University-related startups

We offer support to qualified researchers, but also to students, doctoral candidates and recent graduates of LMU who wish to set up businesses based on their specialist knowledge.

Spin-off services

LMU spin-offs - a selection (in German)

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  • Advice
    We offer personal consultations (by appointment) on LMU's campuses on Geschwister-Scholl-Platz and in Grosshadern-Martinsried, as well as offering advice on the phone or online. Please send us the completed short questionnaire (DOCX, 15 KB) in preparation for an advisory meeting.

  • Guidance during the initial phase
    If necessary, we will guide you through the whole process from the initial idea to its realization by providing regular coaching sessions. These generally focus on the formulation of a business plan, the acquisition of funding and the development of entrepreneurial skills.

  • Advice on funding sources & project assistance
    A wide range of public funding programs set up by Federal and State Governments are specifically designed to encourage the formation of university-based spin-off firms. LMU's Spin-off Service is ready to help you find the appropriate program for your needs and will assist you in applying for funding. Successful applicants can also count on us for guidance in realizing the project.

  • Developing a business plan
    The first step toward the estabishment of a business is the formulation of the essential idea and a detailed financial plan for putting the idea into practice. Once you have a business plan, you can not only assess the feasibility of the idea and its economic potential, you can also use it to convince investors and grant agencies. We can advise you on the essential features of your business plan, and provide feedback on the formulation of a compelling concept.

LMU researchers will find detailed, password-protected descriptions of our services with contact details and all relevant forms on the Service Portal (in German).


Dr. Michael Blind

Research and Technology Transfer

Start-up consulting

Send an email

+49 89 2180-72238

Philipp Landerer

Research and Technology Transfer

Start-up consulting

Send an email

+49 89 2180-72232

Andrea Socher

Research and Technology Transfer

Start-up consulting

Send an email

+49 89 2180-72231

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