Doctoral Degree Ph.D.

Modularized doctoral program in the Learning Sciences (Psychology/Pedagogy).

Information and Procedure

Please follow this Link.

Basic Information:

You must have successfully completed modules P 1 to P 6 in order to be admitted to the doctoral examination (P 7.1 Dissertation and P 7.2 Dispuation).



Please note the possible registration periods and deadlines (see below).

Submit the application form, the other documents and the dissertation copies

  • in person during opening hours or
  • by mail to the Examination Office for Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Doctoral Studies, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 Munich.

1. Registration

See admission to the doctoral examination.

2. Reviews

The reviewers have two months after submission to prepare the reviews with suggested grades and submit them to the Examinations Office.

3. Circulation and statements

After the reviews have been submitted to the Examinations Office, the dissertation and the reviews are circulated among the members of the doctoral committee and the examiners (disputation). Within four weeks, the authorised persons have time to submit their own comments with grade proposals to the Examinations Office.

Thereafter, the acceptance of the dissertation is decided and the overall grade of the dissertation is determined.

4. Disputation

After the dissertation has been accepted, you will be admitted to the defence and invited in writing. You will arrange the date and location with your examiners and inform the relevant department.

The date will be publicised at the university. The university public (members of the LMU) may attend the defence.

5. Publication

After passing the defence, the doctoral examination is passed and the dissertation must be published in order to obtain the doctoral degree.

Information on publication can be found below.

6. Doctorate

After successful publication, your doctoral degree diploma will be issued. This usually takes two to four weeks. You will be contacted by e-mail as soon as your certificate is ready for collection.

Once you have received your doctoral degree diploma, you may use the academic degree ‘Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)’.

Basic informartion:

  • Publication Deadline: one year after the disputation
  • Title page: Example
  • Copies: 6 (bounded) & electronic version (CD, USB-Stick)
  • Permission to print (PDF, 31 KB) (First Supervisor)

Submitting :

Copies, electronic version and permission to print are to be submitted to the examination office

  • in person during opening hours or
  • by mail to Prüfungsamt für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Abteilung Promotion, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 München, Deutschland

The copies will then be forwarded to the University Library.

Doctoral Diploma/Certificate:

After the University Library confirms the publication, the Doctoral Diploma/Certificate will be issued.
The issuance of the Doctoral Diploma/Certificate takes about 2-4 weeks. You will be informed by e-mail when the documents are ready.

Prof. Dr. Moritz Heene (Chairman of the Doctoral Committee Ph.D. Learning Sciences)

Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer (Direktor of MCLS)

Prof. Dr. Martin Fischer (Direktor of Institute for Didactics and Education Research in Medicine)

Prof. Dr. Anne Frenzel (Chairwoman of the Examination Committee M.Sc. Learning Sciences)

Prof. Dr. Simone Schütz-Bosbach (Guest Executive Board)

Dr. Nicole Heitzmann (Representative of the Scientific Staff)


Please note that these dates apply to students who are already enrolled in the Ph.D. program.

If you would like to apply for the program, you can find more information at the Munich Center of the Learning Sciences.

If you are unable to meet the registration and submission deadlines, you will not be admitted until the next regular deadline.
An extension of the submission deadline is not possible (decision of the doctoral committee).

The Doctoral Committee has set fixed calendar weeks for the winter and summer semesters:

The dissertation and documents can be submitted in person at the Examination Office until the last day of the calendar week.

Submission by post (the date of posting is the date of submission) is possible.

Deadlines (Doctoral Examination)

Winter semesterCalendar week (CW)published
Application and submission of dissertation (submission)CW 4521.08.2024
Period for disputationCW 9 (till end of the semester)21.08.2024
Sommer semesterCalendar week (CW)published
Application and submission of dissertation (submission)CW 1521.08.2024
Period for disputationCW 1 (till end of the semester)21.08.2024


Dipl. sc. pol. Univ. Phil Lucien Hänßler, M.A.

Examination Office for Humanities and Social Sciences


Examination Administration

Send an email

+49 (0)89 / 2180 - 3828

Opening hours

Tuesday: 10:00-12:00 || Wednesday: 10:00-12:00 || Thursday: 13:30-15:30 || Monday and Friday closed

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