Please note that the preparation of some documents requires time (e.g. certifications, imputation notices, proof of health insurance).
General information on the registration process
Registration (also referred to as enrollment or matriculation) is required before starting a degree program. As part of their registration students become members of the University as well as members of a specific faculty and elected student body. Certain rights and duties are tied to this membership. It ends at the time of exmatriculation. The student ID card in the form of the LMUcard and the registration certificate serve as proof of this membership.
Offices and dates for registration
International applicants
International applicants (including applicants for the Studienkolleg who are NOT German nationals) who received their notification of admission from the International Office must register by postmail. Please send the required documents to the International Office during the registration period specified in their notification: Further steps concerning the registration at the International Office.
All other applicants
All other applicants must mail their application for registration and all documents printed on paper to the Office of the University Registrar. For the current dates, see Registration dates and deadlines. Your printed application for registration and all the required documents must be received by our office within the specified registration period. Please allow time for the delivery of your documents.
Those students who are already registered at LMU Munich and would like to change their degree program do not need to submit a new application for registration; all they need to do is request a change of subject. The only exception are students who – based on a cooperation agreement between LMU Munich and another or several universities – are currently registered in a joint degree program. They must submit a new application for registration in writing.
Important notes
Registration will be denied if there is a legal obstacle; it may also be denied if there are so-called reasons for the denial of registration.
Technical, legal and data protection references (PDF, 130 KB)
Steps to register and required documents
Please refer to the information provided here if you were registered at LMU Munich during the previous semester. You do not need to submit another application for registration.
1. Complete the online form
Prior to registering by mail you must complete the online application for registration. In particular, you are obligated to submit a valid email address where you can be reached until you receive our confirmation that your registration was finalized.
The link for the online application for registration will be available in early February for registration for the subsequent summer semester and in early August for the subsequent winter semester.
2. Print and sign the application for registration
After you complete the online form, your application for registration with your application number will be generated automatically.
Please print and sign your application for registration!
We recommend that you store your application. Please write down your application number for potential use in the future.
1. You need the following documents for your registration:
- printed and signed application for registration (original)
- in case of registration by an authorized representative, additionally the Authorization (PDF, 249 KB) (original)
- if you are still a minor, also the following form Einwilligung des oder der Erziehungsberechtigen (PDF, 52 KB) (original)
- the applicant’s valid personal ID card or passport (simple copy)
- proof by a German statutory health insurance company
Further information - German higher education entrance qualification or proof of another type of university entrance qualification (certified copy)
- Qualified vocational applicants who did not earn a university entrance qualification in school: the Certificate issued by the University (certified copy)
If you earned your university entrance qualification abroad (with the exception of a German School abroad or a European School), we will need in addition to the
- university entrance qualification earned abroad (certified copy):
- an officially certified translation of the university entrance qualification (certified copy)
(Degree certificates which were issued in English, French, Italian, Catalan, Latin, Portuguese, Romanian or Spanish do not need to be translated!) - if available, the recognition of foreign certificates issued by the Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle (certified copy) as well as
- proof of German language skills (certified copy) by foreign or stateless applicants. For a listing of the type of proof which will be accepted, please go to proof of German language skills
Applicants do not need to submit this type of proof of language skills, if they are foreign nationals who earned a German higher education entrance qualification or they earned their university entrance qualification at a German School abroad or a European School.
the confirmation(s) of programs studied issued by each university you attended in Germany (simple copy). Each confirmation of programs studied must include:
- Period of study
- Degree program / subject major and minor
- Subject-specific semesters
- University semesters
if applicable, first university degree awarded for completed degree programs (certified copy)
3. For the following degree programs you must also submit:
a) Degree programs with nationwide or local admissions restrictions
Notification of admission (simple copy)
issued by (Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung) or LMU Munich
b) Degree programs with an aptitude assessment, pre-registration or self-assessment
Notification issued by the relevant institute confirming the passed aptitude assessment or proof issued by the relevant institute confirming the pre-registration or self-assessment (simple copy)
c) Postgraduate degree programs (e.g. master’s degree programs or doctoral degree programs),
Notification issued that the aptitude assessment was passed or proof that the qualification requirements were met (simple copy)
(issued by the selection committee of the master’s degree program or the relevant doctoral committee or examination office)
Degree certificate awarded for the first degree program (certified copy) If you intend to register for a master’s degree program but you have yet to receive your degree certificate for your first degree program, then instead of submitting your degree certificate for your first degree program you must submit:
- Notification issued by the respective examination office of the university where you are completing your first degree program stating that the first degree program will be completed by the end of the previous semester (if ALL examination requirements were met during the previous semester, but you have yet to receive your degree certificate) (simple copy)
- Statement issued by the examination committee of the university where you are completing your first degree program confirming that the necessary requirements will be completed within a year (if NOT ALL the examination requirements for the first degree program have yet been met). (simple copy)
d) Registering for the Practical Year (PJ) in the degree program human medicine
- Notification of admission by the dean’s office of the Faculty of Medicine (simple copy)
- Degree certificate of the 1st State Examination (certified copy)
- Degree certificate of the 2nd State Examination (certified copy)
e) Registering for an advanced subject-specific semester
- Notification of transfer of credit by the relevant office (simple copy)
Now please mail the prepared documents (the signed application for registration and all the necessary documents) to our office.
Please also pay close attention to the specified deadline by which your application for registration with the necessary documents must be received by our office. Therefore, please also take into consideration the local delivery time by the postal service!
You will find our mailing address on your printed application for registration in the designated area for the address. Please only use this address exactly as shown – you will simplify the processing of your application for us!
Via the online-information function concerning your application for registration you can verify whether we received your application. Please note, however, that the information concerning the receipt of your application will only become available here after it was received by mail by LMU Munich and it was officially recorded by our office which may take up to several working days!
In order to access the online-information function you will need the application number which is located on your application for registration.
Please note: Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Our team members at the Study-Information-Service are available to answer your questions at +49 89 2180-9000.
First email
As soon as we have verified your documents and they are complete you will receive our first email with
Please note that at this point your registration is still incomplete. Therefore you won’t receive your registration certificates. They will become available for you to download via the online self-service functions after your semester fee payment is received.
Second email
As soon as the payment of your semester fees is received by LMU’s account (this usually takes at least three working days from the time the payment was initiated), you will receive a second email from us at the end of the registration process
- informing you that your registration at LMU Munich was finalized
- informing you that your registration certificates are available for downloading via the online self-service functions.
9 min. | 12 May 2022 | ©Zentrale Studienberatung
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