Research at the Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

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Our research group focuses on two main topics:
The first topic concerns the etiology and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Among other things, we are interested in the effectiveness and mode of action of Imagery Rescripting (ImRs) as a newer form of trauma-focused psychotherapy. In addition, we focus on a better understanding of therapy failure, dropout and undesirable effects in the treatment of PTSD with the aim of further developing existing therapy approaches. Other research topics concern the etiology and treatment of trauma-related problems beyond the PTSD diagnosis in the narrower sense, such as interpersonal problems in trauma survivors or the connection between PTSD and dementia.
The second research topic deals with the role of transdiagnostic processes in the maintenance of mental disorders, with a particular interest in repetitive negative thinking. In addition to studies on the etiology of this process and its effects on psychopathology, we are investigating innovative methods for the assessment of repetitive negative thinking (e.g. via Ecological Momentary Assessment or Mobile Sensing) and its treatment (e.g. app-based preventive interventions).
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The working group's research is characterized by a close integration of basic and application-oriented experimental research approaches with the aim of making the findings from basic research usable for clinical practice. A variety of different paradigms and a broad spectrum of methods (behavioral measurements, psychophysiology, eye-tracking, fMRI) are used to gain the most comprehensive understanding possible of psychopathological processes.
Cognitive biases and cognitive bias modification (CBM)
One focus is on the investigation of cognitive biases in mental disorders. In our research, we investigate the extent to which psychopathological symptoms affect the processing of appetitive stimuli and aversive stimuli. Our aim is to better understand the relationships between different cognitive distortions, to investigate their relevance for therapeutic success and to use the findings from basic research to develop new interventions and improve existing ones. Based on the central role of cognitive biases in the development and maintenance of mental disorders, we systematically investigate whether cognitive training and cognitive bias modification (CBM), which are specifically aimed at improving cognitive functions or modifying cognitive biases, are effective as stand-alone training and whether the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic interventions can be improved by combining standard treatment and CBM.
Imagination-based interventions
Another focus is on imagination-based interventions. In order to improve the effectiveness of existing interventions, one starting point is to take greater account of other perceptual content, such as mental images, in treatment in addition to verbal processing. Studies have shown that mental images with disorder-specific content occur in almost all mental disorders and have a major impact on symptoms and emotional state. The aim of this area of research is to improve imagination-based interventions through a better understanding of the mechanisms of action and to enable their more targeted use.
Personalization of psychotherapy
In the research group, we aim to improve the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic treatments and through personalization - from prevention to therapy and aftercare. One focus is on identifying overarching risk and predictive factors, particularly in the context of depression and anxiety disorders, with a focus on factors such as rumination, emotion regulation, stressful childhood experiences and maladaptive personality traits. Among other things, we use network models to analyze the interaction of these factors and investigate the extent to which they can be used for treatment decisions.
Psychotherapy process research
Another focus is research into the processes that take place during psychotherapy: Among other things, we analyze language data (through Large Language Models) and video data on non-verbal synchronicity for this purpose. Process research covers various disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety and psychotic disorders) and therapy approaches (e.g. behavioral therapy, schema therapy and modular therapy approaches).
Our research group is dedicated to two central topics:
Psychotherapy and memory in criminal proceedings
When psychotherapy takes place before or during criminal proceedings, special challenges arise - not only for those affected and those treating them, but also for lawyers. A central question is to what extent psychotherapeutic interventions can influence the memory of stressful or traumatic events. We investigate this with the help of controlled laboratory studies, ecologically valid study designs, studies in routine clinical care and systematic reviews. In addition, we are investigating what knowledge psychotherapists and lawyers have about this influence and what practical consequences this has for those affected (trauma survivors). Our aim is to identify possible risk factors for memory changes and to develop practical guidelines for both lawyers and psychotherapists.
We are also interested in phenomena that have hardly been investigated and are poorly understood, such as the recurrence of previously unremembered experiences (“rediscovered memories”). We are investigating how frequently this phenomenon occurs, which mechanisms lead to recollection and what role suggestive processes in psychotherapy may play in this.
Mental health around pregnancy and birth
We research psychological stress during pregnancy and after birth - in particular postpartum depression, the consequences of traumatic (birth) experiences and the effects of child loss. Our focus is both on the effects on the entire family system and on improving psychotherapeutic care. The aim of this research is to contribute to the design of psychotherapeutic treatment approaches and to strengthen mental health in sensitive phases of life.
The chair is part of the Munich-Augsburg site within the BMBF-funded German Center for Mental Health. As one of eight German Centers for Health Research, the DZPG aims to improve the mental health of the population and reduce the stigma of mental disorders. To this end, the scientists work together with those affected and their families as well as international researchers.
The DZPG project MUC1 (Title: Effects of early traumatic experiences on the development, phenotype and course of mental disorders and development of individualized interventions) is coordinated at the Chair and carried out in collaboration with the Chair of Psychological Methodology and Assessments, the Chair of Psychology I at the University of Würzburg, the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the LMU Hospital, the Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry and the Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy at the Hospital Rechts der Isar.
Current sub-projects:
Third-party funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Duration: since 2023
People involved at the chair:
Thomas Ehring, Katja Bertsch,
Lea Vogel,
Isabelle Göhre,
Johannes Kopf-Beck
Repetitive negative thinking (RNT) is an important transdiagnostic risk factor for mental disorders that can be reduced using strategies such as rumination-focused cognitive therapy (RF-CBT). However, RF-CBT consists of various interventions, and it is currently still unclear which of these interventions are effective or necessary and how they work. The Calming Minds project will therefore use a factorial design to examine for the first time which (combination of) interventions reduces RNT most effectively and which mechanisms of change play a role in this.
The project is being carried out in cooperation with scientists from the University of Exeter (UK) and UCLA (USA). The focus of the sub-project at LMU is the recording of RNT with the help of Ecological Momentary Assessment and the more precise recording of RNT as a habit in everyday life.
Third-party funding: Wellcome Trust
Duration: 2024 - 2029
People involved at the chair:
Thomas Ehring,
Julia Funk,
Joanna Hunsmann
Cooperation partners: Edward Watkins (University of Exeter, UK), Michelle Craske (UCLA)
As part of the ADAPT project funded by the Innovation Fund, the Chair is involved in updating the AWMF S3 guideline for post-traumatic stress disorder. In this context, meta-analyses are also being carried out on specific issues relating to the effectiveness of psychotherapy for PTSD, including the influence of time-related therapy variables and the effectiveness of psychological interventions as well as the heterogeneity of treatment effects.
Third-party funding: Innovation Fund
Duration: 2023 - 2025
People involved at the chair:
Thomas Ehring,
Cosima Leithner,
Verena Semmlinger
Cooperation partners: Ingo Schäfer (UKE Hamburg), Rita Rosner (Catholic University of Eichstätt)
In the care of refugees, a number of factors (e.g. language and cultural barriers) lead to a particularly high risk of dropout (i.e. premature discontinuation of a treatment or study). In order to improve clinical practice, it therefore makes sense to better understand the reasons and predictors for dropout in order to derive starting points for increasing the acceptance and tolerance of diagnostic measures and intervention methods from this better understanding of the background to dropout among refugees. On the one hand, the PrevDrop project supports the planning and implementation of measures to prevent dropout. In addition, predictors and subjective reasons for dropout among refugees are investigated using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods across the cooperating BMBF-funded projects. Finally, the third objective is to use meta-analytical methods to generate the first reliable evidence on the prevalence and predictors of dropout in the treatment of refugees.
