How to tidy and anonymize raw smartphone geolocation data: Code and Practitioner’s Examples from the IAB-SMART Project
In addition to in-app survey data, the IAB-SMART project collected 1.3 million locations observations from GPS and mobile network data on participants recruited among Android users in the Panel Study Labor Market and Social Security (PASS). Financed by BERD@NFDI, these collected raw geolocations were aggregated and published as IAB-SMART-Activity at the Research Data Center of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), containing geolocation indicators that can be used by researchers and linked to PASS survey data and PASS-ADIAB administrative employment data.
The webinar will provide an overview of the preparation and anonymization tasks necessary to edit raw geolocations to meaningful indicators and to publish these indicators as a Scientific Use File (SUF). Using R code examples, Andreas Filser will guide step-by-step through the data editing process and provide tips & tricks for preparing smartphone location data. He will also highlight helpful packages, papers and tutorials.
Speaker: Andreas Filser
A registration is required. You can find more information on the website of the event.