Having completed registration, students will automatically become members of the LMU faculty associated with their degree program or field of study. Students can only be members of one faculty. Students who study at more than one faculty should decide which membership to which faculty they want upon registration. A change of faculty membership is possible via written application to the Election Office within the deadline for subject changes.
More details about affiliation to the LMU student body and with it the allocation of your active and passive right to vote, can be found in our Basic Rules (PDF, 478 KB) regulated by LMU. According to this, all students are assigned to a major subject and thus belong to a specific student body. A major subject in this sense — unless otherwise stated by the student — is:
- in the case of a degree program leading to a Diplom (German academic degree), bachelor's, master's, State Examination (except for Teacher Education) or comparable qualification, one in which the subject studied is taken into consideration not any minor subjects or other areas of focus,
- in the case of a degree program leading to a "Magister Artium" (German academic degree), the main subject of the Magister examination regulations,
- in the case of a degree program in Teacher Education leading to a Lehramt an Grundschulen, the subject is Grundschuldidaktik (Primary School Didactics),
- in the case of a degree program in Teacher Education leading to a Lehramt an Mittelschulen it's the subject of instruction,
- in the case of a degree program in Teacher Education leading to a Lehramt an Realschulen, it's the first subject of the subject combination,
- in the case of a degree program in Teacher Education leading to a Lehramt an Gymnasien, it's the first subject of the subject combination,
- in the case of a degree program in Teacher Education leading to a Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen, it's the subject studied at LMU,
- in the case of a degree program in Teacher Education leading to a Lehramt für Sonderschulen, it's the type of special school,
- in the case of an additional program in Teacher Education, it's the additional subject — as long as this is exclusively being studied.
In the case of simultaneous registration in several degree programs, the major subject associated with the first degree program is the decisive factor. Determining which is the first degree program happens by means of the declaration given at the time of registration (SG 1 - University Admissions) or when changing subjects (SG 2 - Academic Registrar).
However, please note: During running election periods, provisions may be changed by written declaration exclusively to the Election Office up until the electoral roll has been closed.
When registering for a Teacher Education degree program leading to a either a Lehramt an Gymnasien or Lehramt an Realschulen, the first subject of the subject combinations concerning numbers 5 or 6 may be determined through declaration at the time of registration or within the subject change deadline managed exclusively by the Election Office.
If you are registered in a Teacher Education degree program leading to a Lehramt an Grundschulen and your studying of School Psychology takes an additional focus over your teaching subject, then the major subject is — in contrast to no. 3 — the additional subject of School Psychology. This allocation may only be changed to that effect during a running election period via a written declaration sent to the Election Office received before the electoral roll stating that the major subject is Grundschuldidaktik.