01 Jun

Artificial Intelligence for cosmological insights

Opening hours / Beginning:

3:00 pm

1 June 2022


LMU's main building (room A 120) Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

Interdisciplinary lecture series

AI in Science and Society

1 June 2022 // Prof. Dr. Daniel Gruen:
Artificial Intelligence for cosmological insightsters

The lecture series "AI in Science and Society" will take place for the first time in the coming summer semester. The lecture is a component of the future minor "AI as a major minor" (AIM@LMU) and is open to all LMU students.

In October 2021, the program „AIM@LMU - Künstliche Intelligenz als Nebenfach an der LMU“ was approved as part of the federal and state funding initiative „Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung“. The aim of the program is to design a broad, interdisciplinary range of courses in the field of artificial intelligence for as many courses of study at the LMU as possible. Students from a wide range of disciplines should be given the opportunity to supplement their primary field of study with a customized AI training. The interdisciplinary lecture series "AI in Science and Society" aims to highlight the social relevance of AI and the importance of AI for different scientific fields.

Although the minor is still being prepared, this lecture is to be offered in the coming summer semester. Lecturers from the natural sciences and humanities will give an insight into the applications of artificial intelligence in their respective fields.

The lectures will be held in German and English. For further information please visit the institute's website.

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