LMU Newsroom

What is going on at LMU? Everything at a glance in the LMU Newsroom — news, events, interviews, backgrounds, stories.

News from LMU

Professor Claudia Olk is Chair of English Literature and Director of the Munich Shakespeare Library at LMU.
A smiling man with short gray hair wears a black suit and a red tie, standing in front of a large window.
Passers-by walk along a billboard

Research Summary: new publications

Research summary Icon medicine
Research summary Icon medicine

INSIGHTS - The research magazine

What we inherit – the legacy of family and society

Heritage - a term with many facets: In this issue of INSIGHTS, LMU researchers from various disciplines report on how the question of heritage affects their research on very different levels.

Einsichten cover picture ‘What we inherit’


A student smiles into the camera in front of a mountain range
Pupils examine samples in the chemistry lab

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