Jan Wagner / Hanser Berlin | © Nadine Kunath
“Jan Röhnert paints pictures with words. His verses are visual art whose sensual momentum awakens the past, whose fleeting, exquisite details rekindle vivid recollections.” (Jan Wagner)
“Jan Wagner encapsulates what really matters about moments of poetry not only to perfection and in a manner never before heard: He effectively engages in dialogue with the masters of their discipline (correcting them en passant). His apparently playful style brings both together but crafts far more than a mere étude or game: Truly enlightening.” (Jan Volker Röhnert)
Tonight’s dual horizon brings together two poets who value each other deeply, but who have also just published new volumes of their work – volumes that betray an almost astonishing synchronicity of concerns: Steine & Erden (Stones & Earths) and Erdtagzeit (Earth Day Time) are both suffused with an understanding of the fragility, the finite horizons of the organic and the human. In crisp phenomenologies, both lyricists draw on their respective unmistakable perspectives in surveying moments of existential happiness and existential danger, actively involving the audience in experiences of presence that flare up again and again.
Jan Röhnert, born in Gera/Thuringia in 1976, is a literary scholar, essayist, and translator. He lectures at TU Braunschweig.
Jan Wagner, born in Hamburg in 1971, lives in Berlin and works as a freelance writer (lyricist, essayist and translator).
With the kind support of Bayern liest e.V.
Tickets: 9 euros / 6 euros (discount rate). Lyrik Kabinett members receive free admission. For more information, please visit the Lyrik Kabinett website. The event will be held in German.
LMU and the Lyrik Kabinett have worked together very intensively for over 30 years. The more than 70,000 works subsumed under the Lyrik Kabinett Foundation are available via OPAC to everyone related to LMU. Numerous events provide a fascinating insight into the current poetic landscape.