At this overview page you can find information on subordinate topics concerning your studies at LMU.

  • The Examinations Office can only answer questions on examination law matters.
  • If you have any questions about your student status (enrollment, re-registration, periods of study, etc.), please contact the Student Administration Office.
  • If you have any academic questions, please contact the relevant student advisory service at your faculty/institute.


An apostille is a certified document that serves to confirm the authenticity of documents that are to be used abroad. It is particularly necessary for academic qualifications if you want to use your academic documents in another country. The apostille facilitates the recognition of these documents in foreign countries, as it confirms that the original document is authentic and has been certified by a legally recognised authority.

In the City of Munich, the Government of Upper Bavaria is responsible for issuing apostilles.

Degree documents include

Bachelor, Master, Magistra/er or Ph.D.

  • Certificate (German/English)
  • Certificate (German/English)
  • Transcripts of Records (German/English)
  • Diploma Supplement (English)
  • Grade Classification Table (German)

You do not have to apply for the issue of your degree documents for the subjects administered by PAGS. As a rule, the documents are issued four to eight weeks after receipt of the automatic graduation notification. If you have not been notified of completion by then, please contact your administrator at the examination office.

For degree documents for subjects not administered by PAGS, please contact the relevant examination office.

Doctorate (Dr. phil., Dr. rer. soc., Dr. rer. pol.)

before publication:

  • Notification of the overall result of the doctoral examination (“Promotionszeugnis”, German)
  • Confirmation of grades for individual achievements (dissertation and defense, German and English)
  • Notes on the publication of the dissertation
  • Form: Permission to print (for the supervisor)

after publication:

  • Documentary certificate (German)

Requirements for medical certificates in the case of illness on the examination date

In the case of illness, a medical certificate must be enclosed with the application to withdraw from an examination. The medical certificate must always be obtained on the day of the examination date so that the medical doctor can identify the symptoms and their effects on the student's performance. It must include the start and duration of the illness. If no consultation hours are available at your usual practice, it is necessary to call an alternative medical service (including at weekends). The application and the medical certificate must be submitted to the Examinations Office immediately, i.e. without delay, at the earliest possible time (not to the examiner or to the subject in general).

Our aim is to process your application promptly. We are therefore dependent on your assistance. Please note the following information:

  • A certificate of unfitness for work is not a medical certificate and will therefore not be accepted.
  • Please be to use our form ‘Application for withdrawal from an examination’ (medical certificate form (PDF, 375 KB)). Applications that differ from this cannot be processed promptly. Applications that are not submitted with a medical certificate as described above will not be processed. No decision can be made to allow withdrawal, with the consequence that the examination must be graded as failed.
  • Please upload the certificate in the contact form above and submit it. The Examination Office reserves the right to request the original:

Prüfungsamt für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (PAGS)
Geschwister -Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München

  • Multiple written or telephone requests that result because a proper certificate is not submitted on time lead to delays in processing your request and can be avoided with the instructions above.

Legal background:

All Bachelor's and Master's examination regulations as well as the examination regulations for the modularised teaching degree, the Magister examination regulations and all diploma examination regulations require that applications for an extension of deadlines or for withdrawal from examinations are sufficiently reasoned and supported by the corresponding confirmations and/or certificates, so that the responsible examination committee (in whose name the examination office) can make a well-founded decision on the existence and the expected period of incapacity to take examinations or study.

A medical certificate/report that is limited to certifying that the candidate is unable to take an examination is not sufficient for the acceptance of inability to take an examination or inability to study. Inability to take examinations and inability to study are legal terms. Whether their requirements are met is a legal question that the examination committee must answer on its own responsibility on the basis of the results, which a medical expert must make available to the committee.

The inability to take examinations / study is not determined by the medical doctor, but by the Examination Committee (on whose behalf the Examination Office acts).

In agreement with the Bavarian State Commissioner for Data Protection, examination committees may impose the following requirements on medical certificates:

  • The medical certificate must describe the current illness-related physical, mental and/or emotional dysfunctions that are also relevant to the examination from a medical point of view in such a concrete and comprehensible way that the examination committee can conclude whether the student was actually unable to take the examination on the day of the examination or during the processing time of the Master's, Diploma, Bachelor's or Magister theses and all other written homework.

The examination committee and, on its behalf, the examination office decides whether the student was actually unable to take the examination and/or study for a relevant period of time. This means that in the case of ambulatory or other general medical care, the medical certificate must clearly state the reasons that prevented participation in the examination or timely registration for the examination:

  • The certificate does not have to contain a medical diagnosis.
    However, it must indicate the symptoms and their effect on the candidate's state of health so that the examination committee itself can make a well-founded decision on whether the candidate is unable to take the examination or unable to study.

