Gender equality and sexual identity

LMU has been focused on gender equality as the key to ensuring equal opportunities and chances for all university members for years.

In addition to the constitutional mission to actively promote gender equality, the participation of LMU members in all areas of the university on the basis of equal opportunities helps to broaden perspectives and ideas and thus the potential for innovation.

Advice on equality and gender issues

LMU is committed to equal opportunities for all community members and takes care to ensure women in academia, education or degree programs are not disadvantaged. The Women's Representative advises and informs on aspects of gender equality and in so doing supports the equal promotion of young talents.

LMU Munich is committed to offering an inclusive working environment in which staff can participate and develop their potential. At LMU, we view it as a duty to actively promote gender equality and to work towards the removal of barriers along the way. The Equal Opportunities Representative provides information and advice on the subject of equity and the creation of equal opportunities for everyone.

LMU pushes to create a respectful environment defined by valuable interaction between its community members.

We strongly uphold these values. In the event of their being compromised through sexual harassment, the Office of the University Women's Representative is there to provide counselling and help.

Grants for gender equality in research

LMU Munich is constantly seeking to grow the number of professorships awarded to women. Funding and grants awarded by the Bavarian state — and made available via the Bavarian Gender Equality Grant — help us to encourage an equal number of women on their way to achieving professorships at LMU. We allocate these funds to the next generation of scientists in the form of scholarships.

At LMU, we constantly strive for excellence in research and teaching, and taking gender aspects into account is an important means to ensuring this high standard. In the pursuit of equality in research and teaching, LMU provides funding and support to ease the burden on the coming generation of scientists. Once grants have been awarded, they can be spent on a variety of different areas ranging from additional scientific qualifications to travel expenses or cost of materials/equipment.

At LMU, we recognize our responsibility to support and guide young scientific talent. Over the years — through the LMUMentoring program framework — we've advanced the careers of numerous highly qualified young women in academia on their way to professorships.

This has proved such a vital element of LMU's efforts to promote the next generation of scientists that it has now been opened up to include male scientists at both the mentor and mentee level. The fact that this group of mentoring experts includes both men and women in academia from other international institutions creates international bonds while boosting our competitive edge. LMUMentoring has evolved the promotion of young talent from focus on support for women to a more holistic approach, which values personnel diversity and counteracts discriminatory norms.

More information (links mostly in German):

LMU appreciates that balancing the pressures of family and career is as critical as it has ever been, especially for women in academia. That's why we've taken concrete action and have worked hard to establish a flexible and family-friendly work environment from which everyone at LMU may benefit. In so doing, we've removed many of the possible barriers that women face when considering an academic career. The promotion of family-friendly awareness also includes support for bridging the time spent by female scientists on maternity leave.

LMU has a clear goal, which is to increase the proportion of women holding professorships. The Adele Hartmann Program — which was developed as part of our "LMUexcellent" future concept — promotes the appointment of outstanding women in academia to professorships. This fund includes additional financing for equipment or other requirements, creating an even more attractive workplace environment.

LMU values the diversity of all its members who — in a variety of ways — channel their potential into their degree programs, teaching, research and administration.

We're dedicated to increasing the number of women in academia, which is why we award sponsorships to those outstanding in their fields — motivating them to pursue their careers in academia.

Teaching and learning about gender equality and diversity

We expect and promote respectful interaction between all LMU community members. Through a variety of initiatives to raise awareness — which include competence training — we are pro-active about developing appreciation for diversity. In a series of seminars focused on gender equality — entitled "Gender Diversity in der Lehre” (Gender Diversity in University Education) — lecturers can learn theory and develop practical and social skills which help to advance gender equality and diversity values in university education.

At LMU, we firmly believe in the importance of gender equality. And we live this belief every day, in the pursuit of equal opportunities for all LMU community members.

We take concrete action to ensure that the next generation of young women in science may unleash their potential. This includes enjoying equal access and opportunities as they make their way along their chosen career path.

We live a culture of respect and tolerance at LMU, and work to maintain an environment free from discrimination.

Student seminars and workshops are available, helping to build competence and raise awareness about gender equality and diversity issues.

LMU promotes diversity awareness among its community members. Our gender competence training increases understanding of differences between the two sexes and their effects on everyday life.

Queer Student Life

The Queer-Referat of the Student Representation (StuVe) at LMU Munich serves as a representative of the interests of all people who see themselves outside a cis/heteronormative conceptual framework. It represents the interests of queer students in university politics, raises awareness around gender and sexual diversity, carries out anti-discrimination efforts, offers advice and organizes events.

Respectful and considerate conduct at university is key for a productive and appreciative study experience. Misunderstandings often arise unintentionally but can be avoided with a little context and information.To provide some of that context, this document was compiled with a few pointers for avoiding discrimination against queer people in everyday university situations.

For this reason, LMU's Queer Department has published a document with recommendations for dealing with LGBTQIA*+ students at LMU.

To the recommendations


LMU news from the field of "gender" and "sexual identity".

"You can be what you can see... and more"

Female role models in leadership positions in science are essential; they inspire and provide tangible examples of success for aspiring female scientists, help break down stereotypes and encourage more women to pursue and persevere in academic careers in biology.

To address this gender gap, the Faculty of Biology is showcasing "Women in Biology" in a series of profiles, sharing their experiences and career paths under the inspiring motto: "You can be what you can see... and more."

Go to this link to see the profiles (in German).


Gender Pay Gap: "It’s about how work gets organized"

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On Women and Girls in Science Day, veterinarian Marie Meyerholz-Wohllebe explains why a career in research is worthwhile.


Gender Pay Gap: "It’s about how work gets organized"

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Dr. Moritz Drechsel-Grau is a scientist at LMU’s Faculty of Economics, where he conducts research into inequality. To coincide with International Women’s Day on 8 March, he explains how women in Germany earn less than men on average, and why this is so.


"An academic career is a good decision for anyone who is curious"

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"The interest in life itself and its diversity, the desire to better understand the function of these organisms, motivated me to study biology," says microbiologist Bärbel Stecher on Women and Girls in Science Day.


Women in research: Building supportive structures, tearing down barriers

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Networks such as Women in Data Science, Female Academic Medical Excellence and Women in Business provide female students and researchers with a forum for dialogue, but also with role models and development opportunities.

In addition to the constitutional mandate to actively promote equality between women and men, the equal participation of women and men in all areas of the University contributes to a broadening of perspectives and ideas and thus increased potential for innovation.

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