When in doubt, please check whether you are considered an international student here.
International students need, additionally to applying to our program, also apply to the international office. They will then also enroll at LMU through the international office.
To avoid complications, please make sure to send your documents for the International Office solely to the Master Program’s office. If you are accepted to our program, we will finalize your documents and forward them to the International Office directly! This ensures fast communication and support by the program. Do not send your documents to both offices either!
What you will need to submit:
Please check all the documents you have to submit on the website of the international office.
Where to submit:
DO NOT submit your documents directly to the international office and do not use the address that is mentioned on their website. Instead, please send the documents to our program coordination:
Master’s Program in the Learning Sciences
c/o Studiengangskoordination (PF 64)
Department für Paedagogik und Psychologie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen
Leopoldstrasse 13
80802 Muenchen
We will then check your documents before forwarding everything to the international office. This results in a faster communication, smoother registration process, and prevents rejections from the international office due to missing or faulty documents.
You do not need to provide proof for german language proficiency, since these studies are exclusively in German! If you need help with filling out the international office's application form, check this help (PDF, 516 KB) sheet.
When to submit:
Please make sure that your hardcopy documents arrive in the coordination's office until May 31st. In case you cannot send your documents in time, please contact the coordination immediately.
NOTE: This means that you can wait with sending your documents until you received your invitation to the interview phase! There is no need to send any hardcopy documents for the international office before. However, please make sure to prepare all documents so you can send them out as soon as you received your invitation to the interview.