Soft skills acquisition courses

Dates for winter semester 2024/25

02.09. Menschenkenntnis - being able to assess yourself and others

02.09.2024 - 9:00-13:00 - online (Zoom) - max 15 participants - Language: German - Trainer: Raoul Sonnenberg

We have all gotten to know each other in many situations over the course of our lives and have intuitive impressions of others. However, we often lack a clear system for deepening these impressions and turning them into something tangible.

Motive typologies help us to quickly gain a clear picture of our own and others' strengths and interests and to actually use this knowledge in our communication and relationships. Our communication becomes much more authentic, powerful, sensitive and persuasive, and solutions that are truly sustainable emerge in disputes.


  • Motive typology: Understanding characteristic attitudes & behavior
  • Analysis skills: recognizing strengths and interests in ourselves and others in everyday life
  • Persuasiveness: using the decisive levers in communication
  • Conflict resolution: recognizing the motives behind objections and criticism and focusing on solutions

09.09. Gespräch-Führung - conducting conversations powerfully and purposefully

09.09.2024 - 9:00-13:00 - online (Zoom) - max 15 participants - Language: German - Trainer: Raoul Sonnenberg

Discussions and meetings play a central role in our collaboration. We exchange important information with partners, develop suitable solutions and reach decisions.

However, individual and group discussions often fall short of their potential: topics quickly fray, time gets out of hand and the results are often mediocre given the total time invested. For those responsible, this is sometimes not much fun and is particularly bitter when it comes to important topics and a lot of passion is put into the projects.

How can we use our conversation management to shape the exchange in such a way that the conversation is relaxed and productive from the outset and everyone participates in a goal-oriented way? And how can we use effective management to keep the conversation on track (even in the face of obstacles and disruptions) and lead to clear, binding results?


  • Gespräche zielorientiert einleiten
  • Gespräch auch bei Störungen kraftvoll auf Kurs halten
  • Negative Beiträge auf den konstruktiven Weg zurückführen
  • Die Verbindlichkeit von Ergebnissen sichern

30.09. Conflict management

30.09.2024 - 16:00 - 20:00 - Hansa Haus München (Läugerzimmer) - max. 20 participants - Language: German - Trainer: Eva Kraatz

We encounter conflicts everywhere in our daily lives: in the family, with friends, at university, at the sports club, at work.... Conflicts are everywhere, but they are necessary and can usually be resolved. In this workshop we will deal with:

  • different types of conflicts
  • Communication in conflict
  • inner attitude
  • Possible solutions

07.10. Setbacks as an opportunity: a successful new start

07.10.2024 - 16:00 - 20:00 - online (Zoom) - max. 30 participants - Language: German - Trainer: Bettina Hafner

Whether at university, at work or in relationships - setbacks are part of our lives. They hurt and at the same time they challenge us to think about what we really want and to readjust our plans. How can we deal with setbacks so that we can get back on track and achieve our goals? This is precisely the question we will address in this workshop and develop individual starting points to get off to a fresh start.

04.11. Stress management & resilience

04.11.2024 - 16:00 - 20:00 - Hansa Haus München (Läugerzimmer) - max. 20 participants - Language: German - Trainer: Eva Kraatz

It doesn't matter whether you're under exam stress, have a lot on your plate at university and in your private life at the same time or everything that was planned has changed again: many things stress us out.

This workshop is about how to recognize stress, how it affects us and how we can strengthen our resilience so that we can act as confidently as possible in challenging situations.

The following topics are covered:

  • Stress factors
  • Effect of stress
  • Stress types
  • Various stress reduction techniques
  • The 7 pillars of resilience
  • and even more...

11.11. Self-management

11.11.2024 - 16:00 - 20:00 Uhr - Hansa Haus München (Läugerzimmer) - max. 30 TN - Sprache: Deutsch - Trainer: Eric Fritzsche & Isabelle Krier

Was muss ich über mich selbst wissen, um mich in Zukunft besser selbst zu organisieren? Immer wenn Aufgaben zu erledigen sind, ist es wichtig, diese zu planen und zielgerichtet pünktlich zu erledigen. Dies ist vor allem im beruflichen Umfeld – im Studium und im Arbeitsleben – wichtig, hilft aber auch den privaten Alltag zu organisieren. Startpunkt für ein verbessertes Selbstmanagement ist die Selbstreflexion: Wie arbeite ich? Wo liegen meine Prioritäten? Was schaffe ich gut, was fällt mir immer wieder schwer? In diesem Workshop wird auf Basis der Selbsterkenntnis aufgebaut. Wir vermitteln Methoden der Arbeitsorganisation als mögliche persönliche Hilfestellung, um in Zukunft eigene Anforderungen und die Erwartungen deiner Umwelt besser zu erfüllen.

  • Selbstreflexion – wie erledige ich meine Aufgaben?
  • Der Einfluss der Persönlichkeit auf die Handlungsplanung
  • Konkretes Handwerkszeug, um Aufgaben strukturiert zu planen
  • Mit weniger Stress meine Ziele erreichen
  • Handlungsempfehlungen für Studium und erste Berufserfahrung
  • Mit Praxisorientierung „Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe“ kennenlernen

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