Basic initial and referral advice

All members and guests of LMU can turn to the LMU counseling and outreach services for basic and confidential initial and referral advice.

Basic initial and referral advice

LMU is actively committed to a globally open, tolerant, non-discriminatory and non-violent working, teaching, research and study environment. Intolerance and discrimination are not part of LMU's identity and will not be tolerated.

LMU has set up counseling and outreach services to effectively counteract transgressive behavior. These offer guests and university members who experience or observe discrimination the opportunity to address their experiences.

Conversation with supervisors

Get support from people with managerial functions:

  • Supervisors and persons with managerial, training and qualification tasks in administration, research and teaching have an important role model function. They are called upon to promote respectful interaction and a culture of attentiveness. As part of their duty of care, they have a special responsibility. They must actively protect against discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and sexual assault in their area of responsibility and, if necessary, take appropriate preventative measures.

  • If those affected report incidents to them, further measures to stop discriminatory or harassing behavior should be taken in consultation with the person affected, whenever possible. They also inform the persons affected of their right to seek advice and the possibility of filing a formal complaint.

Basic initial counseling session

  • All members and guests of the LMU can turn to the counseling and outreach services for confidential initial advice and further information. The anonymity of all parties involved is guaranteed to the greatest extent possible.
  • The counseling and outreach services determine the request for advice and the consulting needs of the persons affected and conduct a solution-oriented initial counseling session. They offer information about protection and possible courses of action and explain the formal complaint procedure and possible arbitration.
  • If necessary, they shall make referrals to other appropriate specialized internal or external counseling and support offices or offer to arrange for such counseling and support.
  • The persons affected have the right to be accompanied by someone they trust, also someone from outside LMU. The persons affected are free to contact additional counseling services from outside LMU or people they trust.

Arbitration and mediation proceedings

  • If circumstances warrant it, LMU’s counseling and outreach services may advise pursuing arbitration with the responsible conflict resolution officers or conduct arbitration themselves in order to find an amicable solution. Arbitration may also be advised by the official complaints office.

  • If the person implicated is a student, arbitration may be conducted by the vice dean (students) at the respective faculty.

  • Arbitration only takes place with the mutual consent of the conflicting parties. If both parties agree to a proposed solution, it will be documented in writing in order to create the basis for future interaction.

  • If arbitration does not result in a resolution, a professional arbitration process may be initiated with the consent of both parties. If this is not desired, the matter will be referred back to the original counseling and outreach services or complaints office.

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