Third-party funding: BMBF
Duration: 2019 - 2025
People involved at the chair:
Thomas Ehring,
Verena Semmlinger
Cooperation partners: Prof. Dr. Silvia Schneider; Prof. Dr. Christine Knaevelsrud; Prof. Dr. Ingo Schäfer; Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stangier; Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg; Prof. Dr. Michael Huss; Prof. Dr. Rita Rosner
Aggressive behavior is common in borderline personality disorder (BPD), but there is a lack of targeted and cost-effective treatment options. To close this gap, the manualized short-term anti-aggression psychotherapy (MAAP) was developed - an 8-week group therapy based on proven techniques of dialectical-behavioral therapy (DBT) and mentalization-based therapy (MBT). Initial results of a pilot study show promising effects.
In a large-scale, multicenter study funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), we are now involved in investigating the effectiveness of MAAP in comparison to non-specific supportive psychotherapy (NSSP). The focus is on the reduction of aggressive behavior. In addition, we are recording quality of life and other mechanisms of change.
If MAAP proves to be superior, this group therapy could be established as a new therapeutic approach in clinical practice.
Duration: 2023 - 2026
People involved at the chair: Larissa Wolkenstein
Cooperating study centers: Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg; Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universitätsklinikum Bonn AöR;Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, Universitätsklinikum AachenKlinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, LMU Klinikum; Psychiatrische Institutsambulanz (PIA), Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel; Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie, Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt; Kliniken für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, Vivantes Klinikum am Urban und Vivantes Klinikum in Friedrichshain
A central feature of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is stressful, involuntary memories of the trauma. Trauma-focused interventions such as EMDR, Imagery Rescripting (ImRs) and Imaginal Exposure (IE) aim to reduce these intrusive memories while maintaining the voluntary recall of factual content. While the effectiveness of these procedures in reducing involuntary memories is well documented, their effects on intentional memory retrieval have hardly been researched to date. Clinical models assume that the therapeutic processing of traumatic memories facilitates voluntary recall. In testimonial psychology, on the other hand, there are concerns that trauma-focused treatments could unintentionally impair the accuracy of factual memory content - with far-reaching consequences for the credibility assessment of victims in legal proceedings. The aim of the research project was to improve understanding of the differential effects of EMDR, ImRs and IE on voluntary and involuntary memory retrieval.
Third-party funding: German Research Foundation (DFG); project number 439734821
Duration: 2020 - 2024
People involved at the chair:
Milena Aleksic,
Larissa Wolkenstein,
Thomas Ehring, Anna Kunze (Alumni)
Tobacco addiction is one of the most common mental disorders in Germany. Although the majority of those affected want to stop smoking, only a minority achieve permanent abstinence. One possible explanation for this paradox is the fact that automatic processes (e.g. rapid, automatic approach tendencies to smoking-relevant stimuli), which are thought to play a central role in maintaining tobacco dependence, are not sufficiently taken into account in treatment. As part of a large clinical randomized controlled trial, we would like to investigate whether long-term abstinence can be increased by combining a cognitive-behavioral smoking cessation program with cognitive bias modification. The project is being carried out in cooperation with the Tobacco Outpatient Clinic of the LMU Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Head: PD Dr. Tobias Rüther).
Third-party funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Duration: 2019-2023
People involved at the chair:
Charlotte Wittekind,
Franziska Motka
Cooperation partner: Tobias Rüther (LMU Klinikum)
PTSD is associated with symptoms of intrusive re-experiencing, negative cognitions and mood, hyperarousal and avoidance of trauma-related stimuli. In addition to these "core symptoms", various explanatory approaches attribute a central role to cognitive distortions in the development and maintenance of the disorder. These distortions can manifest themselves in the areas of attention (selective perception of threatening stimuli), evaluation (e.g. "I am not safe") and memory. The aim of the study is to investigate the various distortions in patients with PTSD, traumatized persons without PTSD and non-traumatized persons. In addition, it will be investigated whether the distortions can be changed through psychotherapy.
Third-party funding: Daimler und Benz Stiftung
Duration: 2019-2023
People involved at the chair:
Charlotte Wittekind,
Anamaria Semm
Cooperation partners:
Prof. Dr. Marcella Woud (Universität Göttingen)
Klinik Windach (Dr. med. Götz Berberich Heidi Unger)
kbo Isar-Amper Klinikum (Dr. med. Till Krauseneck)
Motka F, Kühn S, Wittekind C. E. Deficits in general and smoking-specific response inhibition in the Go/No-Go task in individuals who smoke: A cross-sectional analysis. Addiction. 2025.
Funk, J., Kopf-Beck, J., Takano, K., Watkins, E., Ehring, T. (2025). An app designed to reduce repetitive negative thinking can decrease depression and anxiety in young people only when used frequently – Results from a randomized controlled prevention trial. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.
Motka, F., Wittekind, C. E., Ascone, L., & Kühn, S. (2025). Efficacy and working mechanisms of a Go/No-Go task-based inhibition training in smoking: A randomized-controlled trial. Behaviour research and therapy, 185, 104672.
Vogel, L., Löchner, J., Opitz, A., Ehring, T., Lux, U., Liel, C., Henning, C., Seiferth, C., & Wittekind, C.E. (2025). Shadows of the past: Hierarchical regression analyses on the role of childhood maltreatment experiences for postpartum depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 371, 82-90.
Aleksic, M., Reineck, A., Ehring, T., & Wolkenstein, L. (2024). When does imagery rescripting become a double-edged sword? Investigating the risk of memory distortion through imagery rescripting in an online trauma film study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 174: 104495. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2024.104495 [PDF]
Bertsch, K., Göhre, I., Cottin, M., Zettl, M., Wienrich, C., & Back, S. N. (2024). Traumatic childhood experiences and personality functioning: effect of body connection in a cross-sectional German and Chilean sample. Borderline personality disorder and emotion dysregulation, 11(1), 20.
Cook, J. M., Bovin, M. J., Günak, M. M., Lawrence, K. A., & Pietrzak, R. H. (2024). Psychometric properties, factor structure, and functional correlates of the PTSD checklist for DSM-5 in a US national sample of older veterans. International Psychogeriatrics, 100027.
Egan, S., Greene, D., Callaghan, T., Raghav, S., Funk, J., Badenbach, T., Talam, S., McEvoy, P., Ehring, T., & Kopf-Beck, J. (2024). Worry and rumination as a transdiagnostic target: A co-produced systematic review and meta-analysis. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 1-24.
Funk, J., Takano, K., Babl, M., Goldstein, R., Oberwestersberger, R., Kopf-Beck, J., Rohleder, N., & Ehring, T. (2024, 2024/07/01/). Can an intervention designed to reduce repetitive negative thinking alter the response to a psychosocial stressor? A randomized controlled study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 178, 104547. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2024.104547 [PDF]
Hagenberg, J., Brückl, T., Erhart, M., Kopf-Beck, J., Ködel, M., Rehawi, G., Röh-Karamihalev, S., Sauer, S., Yusupov, N., Rex-Haffner, M., Spoormaker, V., Sämann, P., Binder, E., Knauer-Arloth, J. (2024). Dissecting depression: Multi-omics clustering uncovers immune-related subgroups and cell-type specific dysregulation. Brain, Behavior and Immunity.
Hitchcock, C., Funk, J., Cummins, R., Patel, S. D., Catarino, A., Takano, K., Dalgleish, T., & Ewbank, M. (2024). A deep learning quantification of patient specificity as a predictor of session attendance and treatment response to internet-enabled cognitive behavioural therapy for common mental health disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 350, 485-491.
Hunsmann, J. J., Ay-Bryson, D. S., Kobs, S., Behrend, N., Weck, F., Knigge, M., & Kühne, F. (2024). Basic counseling skills in psychology and teaching: Validation of a short version of the counselor activity self-efficacy scales. BMC Psychology, 12(1), 32.