For this reason, the Examination Office, on behalf of the examination committees, is requesting students to submit a detailed medical certificate stating the start and duration of the illness as well as a detailed description of the symptoms of the illness and its effects on the ability to take examinations or the inability to study.

Applications to extend an examination deadline or to withdraw from an examination must be submitted to the Examinations Office immediately and without delay.

In special cases, the Examination Office may require the submission of a Official medical assessment.

Information on the official medical service in Munich

Study and exam results are usually recognised, if they are equivalent. Study and exam results are equivalent, if they are essentially equivalent in content, scope and requirements to those of the degree program at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

What should be considered in advance

  • We ask students to think about which courses with corresponding module or partial module examinations they would like to have recognized based on previous study and examination achievements or study and examination achievements abroad (i.e. ERASMUS, LMUexchange) before submitting their application. Information on the course and content of the degree program can be found in the respective examination and study regulations.

Where can I apply for recognition?

  • To submit an application, students should contact the degree program coordinator or the academic advisor of the respective subject after they have entered their stays abroad in the LSF. Together with the examination board, they may decide on the recognition of study and examination achievements.
  • The fully completed (the first half of the first page of the credit transfer form is filled in by the student) and signed application must be submitted to the responsible administrator in the PAGS (Examination Office for Humanities and Social Sciences) for further processing or administration; the lower part of the first page is filled in by the responsible administrator.

What do I need to bring?

  • The following form is required for the recognition of coursework and examinations: Antrag auf Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen (PDF, 320 KB) (only in German).
  • To submit an application, it is necessary to submit the relevant proofs of academic achievements (e.g. certificates, transcripts), copies of which should be enclosed with the application.

When should I apply for recognition?

  • Recognition of coursework or examinations completed before enrollment in this degree program at LMU: at the end of the first semester spent at LMU after enrollment in this degree program.
  • Recognition of coursework or examinations completed after enrollment in this degree program at LMU: in the semester following the semester in which they were earned.
  • ATTENTION: Applications for recognition submitted late cannot be considered.

If you wish to have examination achievements recognized to the extent of the ECTS equivalence of one or more semesters, the corresponding periods of study must be recognised as well..

  • Degree program with a minor subject
    • Major subject: 18 ECTS/semester
    • Minor subject: 12 ECTS/semester
  • Degree program withour a minor subject: 30 ECTS/semester

Where and how do I apply for recognition for periods of study?

  • The recognition of periods of study is usually carried out together with the recognistion of study and exam results.

  • To submit an application, students should contact the degree program coordinator or the academic advisor for the respective subject. They will decide on the recognition of periods of study.

  • Students send the completed form by campus e-mail to the degree program coordinator or the academic advisor of the respective subject, who will fill out the relevant part together with you.

  • In the PAGS (Examination Office for Humanities and Social Sciences), the lower part of the 1st page is filled out by the responsible administrator or a notification of the crediting of periods of study is issued (digital or analog).

  • Finally, the form is submitted by the student to the Student Office with the other documents required by the Office of the Registrar (Studentenkanzlei) analog or by (campus) e-mail.


Basically you must register for all exam types (written exams, oral exams, term papers etc.)

There are exceptions for final theses, interim and final examinations. Further details are regulated by the examination and study regulations and the subjects concerned.


Registration periods are decided by the examination boards. If different examination boards take the responsibility for your degree programs, different registration periods may apply. Please check your registration periods at the overview page degree programs administrated by the PAGS (examination office for Humanities and Social Sciences).

Late registration (in case of forgotten or incomplete registrations)

After the registration deadline, you can no longer register via the LSF. This means that you are not entitled to take an examination. You are not entitled to register for an examination at a later date for reasons for which you are responsible.

In case of impediments for which you are not responsible (e.g.. sicknesses), you can be registered for examinations retrospectively.

In such cases please submit an application for retrospective examination registration as early as possible by

  • specifying the exam to be re-registered.
    • degree program
    • Modul or examination number (e.g. 10199 or P1 / 20199 or WP 1)
    • name of the course
    • examination date
    • name of your examiner
  • and specifying the reasons for the late or incomplete exam registration.

Your application has to be submitted via your Campus ID (usually to your administrator.

Der Antrag ist per Campus-Mail an die zuständige Sachbearbeitung einzureichen.


For the Educational Science degree program (EWS) in the teaching degree program, the Examination Board has excluded the possibility of retroactive examination registration (especially for reasons for which you are responsible) by the Examination Office. Please contact the degree program coordinator directly using the same details.

If third parties require information from the university registers (LMU student files) after your studies, e.g. periods of study, please note the following information from the Office of the Registrar (Studentenkanzlei):

Release of information by the Office of the University Registrar to a third party



Please submit the pre- filled form 5 by campus mail to your responsible administrator.


