
New research project on gifted children

30 Jan 2025

What role does the Home Learning Environment play for gifted preschoolers? LMU psychologist Öykü Camligüney intends to find out.

Öykü Camligüney studied educational sciences and psychology (learning sciences) at LMU. | © Inge Kraus, Deutschen Jugendinstitut (DJI)

A new project has been launched at LMU’s Chair of Education and Educational Psychology to study family support for gifted children. In the research group of Professor Frank Niklas, early-career researcher Öykü Camligüney is investigating what role the Home Learning Environment plays in the development of gifted children at preschool age. To this end, she will study the learning environment in the families of preschoolers – such as the use of digital and analog media – and its influence on the development of various skills. The project will cover both cognitive abilities and precursor skills as well as the emotional development of the children.

“With this project, I’m seeking to enable young gifted children to realize their potential through early support within the family,” says Camligüney. The project is being funded by the Karg-Foundation's William Stern Program, which specifically supports early-career academics engaged in applied research into gifted children.

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