Dr. Elena Gallo

Abteilungsleitung Italienisch

Dozentin für Italienisch


Schellingstraße 3 / Vordergebäude

Raum 421

80799 München



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Elena Gallo

Lebenslauf und Publikationen


  • 2012: Promotion (Didaktik der Englischen Sprache und Literatur / Englische Sprachwissenschaft)
    LMU München
  • 1996 - 1998: Master in Italienisch / Angewandte Linguistik
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
  • 1981 - 1990: Laurea (ital. Hochschulabschluss), Studium der Germanistik und Anglistik
    Università degli Studi di Firenze


  • (2019) Gallo, E. Fogli integrativi per UniversItalia 2.0 vol.1 per il livello A2/B1 / Kopiervorlagen zu UniversItalia Band 1 für Niveau A2/B1, Hueber Verlag. (zusammen mit G. Pedrotti)
  • (2018) Gallo, E. “'Totally awesome'. Exploring teachers’ scope of action to enable and support autonomous learning”. In: Ludwig, C., Pinter, A., Smits, T., Tassinari, M.G., Van de Poel, K. (Eds.) Fostering learner autonomy ‐ learners, teachers and researchers in action (Ebook). Candlin & Mynard ePublishing.
  • (2018) Gallo, E. “Facing Autonomy. University Language Teachers as Autonomous Learning Professionals”. In: Schwienhorst, K. (Ed.) Learner Autonomy in Second Language Pedagogy and Research. Challenges and Issues. (Ebook). Candlin & Mynard ePublishing
  • (2017) Gallo, E. and M.G. Tassinari “’Positive feelings about my work: I needed it!’ Emotions and emotion self-regulation in language teachers”. Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies, 11(2), pp. 55-84, Link zum Download (extern)
  • (2016) Gallo, E. “’I Want to Be Happy as a Teacher’. How Emotions Impact Teacher Professional Development”, in: Gabryś-Barker, D., Gałajda, D. (Eds.). Positive Psychology Perspectives on Foreign Language Learning and Teaching, Springer, pp. 249-266
  • (2015) Gallo, E. Review of Webinar: "How learning strategies can foster learner autonomy" by Anna Uhl Chamot, IATEFL Independence 2015, Issue 65
  • (2015) Gallo, E. Review of Webinar: "Positive psychology in language learning: The role of hope, optimism, and resilience in learners' stories" by Rebecca Oxford, IATEFL Voices 2015, Issue 246
  • (2012) Gallo, E. Teacher professional development. How university language teachers approach their own professional development. Electronic doctoral dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Link zum Download (extern)
  • (2003) Gallo, E. “Insegnanti di tutto il mondo: informatevi!” Book Review: „Breaking tradition: an exploration of the historical relationship between theory and practice in second language teaching“ by Diane Musumeci (1997) in: Didattica e Classe Plurilingue, Bollettino Ilsa 2003, Link zur Rezension (extern)
  • (2001) Gallo, E. “Un'inchiesta presso scuole campione fiorentine sui problemi e le soluzioni tentate per l’integrazione linguistica degli studenti immigrati”, in: Atti del IX Convegno nazionale ILSA Intercultura e insegnamento dell'italiano a immigrati: oltre l'emergenza, Firenze
  • (2000) Gallo, E. “Lerntipps”, in: Allora, andiamo! Lehrbuch für Italienisch, Band 2. München, Langenscheidt
  • (1999) Gallo, E. “Lerntipps”, in: Allora, andiamo! Lehrbuch für Italienisch, Band 1. München, Langenscheidt
  • (1998) Gallo, E. “Equilibri delicati nell‘interazione tra il docente di lingua e lo studente straniero”, in: Atti del VII Convegno nazionale ILSA L'insegnante di L2 : formazione, competenze e ruolo nella classe di lingua, Firenze
  • (1997) Gallo, E. “Grammatica strutturata”, in: Atti del VI Convegno nazionale ILSA, Grammatica e apprendimento linguistico, Firenze


  • 2023 (Talk) “'Will our students be dispensed from thinking?' Challenges for students and teachers when AI meets language learning" 3rd International Conference ‘Language in the Human-Machine Era’ (LITHME). 15-16 May 2023, University of Groningen - Campus Fryslân, Leeuwarden, Netherlands.
  • 2021 (Vortrag) „'Man kann sich reinsteigern!' Mehrwert von gamifizierungsorientierten Aufgaben zur Unterstützung einer begleitenden Lektüre". Haupttagung der Österreichische Gesellschaft für SprachenDidaktik "Zum Sprachenlernen verführt? Neue Perspektiven auf Motivation, Differenzierung und Autonomie" 3. Dezember 2021. Online Konferenz.
  • 2020 (Vortrag) "Italiano Ricco Integration von fachsprachlichen Modulen von Anfang an". 31. AKS-Arbeitstagung, Language.Politics.Language Policy, 5.-7. März 2020, Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder).
  • 2016 (Talk) "’Totally awesome‘. Exploring teachers’ scope of action to enable and support autonomous learning“ - IATEFL Conference: Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group (LASIG): Fostering Learner Autonomy: Learners, teachers and researchers in action. March 2016, Universiteit Antwerpen.
  • 2015 (Workshop) "'Ich wusste nicht, dass ich das kann'. Autonomisierende Aufgabenstellungen und wie sie bei den Studierenden ankommen". Open Format /Freies Format 6 (Autonomie wagen: Wege und Visionen für den Fremdsprachenunterricht an Hochschulen): 26. DGFF Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung: Sprachen Lehren. 30. Sept.-3. Okt. 2015, Pädagogische Hochschule, Ludwigsburg.
  • 2015 (Talk) "'I want to be happy as a teacher'. How Emotions impact teacher professional development". 27th International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition: Positive psychology in second/foreign language acquisition and learning. 21-23 May 2015, University of Silesia, Szczyrk, Poland.
  • 2013 (Talk) "Facing Autonomy. University Language Teachers as Autonomous Learning Professionals". IATEFL Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group (LASIG): Learner autonomy in second language pedagogy and research - challenges and issues. Sept. 2013, Leibniz Universität Hannover.
  • 2010 (Talk) "New Competences in Language Teaching Professional Development". TESOL-SPAIN 33rd Annual Convention: Building Bridges: New Competences in the EFL Classroom. 12-14 March 2010, Universitat de Lleida, Catalonia, Spain.