The Center for Advanced Studies at LMU (CAS) provides a forum for scientific exchange and discussion that bridges the divide between the established disciplines. Its activities are designed to promote all forms of collaborative research and to stimulate interdisciplinary communication within the University. In addition, it facilitates the integration of visiting scholars and scientists into the academic life of the University.
Ethnologist Martin Saxer in conversation with the photographer Manu Theobald
Martin Saxer’s work on “The Business of Wayfaring” provides fascinating glimpses into the lives of people who traverse the highlands of Asia, transporting goods, bearing loads, building roads, moving from one grazing ground to the next or simply pursuing their personal dreams. His photographs reveal a world which can by turns make a festive or forbidding impression, but is always full of movement. These images of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Nepal, Xinjiang, Tibet and Myanmar transport us to Asia’s mountainous heart, filled with histories, yet an integral part of the contemporary world. Saxer’s photographs, which document nine years of research, are on show for the first time in this exhibition at the CAS.
Martin Saxer has been a staff member of the Institute of Ethnology at LMU since 2015. With the aid of a grant from the European Research Council (ERC), he set up an independent research group devoted to the topic “Remoteness and Connectivity: Highland Asia in the World”. He is a member of the CAS and is directly involved in the CAS Priority Program on “Global Dis/Connections”. Manu Theobald studied photography at the State Academy for Photographic Design in Munich, and specializes in portraits and travel photography. Her book stille ist appeared in 2020.
The event will be conducted in German. For further information, see the CAS website.