
New plaque commemorating the leaflet campaign of the Scholl siblings

24 Feb 2025

LMU President Professor Bernd Huber and Hildegard Kronawitter, Chairwoman of the White Rose Foundation, unveil a new plaque commemorating the Scholl siblings' leaflet campaign.

A new memorial plaque commemorates the White Rose resistance group's leaflet campaign. LMU President Professor Bernd Huber unveiled the plaque together with Hildegard Kronawitter, Chairwoman of the White Rose Foundation, before this year's White Rose memorial concert in the atrium of LMU.

The plaque is emblazoned in a special place: a search for clues led by Professor Hans Günter Hockerts has reconstructed the course of the leaflet campaign and has now pinpointed the exact spot where the members of the White Rose threw their pamphlets into the atrium.

The new memorial plaque on the second floor of the atrium in LMU's main building.


On February 18, 1943, siblings Sophie and Hans Scholl distributed leaflets in the main building of LMU calling for resistance against the Nazi regime. They threw a whole pile over the parapet from the second floor into the atrium. They were caught by an usher in the lecture hall, who handed them over to the Gestapo. A short time later, Hans and Sophie Scholl were executed, as were Christoph Probst, Alexander Schmorell, Willi Graf and Kurt Huber, other members of the White Rose.

Numerous memorials at LMU commemorate the legacy of the Scholl siblings and the White Rose. Copies of the leaflets are embedded in the ground in front of the main entrance to the university on Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, while a bust of Sophie Scholl hangs in the atrium near the entrance to the White Rose memorial. LMU also commemorates the victims of the members of the resistance group every year with the White Rose Memorial Concert and the White Rose Lecture.

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