Behind the scenes
12 Feb 2019
Have you ever been in a biophysics lab, or on the flanks of an active volcano, or made friends with a reindeer? No? Never mind! You can discover how LMUler see their world on @lmu.takeover.
12 Feb 2019
Have you ever been in a biophysics lab, or on the flanks of an active volcano, or made friends with a reindeer? No? Never mind! You can discover how LMUler see their world on @lmu.takeover.
Brief bouts of boredom are soon dispelled when, week after week, LMU students share glimpses of their busy lives with the rest of us. This week, five double-degree students – Frederik, Julia, Julius, Pia and Tatjana – show us on @lmu.takeover what it’s like to live and study in Stockholm. We also have the portraits that have appeared since the last takeover, just in case you missed them. And there are more scenes and stories on Instagram.
Our latest acquisition: a holmium:YAG laser for minimally invasive disruption of kidney stones, seen in operation here during an in-vitro study! #lmumuenchen #ichbineinlmuler #lmumunich #meinelmu #vetslife #internalmedicine #laserlithotripsy #dasimperiumschlägtzurück
Dogs queue up to donate blood, cats come in regularly for a check-up, and with Sandra Felten they’re all in good hands. Sandra is a veterinarian in the Pets’ Hospital at LMU, where she is doing a residency. Her Takeover not only illustrates the multifaceted nature of her work, it also demonstrates that veterinary surgeons very often have to call on their skills as medical detectives to establish the correct diagnosis. “When it comes to studying abroad, most students probably think first of southern climes. But I can wholeheartedly recommend Finland! Winter wonderlands, reindeer and visits to Finnish dachas – a perfect place to spend Christmas!” Lena (23) began to study psychology at LMU in 2014, and is in Jyväskylä for a semester. #lmumuenchen #meinelmu #lmumunich #universityofmunich #ichbineinlmuler
‘Winter wonderland’ hits the nail fairly and squarely on the head. As Lena shows in her Takeover, there are fascinating alternatives to sandy beaches and palms to consider as backdrops when planning a semester abroad. And in addition to featuring scenes in and around her host university, she takes us on a weekend outing to St. Petersburg. The DEOXY crew have taken over for the week! Celebrating biotech here at the LMU Physics Dept #lmumunich #science #nerds #startup #biotech #research #lab #DNA #deoxy
What do you get when you mix biophysics with the team spirit of a start-up? – Cutting-edge research, hard work that’s lots of fun! Deoxy’s goal is nothing less than to revolutionize the treatment of cancer. The research group led by Johannes Wöhrstein gives us a keyhole view of its work in the biophysics laboratory. In addition to experiments on cells, there is the odd NERF gun battle. And the Deoxy team also introduces us to their special (and very hirsute) assistant. This week (January 21, 2019), we in the Volcanology Group would like to give you a look at our works. We are interested in magmatic and volcanic processes, which we study both in the field and in laboratory experiments. This is a view of the Pico volcano in the auf den Azores, the third highest volcano in the Atlantic. #lmumünchen #lmumunich @LMU_Volc
The Department of Volcanology in the Faculty of Geosciences is located on Munich’s Theresienstrasse, but research in the field is of course an integral part of the work of every volcanologist. That’s why Ulrich Küppers can share stills and videos from around the world with us. In 2019, field trips to Japan, New Zealand, the Azores and the Caribbean are planned. But because he and his colleagues can’t always fly to the lava, they often bring samples home with them: For the Laboratory of Volcanology is equipped with furnaces and other specialized instrumentation, which enable researchers to melt rocks and study volcanic processes under controlled conditions.
If you’re interested in making use of LMU’s Takeover Channel for a week, just send a mail, giving a short description of what you would like to show, to