Juen, F., Vierl, L., & Hörz-Sagstetter, S. (2024). Patientencharakteristika an einer psychodynamischen Aus-und Weiterbildungsambulanz. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 70. doi: 10.13109/zptm.2024.71.oa1 [PDF]
Kopf-Beck, J., Müller, C. L., Tamm, J., Fietz, J., Rek, N., Just, L., Spock, Z., Weweck, K., Takano, K., Rein, M., Keck, M.E., Egli, S. (2024). Effectiveness of Schema Therapy vs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs Supportive Therapy for Depression in an Inpatient and Day Clinic setting: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. doi: 10.1159/000535492 [PDF]
Kuck, S., Ehring, T., Dyer, A., Pittig, A., Peikenkamp, J., Morina, N., Alpers, G.W., & Krüger-Gottschalk, A. (2024). Sudden gains in routine clinical care: Application of a permutation test for trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15: 2335796. doi: 10.1080/20008066.2024.2335796 [PDF]
Kunde, W., Dal Molin, J., Engel, J., Koch, S., Kollei, T., Ditzen, B., Ehring, T., Heinrichs, N., Kiesel, A., Kirsch, P., Krahé, B., Meiser, T., Mojzisch, A., Neyer, F.J., Pauen, S., Scheiter, K., Thiel, C.M., & Wolf, O.T. (2024). Bericht des Fachkollegiums Psychologie in der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Psychologische Rundschau, 75, 171-176. doi: 10.1026/0033-3042/a000672 [PDF]
Seelig [Schreiner], E., Joormann, J., & Wolkenstein, L. (2024). Cognitive–emotional impairments in euthymic bipolar disorder—New insights into emotion regulation and cognitive control deficits. Emotion. Advance online publication.
Semmlinger, V., Leithner, C., Klöck, L. M., Ranftl, L., Ehring, T., & Schreckenbach, M. (2024). Prevalence and Predictors of Nonresponse to Psychological Treatment for PTSD: A Meta‐Analysis. Depression and Anxiety, 2024(1), 9899034.
Soutschek, A. & Wittekind, C. E. (2024). Lower motivation for rewarded mental effort in nicotine dependence. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 32, 615-623.
Stefanovic, M., Takano, K., Wittekind, C.E., & Ehring, T. (2024). Dynamic symptom associations in posttraumatic stress disorder: A network approach. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15: 2317675. doi: 10.1080/20008066.2024.2317675 [PDF]
Takano, K., & Ehring, T. (2024). Affective forecasting as an adaptive learning process. Emotion, 24, 795-806.
Tamm, J., Takano, K., Just, L., Ehring, T., Rosenkranz, T., & Kopf-Beck, J. (2024). Ecological Momentary Assessment versus Weekly Questionnaire Assessment of Change in Depression. Depression and Anxiety. doi: 10.1155/2024/9191823 [PDF]
Tschentscher, N., Tafelmaier, J. C., Woll, C. F. J., Pogarell, O., Maywald, M., Vierl, L., Breitenstein, K., & Karch, S. (2024). The Clinical Impact of Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback on Emotion Regulation: A Systematic Review. Brain Sciences, 14(7), 700. doi: 10.3390/brainsci14070700 [PDF]
Twardawski, M., Gollwitzer, M., Altenmüller, M. S., Bertsch, K., Lobbestael, J., Philippi, A. L. E. & Wittekind, C. E. (2024). Victim empowerment and satisfaction: The potential of Imagery Rescripting. European Journal of Social Psychology, 54, 1182-1197.
Vierl, L., & Hörz-Sagstetter, S. (2024). Wie hängen psychodynamische Konstrukte mit Psychopathologie zu- sammen? Implikationen für die Therapieplanung. Ärztliche Psychotherapie, 19(3), 151–157.
Vierl, L., Wülfing, P., Juen, F., Hörz-Sagstetter, S., Spitzer, C., & Benecke, C. (2024). Unravelling inter-relations within and between psychodynamic constructs and psychopathology using network analysis. Personality and Mental Health, 1–16. doi: 10.1002/pmh.1628 [PDF]
Vierl, L., Göbel, P., Juen F., Hörz-Sagstetter, S., Spitzer, C., & Benecke, C. (2024). Unraveling inter-relations within and between psychodynamic constructs and psychopathology using network analysis. Personality and mental health.18(4),323-338. doi: 10.1002/pmh.1628
Vierl, L., Hörz-Sagstetter, S., Benecke, C., Spitzer, C., & Juen, F. (2024). All the same? Different measures of personality functioning are similar but distinct. A comparative study from a psychodynamic perspective using exploratory graph analysis. Journal of personality assessment. 106(3), 314-327.doi:10.1080/00223891.2023.2251150
Vogel, L., Henning, C., Wolstein, J., Versele, V., Van Poppel, M. N., Steppan, K., ... & Seiferth, C. (2024). User‐centered development process of an evidence‐based mHealth intervention for psychosocially burdened families during the transition to parenthood. Mental Health Science, e58. doi: 10.1002/mhs2.58 [PDF]
Vrijsen, J. N., Grafton, B*., Hallion, L. S.*, Koster, E. H. W.*, Lau, J.*, Wittekind, C. E.*, Bar-Haim, Y., … Wiers, R. W. (2024). Towards implementation of Cognitive Bias Modification in mental health care: State of the science, best practices and ways forward. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 179, 104557.
* geteilte Zweitautorenschaft
Watkins, E., Warren, F., Newbold, A., Hulme, C., Cranston, T., Aas, B., Bear, H., Botella, C., Burkhardt, F., Diaz-Garcia, A., Ehring, T., Fazel, M., Fontaine, J., Frost, M., Garcia-Palacios, A., Greimel, E., Hößle, C., Hovasapian, A, Huyghe, V., Karpouzis, K., Löchner, J. Molinari, G., Pekrun, R., Platt, B., Rosenkranz, T., Scherer, K., Schlegel, K., Schuller, B., Schulte-Körne, G., Voigt, V., Voss, M., & Taylor, R. (2024). Emotion competence self-help mobile app versus cognitive-behavioural self-help app versus self-monitoring app to prevent depression in young adults with elevated risk (ECoWeB PREVENT): An internal parallel open label randomised controlled trial. Lancet Digital Health, 6: e894-903.
Watkins, E., Warren, F., Newbold, A., Hulme, C., Cranston, T., Aas, B., Bear, H., Botella, C., Burkhardt, F., Diaz-Garcia, A., Ehring, T., Fazel, M., Fontaine, J., Frost, M., Garcia-Palacios, A., Greimel, E., Hößle, C., Hovasapian, A, Huyghe, V., Karpouzis, K., Löchner, J. Molinari, G., Pekrun, R., Platt, B., Rosenkranz, T., Scherer, K., Schlegel, K., Schuller, B., Schulte-Körne, G., Voigt, V., Voss, M., & Taylor, R. (2024). Emotion competence self-help mobile app versus cognitive-behavioural self-help app versus self-monitoring app to promote well-being in healthy young adults (ECoWeB PROMOTE): An internal parallel open label randomised controlled trial. Lancet Digital Health, 6: e902-13.
Werner, G.G., Göhre, I., Takano, K., Ehring, T., Wittekind, C.E., & Stefanovic, M. (2024). Temporal associations between trauma-related sleep disturbances and posttraumatic stress disorder: An experience sampling study. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, and Practice, 16, 846-854.