Please state

  • for which semester and
  • subject (major, minor, teaching subject, educational sciences, didactics)
the certificate is to be issued.

Please only submit the application once all examinations in the current semester have been graded. Non-graded examinations may not be taken into account and may therefore result in a negative certificate.

You will usually receive a signed scan to your campus e-mail, which can be forwarded to the Studentenwerk by e-mail. If required, the original can be picked up from the responsible administrator during opening hours.

After each semester, there is a so-called notification period for students of modularized degree programmes, during which you can view and download your account statement for the examination results for the previous semester in notification form with instructions on legal remedies in the LSF online portal. The notifications are deemed to have been issued one month after they have been made available for electronic retrieval, regardless of whether you are aware of them.

Please take note of the account statement in notification form. Save it or print it out. Contact the Examinations Office if you believe that an examination result is incorrect. In the event that you lodge an appeal (objection or complaint), this must be done within one month of notification of the decision.

If you have not downloaded or printed the notification, you can also obtain it from the Examinations Office after the notification period has ended. On the Monday after the end of the notification period, your account statement will be displayed in LSF again on a daily basis.


Please log in to your LSF account during the specified period and check the examination results noted there. if everything is correct from your point of view, you do not need to do anything further. If something is not correct from your point of view, please contact the responsible administrator. You will find the contact details of the responsible administrator under your respective degree program (Bachelor's, Master's, teaching degree, etc.) and subject.

Viele Bestätigungen können Sie entweder im LSF (Noten, Prüfungsanmeldungen etc.) oder der Online-Selbstbedienungsfunktion der Studentenkanzlei (Immatrikulationsbescheinigungen, bezahlte Semestergebühren etc.) downloaden.

Gesiegelte Kontoauszüge (Notenspiegel) bzw. Transcripts of Records beantragen Sie vorab online:

Für Bestätigungen weiterer Art (Prüfungsangelegenheiten) wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihre zuständige Sachbearbeitung.

Für Bestätigungen, die Ihren Studentenstatus (z. B. Studienzeiten, Gebührenbestätigung etc.) betreffen, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Studentenkanzlei.

The examinatin office for Humanities and Social Sciences does not issue certified copies.

You can apply for certified copies of your study documents at the citizen's office of your place of residence (in Munich e.g. Kreisverwaltungsreferat), but for instance also at German embassies.

Some international univerisites (e.g. in USA or Canada) request certified copies of graduatin documents from their applicants, which are directly sent by the examination office in a sealed envelope.

In such cases, please bring your original graduation documents along with certified copies to your administrator at the examinatin office. You'll receive a seaked envelope with the Facsimilie of the PAGS' directot if necessary.


Doctoral procedures with dual supervision (at LMU and a parter university)

For almost 20 years now, LMU has been conducting doctoral procedures in cotutelle with foreign partner universities. The procedure was initially established by French and German universities and regulated in a university agreement. There are now cooperations of this kind with many European and non-European universities. The HRK developed recommendations for binational doctoral procedures back in 2001 and made a model agreement available.

“Cotutelle de thése” means that two universities from different countries join forces to carry out a doctorate together. The doctoral students carry out their research project at both universities. They have a supervisor at each university. The dissertation produced under these conditions is submitted to both universities after completion. The defense takes place only once at one of the two partner universities before a jointly appointed examination committee and is recognized by both universities. After all parts of the doctoral examination have been passed and the dissertation has been published, the graduates are awarded the respective doctoral degree by both universities and receive a doctoral certificate from both partner universities. Graduates are thus qualified in two academic systems, which significantly improves their career options.

When is a cotutelle de thése considered?

In most cases, links already exist between the universities involved before a cotutelle agreement is concluded. These connections often exist at the level of supervision or research. However, it is also possible that the connection arises from the doctoral candidate's previous course of study and is only established in research through the procedure. Recently, there have also been funding lines from scholarship providers that specifically initiate cotutelle doctorates.

Cotutelle agreements are concluded individually for each such doctoral project. Before an agreement can be concluded, it must be checked whether the doctoral regulations applicable at the partner universities can be brought into line with each other in such a way that an agreement is possible. The universities have often already developed model agreements to facilitate the procedure. LMU also has such a model available. Before starting negotiations on a cotutelle agreement, it is necessary that interested doctoral candidates have found a supervisor at both universities. The subject of the doctorate should also be clarified and be either the same or very similar at both universities. The administrative office responsible for cotutelle agreements at the partner university should be involved in the process from the outset.

