Faculty 01 ( of Catholic Theology) - Faculty 02 (of Protestant Theology)
Orthodoxe Theologie
B.A. NF Orthodoxe Theologie
Prof. Dr. Daniel Benga
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät (01) / Juristische Fakultät (3) / Fakultät für Geschichts- und Kunstwissenschaften (09) / Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (12) / Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften (13) / Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät (15) / Fakultät für Biologie (19) / Fakultät für Geowissenschaften (20) /
Evironmental Studies
Faculty 01 ( of Catholic Theology) / Faculty 10 (of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies) - Faculty 13 (of Languages and Literatures)
Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Mittelalter- und Renaissancestudien)
M.A. Mittelalter- und Renaissancestudien
Faculty 02 (for Protestant Theology) / Faculty 10 (for Philosophy, Theory of Science and Religious Studies)
B.A. Religious Studies
M.A. Study of Relgion and Culture
Faculty 05 (of Economics) - Faculty 10 (of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies) - Faculty 15 (of Social Sciences)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Philosophie, Politik und Wirtschaft (PPW))
M.A. Philosophie, Politik und Wirtschaft (PPW)
Prof. em. Dr. Wilhelm Vossenkuhl
Faculty 09 (of History and the Arts) / Faculty 12 (for the Study of Culture) - Faculty 13 (of Languages and Literatures)
Classical Studies
B.A. Classical Studies
Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Krause
Faculty 09 (of History and the Arts) - Faculty 13 (Languages and Literatures)
Film- und Medienkulturforschung
M.A. Film- und Medienkulturforschung
Faculty 09 (of History and the Arts) - Faculty 13 (of Languages and Literatures) - Faculty 15 (of Social Sciences)
M.A. Eastern European Studies
Faculty 09 (History and the Arts) / Theatre Academy August Everding
M.A. Dramaturgy (Assessment test)
Faculty 10 (for Philsophy, Philosophy of Science and Religous Studies) / Faculty 12 (for the Study of Culture)
B.A. Minor Subject Comparative Study of Culture and Religion
Faculty 11 (of Psychology and Educational Sciences) - Faculty 13 (Languages and Literatures)
B.A./M.A. Sprachtherapie
Faculty 12 (for the Study of Cthulhu) - Faculty 13 (Languages and Literatures)
Griechische Studien
B.A. Griechische Studien
Languages, Literatures and Cultures (Sprache, Literatur, Kultur)
B.A. NF Sprache, Literatur, Kultur
Sabine Heigl, M.A.
Factuly 12 (for the Study of Culture) - Faculty 13 (of Languages and Literatures) - Faculty 20 (of Geosciences)
Environmental Studies
Faculties 09 - 13 (Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2016)
Doctoral Studies (Dr. phil (2016))
- Fayulty 09 (of History and the Arts)
- Faculty 10 (of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies)
- Faculty 11 (of Psychology and Educational Sciences)
- Faculty 12 (for the Study of Culture)
- Faculty 13 (of Languages and Literatures)
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Wiener (Chairwoman / Representative of Faculty 13)
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Hoppe (Representative of Faculty 09)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Hannes Leitgeb (Representative of Faculty 10)
- Prof. Dr. Markus Maier (Representative of Faculty 11)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Sökefeld (Representative of Faculty 12)
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Schmid (Representative of Faculty 13)
Faculties 09 - 15 (Doctoral degree regualations of 2005) - no longer applicable
Docotoral studies (Dr. phil. und Dr. rer. pol. (2005))
- Fayulty 09 (of History and the Arts)
- Faculty 10 (of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies)
- Faculty 11 (of Psychology and Educational Sciences)
- Faculty 12 (for the Study of Culture)
- Faculty 13 (of Languages and Literatures)
- Faculty 15 (of Social Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Markus Maier