Wigard, I., Meyerbröker, K., Ehring, T., Topper, M., Arntz, A., & Emmelkamp, P. (2024). Skills training followed by either EMDR or Narrative Therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in survivors of childhood abuse: A randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15:2332104. doi: 10.1018/20008006.2024.2332104 [PDF]
Wittekind, C. E., Rinck, M. & Wiers, R. (2024). Cognitive training as add-on to the treatment of substance use disorders. In I. Franken, K. Witkiewitz & R. Wiers (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of Addiction Psychology (S. 360-378). London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Wolf, S., Seiffer, B., Zeibig, J.-M., Frei, A.K., Studnitz, T., Welkerling, J., Meinzinger, E., Bauer, L.L., Baur, J., Rosenstiel, S., Fiedler, D.V., Helmhold, F., Ray, A., Herzog, E., Takano, K., Nakagawa, T., Günak, M.M., Kropp, S., Peters, S., Flagmaier, A.L., Zwanzleitner, L., Sundmacher, L., Ramos-Murguialday, A., Hautzinger, M., Sudeck, G., & Ehring, T. (2024). A transdiagnostic group exercise intervention for mental health outpatients in Germany (ImPuls): Results of a pragmatic, multi-site, block-randomized, phase 3 controlled trial. Lancet Psychiatry, 11, 417-430. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(24)00069-5 [PDF]
Barton, B.B., Ehring, T., Reinhard, M.A., Goerigk, S., Wüstenberg, T., Musil, R., Amann, B.L., Jobst, A., Dewald-Kaufmann, J., & Padberg, F. (2023). Effects of resilience and timing of adverse and adaptive experiences on interpersonal behavior: A transdiagnostic study in a clinical sample. Scientific Reports, 13:18131.
Barton, B., Reinhard, M.A., Goerigk, S., Wüstenberg, T., Musil, R., Ehring, T., Jobst, A., Dewald-Kaufmann, J., & Padberg, F. (2023). Association between the behavioral response during social exclusion and recalled childhood maltreatment. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 160: 140232. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2022.104232 [PDF]
Blackwell, S.E., Ehring, T., Gladwin, T.E., Margraf, J., & Woud, M. (2023). The relationship between self-traumatized and self-vulnerable automatic associations and posttraumatic stress symptoms among adults who have experienced a distressing life event. Current Psychology, 42, 11674-11684 . doi: 10.1007/s12144-021-02441-9 [PDF]
Claus, N., Miegel, F., Jelinek, L., Landmann, S., Moritz, S., Külz, A.K., Rubel, J., & Cludius, B. (2023). Perfectionism as Possible Predictor for Treatment Success in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Metacognitive Training as Third-Wave Treatments for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Cognitive Therapy and Research. doi: 10.1007/s10608-023-10361-0 [PDF]
Claus, N., Takano, K., & Wittekind, C.E. (2023). The interplay between cognitive biases, attention control, and social anxiety symptoms: A network and cluster approach. PLoS ONE, 18(4): e0282259. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0282259 [PDF]
Cludius, B. & Ehring, T. (2023). The challenge of translational research: How do we get from basic research findings to evidence-based interventions. In M. Woud (ed.), Interpretational processing biases in emotional psychopathology: From experimental investigation to clinical practice (pp. 9 – 32). Berlin: Springer.
Cludius, B., Hummel, J., Limburg, K., Woud, M., & Takano, K. (2023). Development and validation of the Ambiguous Scenario Task for perfectionistic concerns for university students. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 79, 101811. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2022.101811 [PDF]
Danböck, S.K., Hettegger, S., Anders, S., Franke, L.K., Liedlgruber, M., Miedl, S.F., Gashi, A. Kurapov, A., Weber, R.-C., Ehring, T., & Wilhelm, F. (2023). Psychometric properties of the Dissociative Subtype of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Scale: Replication and extension in two German-speaking samples. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 14:2238492. doi: 10.1080/20008066.2023.2238492 [PDF]
Dumser, B., Werner, G.G., Ehring, T., & Takano, K. (2023). Symptom dynamics among nightmare sufferers: An intensive longitudinal study. Journal of Sleep Research, 32: e13776.
Dumser, B., Werner, G.G., Ehring, T., & Koch, T. (2023). Behandlung von Schlafstörungen bei Geflüchteten: Das „Sleep Training adapted for Refugees“ – STARS: Entwicklung und erste Erfahrungen. Verhaltenstherapie & psychosoziale Praxis, 55, 23-35.
Ehring, T., & Woud, M. (2023). Towards a better understanding of the role of reappraisal in psychopathology and its treatment: Commentary on “Reappraising reappraisal: An expanded view”. Cognition and Emotion, 37, 378-383.
Fiedler, D.V., Rosenstiel, S., Zeibig, J.-M., Seiffer, B., Welkerling, J., Frei, A.K., Studnitz, T., Baur, J., Helmhold, F., Ray, A., Herzog, E., Takano, K., Nakagawa, T., Kropp, S., Franke, S., Peters, S., Flagmeier, A.L., Zwanzleitner, L., Sundmacher, L., Ramos-Murguialday, A., Hautzinger, M., Ehring, T., Sudeck, G., & Wolf, S. (2023). Concept and study protocol of the process evaluation of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial to promote physical activity in outpatients with heterogenous mental disorders: The ImPuls study. Trials, 24:330. doi: 10.1186/s13063-023-07331-y [PDF]
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van Heemstra, H.E., Scholte, W.F., Ehring, T., & Boelen, P.A. (2020). Contextualizing cognitions: The relation between negative post-traumatic cognitions and post-traumatic stress among Palestenian refugees. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 13, 159-172.
Werner, G. G., Danboeck, S. K., Metodiev, S., & Kunze, A. E. (2020). Fear of Sleep in Trauma-Related Sleep Disturbances: A Cluster-Analytic Approach. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 2(2).
Werner, G. G., Schabus, M., Blechert, J., & Wilhelm, F. H. (2020). Differential Effects of REM Sleep on Emotional Processing: Initial Evidence for Increased Short-term Emotional Responses and Reduced Long-term Intrusive Memories. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 1-16.
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Bertsch, K., Krauch, M., Roelofs, K., Cackowski, S., Herpertz, S. C., & Volman, I. (2019). Out of control? Acting out anger is associated with deficient prefrontal emotional action control in male patients with borderline personality disorder. Neuropharmacology, 156, 107463.
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Ehring, T. (2019). Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie. In A. Maercker (Hrsg.), Traumafolgestörungen (5. Auflage) (S. 249-274). Berlin: Springer.
Ehring, T., Hoffmann, A., Kleim, B., Liebermann, P. Lotzin, A., Maercker, A., Neuner, F., Reddemann, O., Schäfer, I., & Schellong, J. (2019). Psychotherapeutische Behandlung. In I. Schäfer, U. Gast, A. Hofmann, C., Knaevelsrud, A. Lampe, P. Liebermann, A. Maercker, R. Rosner, & W. Wöller (Hrsg.), S-3 Leitlinie Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (S. 23-29). Berlin: Springer.
Gerlach, F., Ehring, T., Werner, G.G., & Takano, K. (2019). Insomnia-related interpretational bias is associated with pre-sleep worry. Journal of Sleep Research, 29: e12938.
Gieselmann, A., Ait Aoudia, M., Carr, M., Germain, A., Gorzka, R., Holzinger , B., Kleim, B., Krakow, B., Kunze, A. E., Lancee, J., Nadorff, M. R., Nielsen, T., Riemann, D., Sandahl, H, Schlarb, A. A., Schmid, C., Schredl, M., Spoormaker, V. I., Steil, R., van Schagen, A. M., Wittmann, L., Zschoche, M., & Pietrowsky, R. (2019). Aetiology and treatment of nightmare disorder: State of the art and future perspectives. Journal of Sleep Research, e12820.
