in particular by the exploitation of their status as subordinates. At the request of the alleged victim, conflict resolution officers prepare a proposal on how the issue can best be dealt with, if possible with the active participation of the person implicated by the complainant in the alleged infringement.

Confict Resolution Officer for Students

The Conflict Resolution Officer for Students advises and supports students who assert that their personal rights have been infringed in particular by discriminatory behavior on the basis of ethnic origin, sex, religion or philosophical beliefs, disability, age or gender identity, by members of the University.

The Staff Council at LMU is available to all members of staff as an elected representative pursuant to Article 69 (1c) of the Bavarian Staff Representation Act (BayPVG).

  • The Representative for Severely Disabled People represents the interests of staff with disabilities, providing advice and help on social, building-related and technical factors and ensuring that the special arrangements for severely disabled job candidates are respected.

  • Representative for Severely Disabled People: Markus Ludwig
  • First Deputy : Gabriele Merk
  • Second Deputy: Alexandra Herrmann
  • Third Deputy: Tanja Posch-Tepelmann

The Ombudsperson for Self-Regulation in Science acts as a confidential advisor to those who report concrete grounds for suspicion of misconduct in relation to research by a current or former member of LMU, and personally investigates the allegations on the basis of the information received.

Ordnung der LMU München zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis (PDF, 188 KB)

Regulation of LMU München for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice (PDF, 375 KB)

The University Representative for Students with Disabilities assists and advises the University's leadership on measures designed to accommodate the special needs of disabled students and enable them to participate fully in study programs.

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