The DFG-funded Priority Program "The Digital Image", brings together 12 different research projects that are underway at German universities. All of these projects focus on the significance of the central role of imagery in the ongoing process of the digitalization of knowledge and practice. Each of the individual projects subsumed into this general theme tackles quite specific questions. The program as a whole therefore reflects both the many facets of the topic and the transdisciplinary character of the field, while allowing for close cooperation and productive interactions between the research groups involved.
This interdisciplinary dialog is fostered and extended by regular meetings for conferences and workshops, in which all interested parties are cordially invited to participate.
The upcoming conference will address the social dimensions, political perspectives and economic forces that are bound up, in one way or another, with the overarching theme: "The Digital Image". The conference will begin with contributions from Professor Hubertus Kohle (Chair of Medieval and Modern Art History, LMU) and Professor Hubert Locher (Institute of Art History, Philipps Universität Marburg).
The detailed Conference Program is available on the project website DFG-Project, where those wishing to participate can also register. Please note: The event will be held in German.