Logo diversity initiative Belonging@LMU

Belonging at LMU

With this initiative we wish to promote and inspire a sense of belonging, to offer support and to contribute to create an open and tolerant community.

For more inclusion and a sense of belonging

The new diversity initiative builds on the existing motto "Together@LMU" adding a strong focus on inclusion and participation.

LMU Munich is committed to support an inclusive environment where all members enjoy equal opportunities, respect and recognition, regardless of their background. Therefore, LMU Munich fosters measures and services for researchers, students and staff taking in account individual needs and experiences.

This initiative promotes the visibility of the University's numerous activities and the development of new offers for more inclusion and participation in the LMU community.

You are cordially invited to benefit from numerous offers of various institutions at LMU and from external partners. Let’s make together LMU an open and attractive place!

About the initiative "Belonging at LMU"

Welcome to the Diversity Initiative "Belonging@LMU"! We cordially invite our members and interested public to take part in our programs and events.

meeting with a team
Large auditorium filled with students during a lecture

Service and counselling services

At LMU, we offer extensive counselling and support services, especially for students and employees with disabilities or chronic illnesses, as well as a wide range of counselling services on issues relating to the organisation of studies or the compensation for disadvantages.

To create optimal conditions for cutting-edge research, scientists and academics have access to target group-oriented services and advice.

LMU Newsroom Spotlights

Interesting articles, exciting interviews and relevant reports from the LMU Newsroom:

Professor Markus Gloe and Ahmmad Haase
Image inclusion and participation

Inclusion and participation

Inclusion and equal participation are part of our values. We value that people living with disabilities, or coming from diverse social backgrounds, bring in different perspectives. At LMU, we see these perspectives as an integral, enriching part of our culture.

Inclusion and participation

Together for more!

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1:36 | 21 Feb 2024 | ©LMU


LMU Diversity Management

Equality and diversity work requires university-wide cooperation and is carried out by numerous central and decentralized institutions and service units at LMU. LMU Diversity Management supports and accompanies the implementation of the university's strategic equality measures.

Alejandra Riedmiller

LMU Diversity Management

Diversity Management Coordinator, Germany Scholarship Program Coordinator

Send an email

+49 89 2180-1263

Angelika Brunner

LMU Diversity Management

Diversity Management Coordinator, Diversity Events

Send an email

+49 89 2180-3089

Dr. Isabella Bertmann-Merz

LMU Diversity Management

Diversity Management Coordinator, LMU Mentoring

Send an email

+49 89 2180-72204

Nora Wildenauer

LMU Diversity Management

Diversity Management Coordinator, Diversity Consulting

Send an email

+49 89 2180-5068

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