Goldbeck, F., Hautzinger, M. & Wolkenstein, L. (2019). Validation of the German version of the Subjective Vitality Scale - A cross-sectional study and a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Well-Being Assessment, 3, 17-37.
Hallford, D. J., Austin, D. W., Raes, F., & Takano, K. (2019). Computerised memory specificity training (c-MeST) for the treatment of major depression: A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 9(2):e024508. https://doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024508
Herpertz, S. C., Schmitgen, M. M., Fuchs, C., Roth, C., Wolf, R. C., Bertsch, K., Flor, H., Grinevich, V., & Boll, S. (2019). Oxytocin effects on pain perception and pain anticipation. Journal of Pain. Doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2019.04.002 .
Kami, M., Moloodi, R., Mazidi,M., Ehring, T., Mansoori, A.K., Nodooshan, M.B., Mazinani, Z., Molavi, M.-R., & Momeni, F. (2019). Measuring repetitive thinking in Iran: Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire. Personality and Individual Differences, 148, 101-109.
Kleindienst, N., Hauschild, S., Liebke, L., Thome, J., Bertsch, K., Hensel, S., & Lis, S. (2019). A negative bias in decoding positive social cues characterizes emotion processing in patients with symptom-remitted Borderline Personality Disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation, 6(1), 17.
Klumparendt, A., Nelson, J., Barenbrügge, J. & Ehring, T. (2019). Associations between childhood maltreatment and adult depression: A mediation analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 19: 36.
Koch, T., & Liedl, A. (2019). STARK: Skills-Training zur Affektregulation – Ein kultursensibler Ansatz [STARC: Skills-Training of Affect Regulation: A culture-sensitive approach]. Stuttgart: Schattauer.
Kramer, L., Sander, C., Bertsch, K., Gescher, D. M., Cackowski, S., Hegerl, U., & Herpertz, S. C. (2019). EEG-vigilance regulation in borderline personality disorder. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 139, 10-17.
Külz, A. K., Landmann, S., Cludius, B., Rose, N., Heidenreich, T., Jelinek, L., ... & Maier, J. G. (2019). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) and residual symptoms after cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): a randomized controlled trial. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 269(2), 223-233.
Kunze, A. E., Arntz, A., & Kindt, M. (2019, online publication). Investigating the effects of imagery rescripting on emotional memory: A series of analogue studies. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology.
Kunze, A. E., Lancee, J., Morina, N., Kindt, M., & Arntz, A. (2019). Mediators of change in imagery rescripting and imaginal exposure for nightmares: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Behavior Therapy, 50, 978-993.
Landmann, S. Cludius, B., Tuschen-Caffier, B., Moritz, S., Külz, A.K. (2019). Mindfulness predicts insight in obsessive-compulsive disorder over and above OC symptoms: An experience-sampling study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 121.
Limburg, K., Schmid‐Mühlbauer, G., Sattel, H., Dinkel, A., Radziej, K., Gonzales, M., ... & Lahmann, C.(2019). Potential effects of multimodal psychosomatic inpatient treatment for patients with functional vertigo and dizziness symptoms–A pilot trial. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 92(1), 57-73.
Martens, K., Barry, T. J., Takano, K., Onghena, P., & Raes, F. (2019). Efficacy of online Memory Specificity Training in adults with a history of depression, using a multiple baseline across participants design. Internet Interventions, 18: 100259.
Martens, K., Takano, K., Barry, T. J., Goedleven, J., Van den Meutter, L., & Raes, F. (2019). Remediating reduced autobiographical memory in healthy older adults with the computerized Memory Specificity Training (c-MeST): A preliminary investigation. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21: e13333.
Martens, K., Takano, K., Barry, T. J., Holmes, E. A., Wyckaert, S., & Raes, F. (2019). Remediating reduced memory specificity in bipolar disorder: A case study using a computerized Memory Specificity Training (c-MeST). Brain and Behavior., 9: e01468
Miegel, F., Cludius, B., Hottenrott, B., Demiralay, C., Sure, A., & Jelinek, L. (2019). Session-specific effects of the Metacognitive Training for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (MCT-OCD). Psychotherapy Research : Journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, 1–13.
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Nakajima, M., Takano, K., & Tanno, Y. (2019). Mindfulness relates to decreased depressive symptoms via enhancement of self-insight. Mindfulness, 10, 894-902.
Neukel, C., Herpertz, S. C., Hindi-Attar, C., Zietlow, A.-L., Fuchs, A., Moehler, E., Bermpohl, F., & Bertsch, K. (2019). Neural correlates of the own child’s facial emotions in mothers with a history of early life maltreatment. European Archives of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 269, 171-181.
Nishiguchi, Y., Sakamoto, J., Kunisato, Y., Takano, K. (2019). Linear ballistic accumulator modeling of attentional bias modification revealed disturbed evidence accumulation of negative information by explicit instruction. Frontiers in Psychology, 10: 2447.
Reichl, C., Kaess, M., Fuchs, A., Bertsch, K., Bödeker, K. Zietlow, A. L., Dittrich, K., Hartmann, A. M., Rujescu, D., Parzer, P., Resch, F., Bermpohl, F., Herpertz, S. C., & Brunner, R. (2019). Childhood adversity and parenting behavior: the role of oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism. Journal of Neural Transmission, 126, 777–787.
Rinnewitz, L., Parzer, P., Koenig, J., Bertsch, K., Brunner, R., Resch, F., & Kaess, M. (2019). A biobehavioral validation of the Taylor Aggression Paradigm in female adolescents. Sci Rep, 9(1): 7036. Doi:10.1038/s41598-019-43456-4 .
Schellong, J., Hanschmidt, F., Ehring, T., Knaevelsrud, C., Schäfer, I., Rau, H., Dyer, A., & Krüger-Gottschalk, A. (2019). Diagnostik der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung im Spannungsfeld von DSM-5 und ICD-11. Der Nervenarzt, 90, 733-729.
Sfärlea, A., Löchner, J., Neumüller, J., Asperud Thomsen, L., Starman, K., Salemink, E., ... & Platt, B. (2019). Passing on the half-empty glass: A transgenerational study of interpretation biases in children at risk for depression and their parents with depression. Journal of abnormal psychology, 128(2), 151.
Schneider, I., Bertsch, K., Hidalgo, N. A. I., Müller, L. E., Defiebre, N., & Herpertz, S. C. (2019). The Sound and Face of Others: Vocal Priming Effects on Facial Emotion Processing in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Psychopathology, 52(5), 283-293.
Siegesleitner, M., Strohm, M., Wittekind, C.E., Ehring, T., & Kunze, A.E. (2019). Effects of imagery rescripting on consolidated memories of an aversive film. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 62, 22-29.
Strohm, M., Siegesleitner, M., Kunze, A.E., Ehring, T., & Wittekind, C.E. (2019). Imagery rescripting of aversive autobiographical memories: Effects on memory distress, emotions, and feelings of mastery. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 43, 1005-1017.
Takano, K.*, Hallford, D. J.*, Vanderveren, E., Austin, D. W., & Raes, F. (2019). The computerized scoring algorithm for the Autobiographical Memory Test: Updates and extensions for analyzing memories of English-speaking adults. Memory, 27, 306 - 313. * co-first author
Takano, K., Van Grieken, J., Raes, F. (2019). Difficulty in updating positive beliefs about negative cognition is associated with increased depressed mood. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 64, 22-30.
Teismann, T. & Ehring, T. (2019). Pathologisches Grübeln. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Turner, D., Wittekind, C. E., Briken, P., Fromberger, P., Moritz, S. & Rettenberger, M. (2019). Approach and avoidance biases toward sexual stimuli and their association with the dual control model of sexual response in heterosexual men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 867-880.
