Collage UCU (left), LMU main building (right)
Holodomor memorial, statue of a starving girl, Kyiv:

About MHZ

The MHZ is researching the history of the rule of National Socialist Germany and the Soviet Union under Stalin in Ukraine in the 1930s and 1940s. In addition, the memory of the mass crimes committed by both regimes will be examined.

About MHZ

The Mykola Haievoi Center for Modern History is a joint research center of LMU Munich and the Ukrainian Catholic University of Lviv under the direction of Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze Wessel and Prof. Dr. Yaroslav Hrytsak.

Lettering Research
Team: Graphics of people on wooden cubes
Close-up white paper desk calendar with blurred bokeh background date and business meeting concept

News and events

Graphic Ukrainian Catholic University of Lviv

MHZ at the Ukrainian Catholic University

Ukrainian website / Український сайт

In cooperation with Ukrainian Catholic University I Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research