#EXCELLerate your skills! Information events & workshops

Discover our extensive range of events! In numerous workshops and lectures we offer funding options and tips for proposal writing. Academic and non-academic careers and work-life balance issues will be addressed and discussed in depth.

The proposal workshops are open to postdoctoral candidates from other institutions if they would like to transfer to LMU after submitting a successful proposal and are already in contact with LMU researchers.


DateTimeEvent titleHost
31 January 20259 a.m.Personalauswahl in der Wissenschaft (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management


DateTimeEvent titleHost
3 February 20259 a.m.Stressfreier studieren: Zeit- und Selbstmanagement für die Prüfungsvorbereitung! (in German)PROFiL
4 February 20259:30 a.m.GidL: Diskriminierungsfrei unterrichten und prüfen (in German)University Women's Representative
5 February 20256 p.m.Konzeptionsbegleitung und Reflexionsstunden (in German)PROFiL
6 February 20259 a.m.Erfolgreich durch's Projekt (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management
6 February 20259:30 a.m.Konkrete Lerntechniken zur Prüfungsvorbereitung (in German)PROFiL
6 February 20252 p.m.Meet the funder: Volkswagen Foundation (restricted accesss)Research Funding
7 February 20259 a.m.Emotionsmanagement (in German)Center for Leadership and People Management
7 February 20259 a.m.Kurze Aktivierungsmethoden für Lehrveranstaltungen (in German)PROFiL
10 February 202510 a.m.PROFiL Basisseminar (in German)PROFiL
11 February 202511 a.m.Horizon Europe in a Nutshell (restricted access)Research Funding
11 February 20252 p.m.Let's talk! Studierende in der Sprechstunde erfolgreich beraten (in German)PROFiL
11 February 20252 p.m.Open Data und das Portal open.bydata: Mit offenen Daten neue Erkenntnisse gewinnen (in German)University Library
12 February 20259:30 a.m.Gleichstellung an Hochschulen - Diskriminierungsschutz und familienfreundliche Arbeitsbedingungen (in German)University Women's Representative
12 February 20251 p.m.Research Data LMU – Ein Portal zu den FDM-Angeboten an der LMU München (in German)University Library
13 February 20252 p.m.FAIR Data Management: A Workshop OER for Flexible Learning EnvironmentsUniversity Library
18 February 202511 a.m.Open Webinar - Using the Crowdhelix Open Innovation PlatformResearch Funding
18 February 20254:30 p.m.Upcoming funding opportunities for health research & biotechnology in Horizon Europe (restricted access)Research Funding
19 February 20259:30 a.m.Prüfungen gelassen begegnen mit Achtsamkeit und Resilienz (in German)PROFiL
20 February 20259 a.m.Inklusion als Thema in der eigenen Lehre meistern! (in German)PROFiL


DateTimeEvent titleHost
10 March 202510 a.m.PROFiL Basisseminar (in German)PROFiL
20 March 20259:30 a.m.Grundlagen der Visualisierung am Flipchart (in German)PROFiL
24 March 20259 a.m.PrüfenPlus-Qualifizierung (in German)PROFiL
26 March 20259:30 a.m.ChatGPT in der Lehre: Lehre KI-gestützt effektiv planen (in German)PROFiL


DateTimeEvent titleHost
8 May 20252 p.m.Meet the Funder: Gerda Henkel FoundationResearch Funding
15 May 20259 a.m.Erfahrungsaustausch Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation (in German)PROFiL
21 May 20259 a.m.Beginner’s Webinar on Funding OpportunitiesResearch Funding
23 May 20259 a.m.Understanding Peer ReviewResearch Funding
27 May 202510 a.m.First audition? Applying for (junior) professorships (restricted access)Research Funding


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3 June 20259 a.m.Beratungs-Bootcamp: Beratungstechniken praktisch anwenden (in German)PROFiL


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21 July 20259 a.m.Studierende beraten und betreuen (in German)PROFiL


DateTimeEvent titleHost
22 September 20259 a.m.PROFiL Basisseminar (in German)PROFiL
23 September 20259 a.m.PrüfenPlus-Qualifizierung (in German)PROFiL


DateTimeEvent titleHost
6 October 20259 a.m.PROFiL Basisseminar (in German)PROFiL
10 October 20259 a.m.Mein erstes Deputat: ein Sneak Peek in die Hochschullehre (in German)PROFiL

Subject-specific opportunities for further qualification can be found on the websites of our faculties, research projects, and doctoral programs.

Note for international junior academics: Please be aware that some of our events are currently only available in German. We are constantly updating and improving what we have on offer. Please do feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

What are you looking for?