Ueltzhöffer, K., Herpertz, S. C., Krauch, M., Schmahl, C., & Bertsch, K. (2019). Whole-brain functional connectivity during script-driven aggression in borderline personality disorder. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 93, 46–54.
Van der Gucht, K., Dejonckheere, E., Erbas, Y., Takano, K., Vandemoortele, M., Maex, E., Raes, F., & Kuppens, P. (2019). An experience sampling study examining the potential impact of a mindfulness-based intervention on emotion differentiation. Emotion, 19, 123-131.
Voss, M., Ehring, T., Timpano, K., Joormann, J., & Wolkenstein, L. (2019). A psychometric evaluation of the German version of the Responses to Positive Affect Questionnaire. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 41, 425-435.
Voss, M., Ehring, T. & Wolkenstein, L. (2019). Does transcranial direct current stimulation affect post-stressor intrusive memories and rumination? An experimental analogue study. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 43, 535-549.
Wahl, K., Ehring, T., Kley, H., Lieb, R., Meyer, A., Kordon, A., Heinzel, C.V., Mazanec, M., & Schönfeld, S. (2019). Is repetitive negative thinking a transdiagnostic process? A comparison of key processes of RNT in depression, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and community controls. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 64, 45-53.
Wittekind, C. E., Bierbrodt, J., Lüdecke, D., Feist, A., Hand, I. & Moritz, S. (2019). Cognitive Bias Modification in problem and pathological gambling using a web-based Approach-Avoidance Task: A Pilot Trial. Psychiatry Research, 272, 171-181.
Wittekind, C. E., Enders, E., Ehring. T., Pogarell, O. & Rüther, T. (2019). Approach-Avoidance Modification as an add-on in smoking cessation: A randomized controlled study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 114, 35-43. Bücker, L., Bierbrodt, J., Hand, I., Wittekind, C. E. & Moritz, S. (2018). Correction: Effects of a depression-focused internet intervention in slot machine gamblers: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS ONE, 13, e0203145.
Wittekind, C. E., Lüdecke, D. & Cludius, B. (2019). Web-based approach bias modification in smokers: a randomized-controlled study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 116, 52-60.
Wittekind, C.E., Reibert, E., Takano, K., Ehring, T., Pogarell, O., & Rüther, T. (2019). Approach-avoidance modification as an add-on in smoking cessation: A randomized controlled study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 114, 35-4.
Zaehringer, J., Ende, G., Santangelo, P., Kleindienst, N., Ruf, M., Bertsch, K., Bohus, M., Schmahl, C., & Paret, C. (2019). Improved emotion regulation after neurofeedback: A single-arm trial in patients with borderline personality disorder. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24, 102032.
Bertsch, K. & Herpertz, S. C. (2018). Personality disorders, functioning and health. Psychopathology, 51, 69-70.
Bertsch, K, Hillmann, K., & Herpertz, S. C. (2018). Behavioral and neurobiological correlates of disturbed emotion processing in borderline personality disorder. Psychopathology, 51, 76-82.
Bertsch, K., Roelofs, K., Roch, P. J., Ma, B., Hensel, S., Herpertz, S. C., & Volman, I. (2018). Neural correlates of emotional action control in anger-prone women with borderline personality disorder. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 43, 161-70.
Böttche, M., Ehring, T., Krüger-Gottschalk, A., Rau, H., Schäfer, I., Schellong, J., Dyer, A., & Knaevelsrud, C. (2018). Testing the ICD-11 proposal for complex PTSD in trauma-exposed adults: Factor structure and symptom profiles. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 9:1512264.
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Ehring, T. (2018). Angst nach Trauma: Die Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung. In P. Zwanzger (Hrsg.), Angst: Medizin, Psychologie, Gesellschaft (S. 271-285). Berlin: MVV.
Ehring, T. & Ehlers, A. (2018). Ratgeber Trauma und Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (2., überarbeitete Auflage). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Feyerabend, J., Lüttke, S., Grosse-Wentrup, F., Wolter, S., Hautzinger, M. & Wolkenstein, L. (2018). Theory of mind in remitted bipolar disorder: Younger patients struggle in tasks of higher ecological validity. Journal of Affective Disorders, 231, 32-40.
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Flechsenhar, A., Rösler, L. & Gamer, M. (2018). Attentional Selection of Social Features Persists Despite Restricted Bottom-Up Information and Affects Temporal Viewing Dynamic. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 12555.
Fuchs, A., Jaite, C., Neukel, C., Dittrich, K., Bertsch, K., Kluczniok, D., Möhler, E., Hindi-Attar, C., Brunner, R., Bödeker, K., Resch, F., Bermpohl, F., & Kaess, M. (2018). Link between children’s hair cortisol and psychopathology or quality of life moderated by childhood adversity risk. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 90, 52-60.
Goerigk, S., Hilbert, S., Jobst, A., Falkai, P., Bühner, M., Stachl, C., ... & Sarubin, N. (2018). Predicting instructed simulation and dissimulation when screening for depressive symptoms. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience, 1-16.
Hallford, D. J., Austin, D. W., Raes, F., & Takano, K. (2018). A test of the functional avoidance hypothesis in the development of overgeneral autobiographical memory. Memory & Cognition, 46, 895-908.
Hallford, D. J., Austin, D. W., Takano, K., & Raes, F. (2018). Psychopathology and episodic future thinking: A systematic review and meta-analysis of specificity and episodic detail. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 102, 42-51.
Herpertz, S. C., Bertsch, K., & Jeung, H. (2018). Neurobiology of criterion A: self and interpersonal personality functioning. Current Opinions in Psychology, 21, 23–27.
Herpertz, S. C., Schneider, I., Schmahl, C., & Bertsch, K. (2018). Neurobiological mechanisms mediating emotion dysregulation as targets of change in borderline personality disorder. Psychopathology, 51, 96-104.
Iijima, Y.*, Takano, K.,* & Tanno, Y. (2018). Attentional bias and its association with anxious mood dynamics. Emotion, 18, 725-735. * co-first author. Featured by Particularly Exciting Experiments in Psychology
Jelinek, L., Zielke, L., Hottenrott, B., Miegel, F., Cludius, B., Sure, A., Demiralay, C. (2018). Patients’ Perspectives on Treatment with Metacognitive Training for OCD: Feasibility and Acceptability. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 29, 20-28.
Jeung, H., Walther, S., Korn, C. W., Bertsch, K., & Herpertz, S. C. (2018). Emotional responses to receiving peer feedback on opinions in borderline personality disorder. Personality Disorders: Theory Research and Treatment, 9, 595-600.
Kazantzis, N., Clayton, X., Cronin, T. J., Farchione, D., Limburg, K., & Dobson, K. S. (2018). The Cognitive Therapy Scale and Cognitive Therapy Scale-Revised as Measures of Therapist Competence in Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression: Relations with Short and Long Term Outcome. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 42(4), 385-397.
Krauch, M., Ueltzhöffer, K., Brunner, R., Kaess, M., Hensel, S., Herpertz, S. C., & Bertsch, K. (2018). Heightened salience of anger and aggression in adolescents with borderline personality disorder – a script-based fMRI study. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12: 57. Doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00057 .
Limburg, K., Dinkel, A., Schmid-Mühlbauer, G., Sattel, H., Radziej, K., Becker-Bense, S., Henningsen, P., Dieterich, M., & Lahmann, C. (2018). Neurologists' Assessment of Mental Comorbidity in Patients With Vertigo and Dizziness in Routine Clinical Care—Comparison With a Structured Clinical Interview. Frontiers in Neurology, 9, 957.
