Do you want to complete an internship outside of Europe or in the United Kingdom and don't know how to finance it? The PROMOS LMU scholarship offers financial support for registered students for exactly this purpose.

The PROMOSLMU program or Programm zur Steigerung der Mobilität von deutschen Studierenden (Program to Increase the Mobility of German Students) is a grant to support internships abroad. This funding is directly dependent on the country in which it takes place. For more detailed information, please see "Further information": Scholarship amount by country.

The minimum funding period is 8 weeks.

Grant requirements

In order to apply for the PROMOS LMU scholarship you must meet the following requirements:

  • Internship is in a non-European country or in the United Kingdom (but not in your own home country)
  • Registration at LMU (all except doctorate)

  • Full-time internships of 35 hours or more per week or 12 hours of instruction per week for teaching internships
  • Voluntary and mandatory internships
  • Types of internships:
    • Regular internships (e.g. in the private sector, foundations, associations and NGOs)
    • Teaching internships at foreign schools
    • Research internships at foreign, non-university research institutes
  • Relevant to your degree program
  • Internship duration from a minimum of eight weeks

  • Clinical traineeships, PJ tertials and veterinary internships: funding by PROSA LMU
  • Internships with a duration of less than 8 weeks
  • Research internships at universities in non-Erasmus+ countries: funding by PROSA LMU
  • School internships at German schools abroad: DAAD short-term scholarship program
  • Internships at Goethe Institutes: DAAD short-term scholarship program
  • International organizations (EU, UN, Weltbankgruppe, IMF, OECD, OSZE, NATO, ASEAN and IOM): DAAD short-term scholarship program
  • German foreign missions: DAAD short-term scholarship program
  • German archaeological institutes: DAAD short-term scholarship program
  • The Max Weber Foundation Institute: DAAD short-term scholarship program
  • Internships in institutions managing EU funds
  • Internships as part of programs offered by the following organizations:
    • IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience)
    • AIESEC (Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales, International Association for Students in Economics and Business)
    • bvmd (Bundesvertretung der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland e.V., Federal Association of Medical Students in Germany)
    • ZAD (Zahnmedizinischer Austauschdienst, Dental Exchange Service) and
    • DCGM (Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft für Medizin, German-Chinese Society for Medicine)

Scholarship process

You got accepted for your dream internship? Great!

Please email the following information to LMU Career Service to start your scholarship application:

  • Exact date of the beginning of your internship (e.g. Monday, the...)
  • Exact date of the end of the internship (e.g. Friday, the...)
  • Location of your internship
  • Country of your internship
  • Your faculty at LMU (number and name)
  • Name of your internship institution
  • Scholarship: PROMOS LMU
  • Research internship: yes/no (If yes: funding via PROSA, application deadline 2 months)
  • Have you already received funding via PROMOS / PROSA (study/internship): yes/no; If yes: how many months have you already been funded and in which course of study?

After this, you'll receive a link to the application portal from us.

Without these basic details, we can't process your application!

Application deadline: latest four weeks before you start your internship!

Please apply through the MoveON portal. To use this, you have to register with your LMU email address. Please select the online form "Bewerbung Stipendium Auslandspraktikum" (Scholarship Application for Internships Abroad) via the portal.

The following documents must be uploaded to apply for PROMOS LMU Scholarship:

  • A signed Training Agreement (DOC, 92 KB) (student, internship provider, LMU Career Services). Please note: The Training Agreement must be sent to us via mail after student and internship provider have signed.
  • Transcript of Records, downloadable via LSF (current)
  • Letter of motivation (1 - 2 pages), including a statement on your choice of internship, the relation to your studies, and the necessity of the funding for your stay
  • Resume
  • Registration certificate(s) for the entire duration of your stay
  • Insurance declaration (PDF, 93 KB)
  • A certificate of language competence
    • Of your working language, minimum level B1
    • If your internship requires your native language, please hand in a certifcate of antoher relevant language
    • Not older than 2 years
    • One option is the DAAD language certificate from the LMU Language Center
    • If your certificate of language comeptence is older than two years or you don't have one in your working language, please contact us viamail and we will provide a test via the OLS platform.

In case your application is approved you will receive a Placement Agreement (Stipendienvereinbarung) via e-mail. These must be signed by you, scanned, and sent back to LMU Career Service via e-mail.

Afterwards, your installment will be paid timely.

  • Confirmation Letter (PDF, 53 KB), which is completed by your employer and includes the beginning and ending dates of your internship.
  • A qualified reference by your internship provider. This reference looks great in future applications!
  • Internship report (DOC, 143 KB), which - upon your approval - we will anonymise and upload to our website containing personal stories and institutions.
  • Your registration certificate — if the confirmation submitted with the application doesn't cover the entire period of your internship.

Please upload all final documents in one go to the MoveON portal no later than 30 days after ending your internship. You will have already received the link to this portal with your application.

Further Information

The amount of the PROMOS scholarship depends on the country in which you are completing your internship.The list of countries is exemplary; we will be happy to provide you with funding amounts for countries not listed on request.

Country group 1:

  • single payment of 1.100 €
  • countries: e.g. Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Japan, Singapore, Tanzania

Country group 2:

  • single payment of 900 €
  • countries: e.g. Australia, Chile, Kenya, Mexico, Namibia, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand, USA, Vietnam

Country group 3:

  • single payment of 700 €
  • countries: e.g. Canada, United Kingdom

  • Students can receive PROMOS funding for a maximum of six months per academic course.
  • Those six months may be split into multiple internships.


Do you have any further questions on this program? Then you're welcome to contact us for a consultation!

Michael Brielmaier, M.A.

LMU's Career Services

Consultant for Business Contacts & International Internships

Send an email

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