First-class research
LMU, one of Europe's best universities, seeks scholars and scientists of the first rank for research and teaching. Join us, and work in a multidisciplinary setting with state-of-the art infrastructure and an extensive international network.
Our worldwide network: Visiting Scholars Programs
Welcome to LMU! Services for visiting scholars
LMU wholeheartedly supports international dialog between scholars and scientists in all disciplines. Its participation in the European Exchange Program ERASMUS+, and strategic partnerships with renowned institutions, such as UC Berkeley and the universities of Cambridge and Beijing, enable you to teach and perform research at LMU as a visiting scholar. LMU Gateway's role is to help you settle in on your arrival and provide all the assistance you may need during your stay at LMU.
Become a visiting scholar at one of our partner institutions
LMU cooperates with over 500 universities around the world. Strategic collaborations with renowned institutions such as UC Berkeley and the universities of Cambridge and Beiing, Europe's Mobility Program ERASMUS+, and LMU's own network of international contacts greatly facilitate scientific interactions and the organization of research sabbaticals with our partner institutions.