Limburg, K., Shu, C. Y., Watson, H. J., Hoiles, K. J., & Egan, S. J. (2018). Implications of DSM‐5 for the diagnosis of pediatric eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 51(5),392-400.
Loechner, J. (2018). Transmission and Prevention of Depression in the Offspring of Parents with Depression: Differences and changes in psychopathology, emotion regulation and attributional style. (Doctoral dissertation)
Mancke, F., Herpertz, S. C., & Bertsch, K. (2018). Correlates of aggression in personality disorders: an update. Current Psychiatry Reports, 20(8), 53.
McEvoy, P. M., Hyett, M. P., Ehring, T., Johnson, S. L., Samtani, S., Anderson, R., & Moulds, M. L. (2018). Transdiagnostic assessment of repetitive negative thinking and responses to positive affect: structure and predictive utility for depression, anxiety, and mania symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 232, 375-384. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2018.02.072
Mielke, E. L., Neukel, C., Bertsch, K., Reck, C., Möhler, E., & Herpertz, S. C. (2018). Alterations of brain volumes in women with early life maltreatment and their associations with oxytocin. Hormones and Behavior, 97, 128–136.
McEvoy, P. M., Hyett, M. P., Ehring, T., Johnson, S. L., Samtani, S., Anderson, R., & Moulds, M. L. (2018). Transdiagnostic assessment of repetitive negative thinking and responses to positive affect: structure and predictive utility for depression, anxiety, and mania symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 232, 375-384.
Motka, F., Grüne, B., Sleczka, P., Braun, B., Örnberg, J. C., & Kraus, L. (2018). Who uses self-exclusion to regulate problem gambling? A systematic literature review. Journal of Behavioural Addiction, 7(4), 903-916. DOI: 10.1556/2006.7.2018.96
Müller, L. E., Bertsch, K., Bühlau, K., Herpertz, S. C., & Buchheim, A. (2018). Emotional neglect in childhood shapes social dysfunctioning in adults by influencing the oxytocin and the attachment system: results from a population-based study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 136, 73-80.
Nakajima, M., Takano, K., & Tanno, Y. (2018). Contradicting effects of self-insight: Self-insight can conditionally contribute to increased depressive symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 120, 127-132.
Nelson, J., Klumparendt, A., Doebler, P., & Ehring, T. (2018). Everyday emotional dynamics in major depression. Emotion.
Neukel, C., Bertsch, K., Fuchs, A., Zietlow, A.-L., Reck, C., Möhler, E., Brunner, R., Bermpohl, F., & Herpertz, S. C. (2018). The maternal brain in women with a history of early life maltreatment: an imagination-based fMRI study on conflictual vs. pleasant interactions with the child. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 43, 273-82.
Radziej, K., Probst, T., Limburg, K., Dinkel, A., Dieterich, M., & Lahmann, C. (2018). The longitudinal effect of vertigo and dizziness symptoms on psychological distress: Symptom-related fears and beliefs as mediators. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 206, 277–285.
Rashidi, M., Oelkers-Ax, R., Sharma, A., Bertsch, K., & Weisbrod, M. (2018). Perception of facial expressions of emotion in young female individuals with migraine. Brain Research, 1686, 42-7.
Schaub, A., Goldmann, U., Mueser, T. K., Goerigk, S., Hautzinger, M., Roth, E., Charypar, M., Engle, R., & Möller, H.-J. (2018). Efficacy of extended clinical management, group CBT, and group plus individual CBT for major depression: Results of a two-year follow-up study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 238, 570-578.
Schneider, B., Cludius, B., Lutz, W., Moritz, S., & Rubel, J. (2018). An investigation of module-specific effects of metacognitive training for psychosis. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 226, 164-173.
Schneider, I., Bertsch, K., Izurieta Hidalgo, N. A., Müller, L. E., Schmahl, C., & Herpertz, S. C. (2018). Remnants and changes in facial emotion processing in women with remitted borderline personality disorder: an EEG study. European Archives of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 268, 429-39.
Skodzik, T., Adelt, M.H., Nossek, V.A., Kuch, S.T., & Ehring, T. (2018). Does a novel training in mental imagery reduce pathological worry? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 109, 56-67.
Siegesleitner, M., Strohm, M., Wittekind, C. E., Ehring, T. & Kunze, A. (2018). Effects of Imagery Rescripting on consolidated memories of a trauma film. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 62, 22-29.
Takano, K., Gutenbrunner, C., Martens, K., Salmon, K., & Raes, F. (2018). Computerized scoring algorithm for the Autobiographical Memory Test. Psychological Assessment, 30, 259-273.
Takano, K., & Raes, F. (2018). Subjective sleep disturbances are associated with intrinsic motivation toward sleep-related thinking. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 100, 30-36.
Takano, K., Vanden Poel, L., & Raes, F. (2018). Pre-sleep arousal can be associated with efficient processing of sleep-related information. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 60, 13-21.
Thielsch, C., Andor, T. & Ehring, T. (2018). Assessing metacognitive beliefs about worry: Validation of German version of the Why Worry Scale II and the Consequences of Worry Scale. PeerJ, 6: e5177.
Wittkamp, M. F., Bertsch, K., Vögele, C., & Schulz, A. (2018). A latent-state trait analysis of interoceptive accuracy. Psychophysiology, 55, e13055. doi:10.1111/psyp.13055 .
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Andreou, C., Wittekind, C. E., Fieker, M. Heitz, U., Veckenstedt, R., Bohn. F. & Moritz, S. (2017). Individualized metacognitive therapy for delusions: A randomized controlled rater-blind study. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 56, 144-151.
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Mancke, F., Herpertz, S. C., Kleindienst, N., & Bertsch, K. (2017). Emotion dysregulation and trait anger sequentially mediate the association between borderline personality disorder and aggression. Journal of Personality Disorders, 31, 256–272.
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Rosenkranz, T., Müller, K. W., Dreier, M., Beutel, M. E., Wölfling, K. (2017). Addictive potential of Internet applications and differential correlates of problematic use in Internet gamers versus generalized Internet users in a representative sample of adolescents. European Addiction Research, 23(3), 148-156.
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Skodzik, T., Leopold, A., & Ehring, T. (2017). Effects of a training in mental imagery on worry: A proof-of-principle study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 45, 24-33. doi: 10.1016/j.Janxdis.2016.11.009 .
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Timmermann, M., Jeung, H., Schmitt, R., Boll, S., Freitag, C. M., Bertsch, K., & Herpertz, S. C. (2017). Oxytocin improves facial emotion recognition in young adults with antisocial personality disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 85, 158–164.
Topper, M., Emmelkamp, P.M.G., Watkins, E., & Ehring, T. (2017). Prevention of anxiety disorders and depression by targeting excessive worry and rumination in adolescents and young adults: A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 90, 123-136.
Van der Gucht, K., Takano, K., Labarque, V., Vandenabeele, K., Nolf, N., Kuylen, S., Cosyns, V., Van Broeck, N., Kuppens, P., & Raes, F. (2017). A mindfulness-based intervention for adolescents and young adults after cancer treatment: Effects on quality of life, emotional distress, and cognitive vulnerability.Journal of Adolescent Young Adult Oncology, 6, 307-317.
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* geteilte Erstautorenschaft
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Jelinek, L., Hauschildt, M., Wittekind, C. E., Schneider, B. C., Kriston, L. & Moritz, S. (2016). Efficacy of metacognitive training for depression: A randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 85, 231-234.
Kunze, A. E., Lancee, J., Morina, N., Kindt, M., & Arntz, A. (2016). Efficacy and mechanisms of imagery rescripting and imaginal exposure for nightmares: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 17, 1-14. doi: 10.1186/s13063-016-1570-3 .