Cotutelle agreement

The cotutelle agreement specifies, among other things, the minimum amount of time doctoral candidates must spend at each university, the language in which the dissertation must be written, the university at which the defense will take place and the composition of the examination committee. As a rule, it is specified when the dissertation must be submitted and whether an extension is possible. The exact title of the doctoral degree awarded by the two universities is also specified, as is the way in which the cotutelle procedure is mentioned in the final documents. These stipulations are binding. If changes are required, an addendum to the agreement must be drawn up and signed.

Further information

For advice on such a cotutelle procedure, please contact Manuela Stetter or Dr. Caroline Trautmann.


You can apply for a Transcript of Records via this Contact form.

Please think carefully in advance about what type of transcript you need, e.g.

  • Transcript for Applications, e.g. for Master degree programs
    • cleaned up (without failed exams) - only for Erasmus, internships, study grants, employers
    • with or without current average grade (Attention: Transcripts for completete minor subjects can only be issued without the average grade)
  • University transfer (Clearance certificate) - to prove that no examination has been definitively failed
  • Transcript without signature and seal - please download your LSF Trascnript
  • Transcript in notification form - only if you forgot to download the account statement in notification form during the notification period
  • Final transcript of the minor subject if the major subject is not administered by PAGS - only after graduation

You will be notified by email as soon as your transcript is ready for being picked up.

Withdrawal from an examination registration can be initiated by the student during the registration period in LSF without giving any further reasons.

After the registration deadline, withdrawal must be justified by submitting appropriate evidence: Application for withdrawal

In case of of illness, please note to information at Attest, ärztliches.


see A --> Registration for Exams (Anmeldung zu Prüfungen)

Der Rücktritt von einer Prüfungsanmeldung kann während des Anmeldezeitraums im LSF vom Studierenden selbst ohne weitere Angabe von Gründen veranlasst werden.

Nach der Anmeldefrist ist ein Rücktritt unter Vorlage entsprechender Nachweise zu begründen: Antrag auf Rücktritt

Bei Rücktritten auf Grund von einer Erkrankung bitte den Punkt Attest, ärztliches beachten.

The following is a list of the largest psychotherapeutic and social contact points for LMU students:

Further contact points and tips are welcome and will be added here as well as forwarded to the student representatives for information.

Detailed information on the doctoral regulations administered by the Examination Office can be found here.


If you have any questions about the state examination (registration and admission, deadlines and dates, scientific thesis, etc.), please contact the

Außenstelle des Prüfungsamtes für alle Lehrämter an öffentlichen Schulen (Staatsexamen)

(Institution of the Bayerisches Staatsministeriums für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst)

The Examination Office for Humanities and Social Sciences is exclusively responsible for examination matters in the university part of your teaching programme.

Offers, advice, help and support options for (expectant) parents are available centrally via: Studying with a child.


For a Transcript of Records please use the following contact form.

You'll receive a notification by email, as soon as the documents are ready for being picked up

Please note: For non-modularized Magister, Diplom, or Doctoral degree programs, no Trascripts of Records can be issued.


General information:

You can use a letter of authorisation to authorise persons to carry out certain actions on your behalf.


Therefore, a letter of authorisation should always include

  • the authorised person (surname, first name, date of birth),
  • the concrete action details (e.g. collection of final documents from the Master in Philosophy) and
  • the period of validity

In addition, the

  • contain your handwritten signature,
  • a simple copy of your identity card/passport must be enclosed and
    the authorised person must be able to identify themselves personally and
  • in the original with the identity card/passport.


You can find a template (PDF, 692 KB) here.


Your letter of authorisation can

  • deposit it in your examination files in advance,
  • send it via @campus.lmu-Mail as a scan (PDF, please make sure that the image quality of the signature is high enough) to the responsible administrator or
  • give the original to the authorised person.


see A --> Graduatin documents (Abschlussdokumente).

In the case of loss of the original:

Please only request a duplicate if you are sure that the original documents have been permanently lost.

In the case of a change of name or personal status:

Duplicates are not issued in the case of name changes due to marriage.

Duplicates due to name changes are allowed, for example, in the case of

  • Name changes in accordance with the Selbstbestimmungsgesetz
  • Name changes due to the protection of witnesses

You can request the form for the issue of a duplicate from the responsible administrator for your degree programme.

The original application must be submitted to the responsible administrator by post or in person during opening hours. Processing can take up to eight weeks. Please refrain from making enquiries about the processing status.

Please note that the issue of a duplicate will invalidate the first or original document and this may no longer be distributed (e.g. job offers etc.). If the first document is found again, it must be submitted to the Examination Office for proper destruction.

Suggestions can be sent to Mr. Phil Lucien Hänßler and/or Fabian Widerna.

Examination Office for Humanities and Social Sciences

Opening hours

Tuesday: 10:00-12:00 || Wednesday: 10:00-12:00 || Thursday: 13:30-15:30 || Monday and Friday closed

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