Personal advice on careers and career entry

We advise LMU students and doctoral candidates on all aspects of careers and career entry.

Our advisory services for LMU students and doctoral candidates

Sign up

If you are enrolled at LMU Munich, you can take advantage of personal and individualized advice offered through our Career Services. Expect a consultation to last about one hour. Possible topics to explore might be:

  • Your career goals
  • Your future prospects post bachelor, master or doctorate degree
  • Your career entry
  • Your job application questions
  • Your employment opportunities

For a personal consultation, please register in our portal. Under event participation you will find, among other services, personal career counseling.

The interviews take place either online or on-site.

Please get in touch with us as early as possible, as we always have a lot of requests and waiting times may sometimes be a little longer than expected.

Sign up

Get your questions concerning your application answered in an individual Zoom session or a local appointment.

Possible topics:

  • Application process
  • Job intervies
  • Application documents (e.g. feedback on application letters)
  • Assessment center

Sign up CV-Check

Sign up Job reference-Check

We will give you feedback on your CV or job reference.


  • Sign up via the LMU Career portal.
  • Upload all relevant documents.
  • Please arrange an appointment with us via our online calendar. We will then contact you...
    • via video conference (Zoom or Skype): Job reference-Check
    • or via email: CV-Check

You can also find tips and advice on your application documents here. We ask you to implement the tips before booking a CV-Check.

Sign up

Completing an international internship can be an excellent way to gain experience and skills that will help you as you start your career. Find out more about the following topics in a personal, 30-minute counseling session with Michael Brielmaier:

  • identifying suitable host countries for internships
  • finding the right internship field
  • helpful advice on how to find an internship
  • funding opportunities and sponsorships

Counseling sessions are scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays between 2 PM and 3 PM. Register for our Career Community and book your appointment now.

Did you study at LMU and have now been working for several years? Have you gained important experience during your professional career, achieved goals, and learned from your mistakes? We offer our graduates individual sessions based on the concepts and methodologies of systemic coaching. In a one-to-one session, we will help you to identify your individual goals, plan next steps, overcome potential barriers and move forward in your personal and professional development. These sessions take place in a safe environment. Confidentiality is guaranteed.

Possible topics you may bring to the table include:

  • Decision making
  • Professional (re)orientation
  • Evaluation of personal competences and resources
  • Dealing with current challenges
  • Establishing future prospects in terms of your personal or professional development

Target group

LMU Munich graduates with a maximum of ten years professional experience gained after graduation.

Next steps

Please write your coaching topic in a short email to us and we will contact you for an appointment.

Pricing / Organization

One coaching hour (approx. 60 minutes) costs 120,- Euro. The first hour serves to get to know each other and to answer any unanswered questions about the coaching process and is therefore free of charge.

Depending on the topic, a structured coaching process can last up to five hours. The duration of the coaching process and the individual appointments are coordinated between coach and coachee. The meetings take place in a central, quiet location in Munich or via video conference.

What coaching is certainly not

Coaching is neither a form of training nor a formal professional attainment. Specific proposals for actions to be taken or solutions to problems are not offered by the coach and no typical "advice" is given. Coaching is not a substitute for psychological, psychotherapeutic or psychiatric advice or treatment.

Please note that we do not coach LMU employees in view of possible conflicting interests.

As you embark on your academic career path, different questions will arise. Let us support you with services to help you define and achieve your career goals.Support for doctoral candidates.

What are you looking for?