28 Mar

Lyrik Kabinett: Poetry in Motion

Opening hours / Beginning:

8:00 pm

28 March 2023


Lyrik Kabinett Amalienstraße 83a (Rückgebäude) 80799 München

© Jutta Benzenberg

Blue light leads the way to Munich’s most exotic poetry club night… Barbies and bright lights bid you welcome as the sharpest tongues in today’s international slam scene electrify the microphone and set the audience’s ears ablaze! DJ Simian Keiser is on hand to deliver the right sound. Ko Bylanzky is your host for the evening.

With Friedrich Herrmann (Jena),
David Friedrich (Hamburg) and
Meike Harms (Gilching)

Moderation: Ko Bylanzky

Manning the turntables: Simian Keiser

Tickets: 8 euros/6 euros (discounted rate). Tickets are free for Lyrik Kabinett members. For more information, please visit the Lyrik Kabinett website. The event will be held in German.

LMU and the Lyrik Kabinett have worked together very intensively for over 30 years. The more than 70,000 works subsumed under the Lyrik Kabinett Foundation are available via OPAC to everyone related to LMU. Numerous events provide a fascinating insight into the current poetic landscape.

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