27 Feb
28 Feb

German Data Science Days 2025


27. Februar 2025 - 28. Februar 2025


LMU München, Hauptgebäude, Große Aula Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

Deep Learning, AI, and Machine Learning are some of the prominent buzzwords defining our digital era. At the heart of the digital transformation lies data science, the science of extracting information and knowledge from data. Data science plays a major role in science, industry, and business, and close collaboration between all stakeholders involved is necessary.

The German Data Science Days (GDSD) provide the ideal platform for fostering such collaboration: We bring together data scientists from various disciplines and create a vibrant forum for practitioners and experts with the aim to identify and discuss cutting-edge methods, explore new fields of application, and enhance the professional profile of data scientists. The German Data Science Days are organised by the elite master program Data Science at LMU Munich in cooperation with the German Data Science Society (GDS) e.V..

Das detaillierte Programm ist auf der Veranstaltungsseite einzusehen.

Beteiligte MZN-Mitglieder: Prof. Dr. Helmut Küchenhoff, Prof. Dr. Göran Kauermann, Dr. Magdalena Mittermeier