The Office of the University Registrar is responsible maintaining the register of students at LMU Munich, i.e. the central register of all students who are currently registered at our University or were registered since 1970. Older registers of students, those since 1472, are kept at the University archives.
Whereas in centuries past students were entered by hand into the register of students, today they are registered by means of an up-to-date electronic data processing system. The scope of all collected and stored student data complies with the relevant legal regulations, in particular the Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz and the Bundesstatistikgesetz (Federal Statistics Act). These data are subject to data protection. Therefore, especially information which may include personal data on students or which may – even indirectly – permit conclusions to be drawn (e.g. whether a person is even registered at LMU Munich), as a rule, is released to a third party only if a written Declaration of Consent is submitted by the student concerned.