The lecture series #zukunftderkunstgeschichte will explore new perspectives for a modernizized, contemporary approach to the Humanities, which draws upon ideas from social, political, technological and interdisciplinary contexts, without sidelining traditional methodologies.
The lectures will be given by specialists from LMU's School of Arts and external experts and scholars, and are open to all those interested.
Although more than 30 years have passed since the publication of Judith Butler's "Gender Trouble", the arguments surrounding the 'gender' category are as relevant as ever. The terms "gender" and "queerness" have become battle cries for political parties on the Right. Moreover, since the enforcement of the hierarchical binary concept of gender in the 19th century, the art-historical canon has been largely white, Western, patriarchal and heteronormative.
Queering, as a non-heteronormative reading of art-historical sources, opens up new perspectives for the study of ostensibly well-known artworks from all epochs. Insofar as queering entails reassessments and novel readings, it can raise new questions for art history as a discipline by querying its terminology and methods.
Prof. Dr. Burcu Dogramaci (Institute of Art History, LMU) is an art historian whose research focuses on 20th-century art and contemporary art.
Dr. des. Christa Syrer (Institute of Art History, LMU)
Dr. Elisabeth Otto is Extraordinary Professor of Art History and Image Studies at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences.
Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Priedl is a Senior Scientist in the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.