Ernst Troeltsch (1865-1923) is one of those giants on whose shoulders so many scholars stand that they themselves fade from view.
In his masterfully written biography, respected theologian, historian and Troeltsch expert Friedrich Wilhelm Graf paints a clear and vivid picture of a theologian, sociologist, liberal politician and contemporary critic who wrestled – in defiance of resistance from both sides – with the question of how religion and modern society can find their place in an up-to-date relation to one another.
The question has lost none of its relevance and will be debated by Graf and a high-caliber panel on this, the 100th anniversary of Ernst Troeltsch’s death.
The panelists are:
- Professor Friedrich Wilhelm Graf, Professor Emeritus for Systematic Theology and Ethics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich and a full member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Graf served as Chairman of the Ernst Troeltsch Society and is executive publisher of the Kritische Gesamtausgabe der Werke Ernst Troeltschs (Critical Complete Edition of the Works of Ernst Troeltsch).
- Jürgen Kaube studied sociology, economics, philosophy and art history and is one of the publishers of the respected daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). He had previously led the newspaper’s arts section and been deputy chief of its culture feuilleton. Kaube has published several books, including a biography of Max Weber (2014).
- Dr. Heike Schmoll studied German philology and Protestant theology and has been political editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) since 1989. She is responsible for the newspaper’s coverage of education and science policy and has been a political correspondent in Berlin since 2008.
The event is free of charge. For more information (in German) and to register for this event, please visit the Stadtakademie website.
The debate is a cooperative venture involving LMU Munich’s Faculty of Protestant Theology, the Evangelical Urban Academy in Munich and the publishing house C.H. Beck.