Stress Management Program for international PhD Students

Registration details

LMU Gateway invites you to register below for a new stress management program tailored specifically to the needs of international doctoral candidates. This program is designed to help you handle the challenges and pressures – often faced during a PhD journey – with confidence and resilience.

Why participate?
Doctoral studies can be incredibly rewarding, yet they come with significant stressors that can impact your well-being and productivity. This program aims to equip you with practical strategies and coping mechanisms to manage stress effectively, enhance your well-being, and support your success throughout your doctoral journey. You’ll learn to balance your academic, professional, and personal responsibilities more effectively while building a supportive community with fellow PhD students facing similar challenges.

The program, established by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), is open to all international doctoral candidates, regardless of TK membership. It is led by a certified trainer in English, held online, and entirely free of charge. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate.

To participate, kindly complete the following registration form by 16 September 2024.

Registration form

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