14 Mar

War in Europe – Putin’s attack on Ukraine

Opening hours / Beginning:

6:00 pm

14 March 2022


Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften Alfons-Goppel-Straße 11 80539 München

On 24 February 2022, Russian President Putin launched an attack on Ukraine. Since then, Europe has been at war again – a situation many had felt was inconceivable. Yet the assault mirrors a number of almost copybook parallels to previous crises. Vladimir Putin himself calls on history to justify his actions. On another plane, the present war is spreading into the digital realm: through Russian fake news, but also through hacker attacks on Russian websites by the “Anonymous” collective and through videos posted on social media by Ukrainian President Zelensky.

With virtually closed ranks, Europe and its allies stand together against the Russian invasion and the threat of nuclear war: supplying aid and weapons for Ukraine, engaging in diplomatic efforts and decreeing tough sanctions. The people of Ukraine are defending themselves with all their might. And all over the world – even in Russia – people are taking to the streets to protest against the war. But what should we think of Putin’s arguments for what he has done? What options are there for peace in Ukraine? What support does the country need? Could accession to the EU protect the country, or would that merely be a symbolic gesture? What does this violation of international law mean for the security of the European continent? Is a new Cold War looming? And what can be done to call the Russian President to account? In a live streamed encounter, experts at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW) will discuss these and other questions and analyze the situation from a historical, legal and political perspective.


  • Dr. Jeanne Rubner, BR


  • Professor Margareta Mommsen, Political Science / LMU Munich, em. / Hochschule für Politik München (Bavarian School of Public Policy)
  • Professor Andrii Portnov, Entangled History of Ukraine, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) / Honorary Fellow of Historisches Kolleg München (Munich College of History)
  • Professor Martin Schulze Wessel, History of Eastern and Southeast Europe, LMU Munich / BAdW

Since space at the Academy is limited, anyone wishing to attend in person is required to register by email. We will then send you confirmation of your booking, which you are kindly asked to present at the door.

The German government’s “2G” rule applies, meaning that this event is open only to individuals who can furnish evidence that they are fully vaccinated or have recovered from the coronavirus. For details of changes at short notice relating to the pandemic, please visit www.badw.de.

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