Applications for admission

Find out how you go about applying to study at LMU Munich as an international degree student.

Where do I apply?

Application regulations for international degree students

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If you fulfill all the prerequisites for studying at LMU Munich, you can start the application process.

International applicants (without German nationality) who wish to study at LMU will generally need to submit their application to the International Office. However, in certain cases they will need to apply to the Office of the University Registrar (Studentenkanzlei) or the Foundation for University Admission (Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung).

So, please first find out where you need to apply!

If you want to study a subject for which you have to go through an aptitude assessment, you will be required to apply additionally in time via the respective institute. You can find out the registration dates at the respective institute. Please check the list of subjects to see if you want to choose such a subject.

Applications to the International Office

If the International Office is responsible for processing your application, you have to apply to them for admission to the University. To do so, complete the form and submit it before the stipulated deadline together with all the documents required. Please submit your application by post. (We regret that applications cannot currently be submitted by email.)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: International Admissions opening hours

Postal address
International Office — Zulassung
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
Please note
Please specify when sending documents: "Documents only", Amount 0 €. Customs duties payable by the sender. If customs duties are incurred, we cannot accept the documents.
Application form
Application for admission for international applicants (PDF, 622 KB)

For the Master's programs
Allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Art History, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Buchwissenschaft, Data Science, Chemistry, Epidemiology, Germanistische Linguistik, Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft, History, Informatics, Mathematics, Media informatics, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Quantitative Economics, Religions- und Kulturwissenschaft, Slavistik, Sociology and Statistics & Data Science
please use the online portal MoveIN. The portal is open from 15 November until 15 January 2025. More information: Infosheet (PDF, 324 KB)
Tips and notes on completing the application
Checklist (PDF, 438 KB)
Application information sheet for non-EU/EEA citizens (PDF, 132 KB)
Application information sheet for EU/EEA citizens (PDF, 118 KB)
Information on certified copies and translations (PDF, 113 KB)
Important dates and addresses (PDF, 76 KB)
Deadlines for submission
15 January for the summer semester
15 July for the winter semester
Frequently asked questions
FAQs - General questions on studying at LMU
FAQs - Application status and registration
Guidelines for applications
Master’s degree programs
Doctoral studies
Preparatory courses at the Studienkolleg
Double degrees
Medicine and Pharmacy

Application documents

For the Master's programs Allgemeine und vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Art History, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Buchwissenschaft, Chemistry, Germanistische Linguistik, Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft, History, Informatics, Mathematics, Media informatics, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Slavistik, Statistics & Data Science
please use the online portal. You can find more information in the infosheet (PDF, 324 KB).

For all other study programs:

Application form Application for admission for international applicants (PDF, 622 KB)

Please attach the following documents:

  • University admission qualification (generally Abitur certificate or equivalent school leaving certificate; where applicable: school leaving certificate in combination with a university entrance examination certificate or a certificate from a one-year higher education course or university certificate). You can refer to the website Anabin or the DAAD database to find out whether your school leaving certificate qualifies you to embark on a degree program at a German university.
    • in the original language — as an officially certified copy
    • with an officially certified translation. Certificates in English, French, Italian, Catalan, Latin, Portuguese, Rumanian and Spanish do not have to be translated.
    • A recognition letter from the Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle für den Freistaat Bayern (ZAST) is required for holders of the International Baccalaureate IB (guide (PDF, 223 KB)) who have not yet received their final certificate,
    • Applicants from the USA (unless they already hold a bachelor's degree) and applicants from Afghanistan should send an e-mail to in good time before the application deadline, enclosing their certificates, CV and the desired LMU degree program, in order to prepare for the issuing of a recognition letter the Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle für den Freistaat Bayern. The International Admissions office also reserves the right to require a recognition letter from Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle in other individual cases.
    • Applicants from the PR China, India and Vietnam should submit the certificate from the Akademische Prüfstelle bei der Deutschen Botschaft (APS).
      APS India: For admission to a degree program without admission restrictions, you must present the APS certificate on registration at the latest. This exception does not apply to all degree programs with admission restrictions. APS certificates must be presented when applying for degree programs with admission restrictions.
  • Evidence of proficiency in German, uncertified copy (exception: master’s degree programs, doctoral studies and double degree programs where the course language is English)
  • Updated resume (please see sample (PDF, 101 KB))

Expert reports, letters of recommendation or internship certificates are not required when applying to the International Office.

If you want to study a subject for which you have to go through an aptitude assessment, you will be required to apply additionally in time via the respective institute. You can find out the registration dates at the respective institute. Please check the list of subjects to see if you want to choose such a subject.

  • All university certificates and diplomas and all transcripts of records
    • in the original language - as an officially certified copy. Applicants from the USA require transcripts in a sealed university envelope.
    • with an officially certified translation. Certificates in English, French, Italian, Catalan, Latin, Portuguese, Rumanian and Spanish do not have to be translated.
  • Where applicable, registration and confirmation of programs previously studied at any other German university
  • If you are applying for a master’s degree program: Letter of acceptance for the master’s degree program from the coordinator of the degree program (can be handed in later during registration)
  • If you are applying for doctoral studies: Letter of acceptance for doctoral studies from the respective doctoral committee and supervisory agreement signed by the prospective supervisor.

  • Evidence of all courses completed to date (applications without such evidence will not be processed!)
  • Where applicable, notice of transfer of credit from the respective examination board for an advanced semester

  • Marriage certificate or
  • official notice of change of name

Some documents must be attached as officially certified copies (not original certificates). In some cases, you will also need to submit an officially certified translation.

Ready to apply at LMU Munich? With the application checklist (PDF, 438 KB) you can make sure you have all the required documents.

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3 min | 15 Mar 2021 | ©LMU, International Office

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