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Laib, M., & Wolkenstein, L. (2016). Factors Predicting the Explicit and Implicit Attitude Towards Body Scanners. Review of Social Sciences, 1, 18-33.
Mancke, F., Herpertz, S. C., Hirjak, D., Knies, R., & Bertsch, K. (2016). Amygdala structures and aggressiveness in borderline personality disorder. European Journal of Psychiatry, doi:10.1007/s00406-016-0747-9 .
Mehl, S. & Wittekind, C. E. (2016). Psychologische Therapien bei Schizophrenie. In R. Merod (Ed.). Psychologische Therapien bei Schizophrenie (S.29-68). Tübingen: dgvt-Verlag
Meyer, P.-W. Müller, L. E., Zastrow, A., Schmidinger, I., Bohus, M., Herpertz, S. C., & Bertsch, K. (2016). Heart rate variability in patients with post-traumatic stress disorder or borderline personality disorder – relationship to early life maltreatment. Journal of Neural Transmission, 123, 1107–1118.
Meyhöfer, I., Bertsch, K., Esser, M., & Ettinger, U. (2016). Variance in saccadic eye movements reflects stable traits. Psychophysiology, 53, 566–578.
Mielke, E., Neukel, C., Bertsch, K., Reck, C., Möhler, E., & Herpertz, S.C. (2016). Maternal sensitivity and the empathetic brain: influences of early life maltreatment. Journal of Psychiatry Research, 77, 59–66.
Muhtz, C., Wittekind, C. E., Godemann, K., von Alm., C., Jelinek, L., Yassouridis, A. & Kellner, M. (2016). Mental health in offspring of traumatized refugees with and without post-traumatic stress disorder. Stress and Health, 32, 367-373.
Paret, C., Ruf, M., Gerchen, M.F., Kluetsch, R., Demirakca, T., Jungkunz, M., Bertsch, K., Schmahl, C., & Ende, G. (2016). fMRI neurofeedback of amygdala response to aversive stimuli enhances prefrontal-limbic brain connectivity. Neuroimage, 125, 182–188.
Schierholz, A., Krüger, A., Barenbrügge, J. & Ehring, T. (2016). What mediates the link between childhood trauma and depression? The role of emotion dysregulation, attachment, and attributional style. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 7: 32652.
Skodzik, T., Leopold, A., & Ehring, T. (2017). Effects of a training in mental imagery on worry: A proof-of-principle study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 45, 24-33.
Skodzik, T., Zettler, T., Topper, M., Blechert, J., & Ehring, T. (2016). The effect of verbal and imagery-based worry versus distraction on the emotional response to a stressful in-vivo situation. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 52, 51-58.
Ussorio, D., Giusti, L., Wittekind, C. E., Bianchi, V., Malavolta, M., Pollice, R…. Ronconce, R. (2016). Metacognitive training for young subjects (MCT young version) in the early stages of psychosis: Is the duration of untreated psychosis a limiting factor? Psychology and Psychotherapy, 89, 50-65.
Werner, G.G., Ford, B.Q., Mauss, I.B., Schabus, M., Blechert, J., & Wilhelm, F.H. (2016). Cardiac vagal control and depressive symptoms: The moderating role of sleep quality. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 00, 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/15402002.2016.1150280
Wittekind, C. E., Jelinek, L., Moritz, S., Muhtz, C. & Berna, F. (2016). Autobiographical memory in adult offspring of traumatized parents with and without posttraumatic stress symptoms. Psychiatry Research, 242, 311-314.
Wolkenstein, L. & Hautzinger, M. (2016). Affektive Störungen. In: C. Lorei & F. Hallenberger. Grundwissen Psychisch Kranke. Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft.
Wolkenstein, L. & Hautzinger, M. (2016). Störungen im Alter. In: C. Lorei & F. Hallenberger. Grundwissen Psychisch Kranke. Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft.
Bijttebier, P., Raes, F., Vasey, M.W., & Ehring, T. (2015). Assessment of repetitive negative thinking in children: The Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire – Child version (PTQ-C). Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 37, 164-170.
Brunner, R., Reichl, C., Bermpohl, F., Bertsch, K., Bock, J., Bödeker, K., Firk, C., Fuchs, A., Führer, D., Gröger, N., Heinz, A., Herpertz-Dahlmann, B., Herpertz, S. C., Dahmen, B., Attar., C, Kluczniok, D., Konrad, K., Lehmkuhl, U., Möhler, E., Neukel, C., Reck, C., Resch, F., Rether, K., Zietlow, A., Ziegenhain, U., Schury, K., Karabatsiakis, A., Braun, K., Gündel., H, Kindler, H., Buchheim, A., Meysen, T., Kolassa, I., & Fegert, J. M. (2015). Mechanismen der generationsübergreifenden Transmission belastender Kindheitserfahrungen: Theoretischer Hintergrund, Forschungsdesigns und erste Ergebnisse zweier multizentrischer Studien in Deutschland. = Mechanisms in the intergenerational transmission of childhood adversity—Theoretical background, research designs and initial results of two multicentre studies in Germany. Trauma & Gewalt, 9, 137–147.
Cludius, B., Hottenrott, B., Alsleben, H., Peter, U., Schröder, J., Moritz, S. (2015). Mindfulness for OCD? No evidence for a direct effect of a self-help treatment approach. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 6, 59–65.
Cludius, B., Moritz, S., Hottenrott, B., Schneider, B., Saathoff, K., Külz, A.K., Gallinat, J. (2015). Mindfulness and relaxation treatment reduce depressive symptoms in individuals with psychosis. European Psychiatry, 30 (6), 709-714.
Grosse, L., Carvalho, L.A., Wijkhuijs, A.J.M., Bellingrath, S., Ruland, T., Ambrée, O., Alferink, J., Ehring, T., Drexhage, H.A., & Arolt, V. (2015). Clinical characteristics of inflammation-associated depression: Monocyte gene expression is age-related in major depressive disorder. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 44, 48-56.
Herpertz, S. C. & Bertsch, K. (2015). A new perspective on the pathophysiology of borderline personality disorder: a model of the role of oxytocin. American Journal of Psychiatry, 172, 840–851.
Lau, P. Miesen, M. Wunderlich, R., Stein, A., Engell, A., Wollbrink, A., Mutz, G., Gerlach, A.L., Junghöfer, M., Ehring, T. Pantev, C. (2015). The Relevance of Interoception in Chronic Tinnitus: Analyzing Interoceptive Accuracy and Sensibility. BioMed Research International, Vol. 2015, Article ID 487372.
Mancke, F., Bertsch, K., & Herpertz, S. C. (2015). Gender differences in aggression of borderline personality disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation, 2:7, doi: 10.1186/s40479-015-0028-7 .
Mancke, F., Herpertz, S. C., & Bertsch, K. (2015a). Aggression in borderline personality disorder – a multidimensional model. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment, 6, 278–291.
Mancke, F., Herpertz, S. C., & Bertsch, K. (2015b). Core questions and next steps in research on aggression in borderline personality disorder: Rejoinder for „Aggression in borderline personality disorder-A multidimensional model“. Personality Disorders: Theory, Reseach and Treatment, 6, 298-299.
Moritz, S., Fieker, M., Hottenrott, B., Seeralan, T., Cludius, B., Kolbeck, K., Gallinat, J., Nestoriuc, Y. (2015). No pain, no gain? Adverse effects of psychotherapy in obsessive–compulsive disorder and its relationship to treatment gains. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 5, 61-66.
Müller, L. E., Schulz, A., Andermann, M., Gäbel, A., Gescher, D. M., Spohn, A., Herpertz, S. C., & Bertsch, K. (2015). Cortical representation of afferent bodily signals in borderline personality disorder: Neural correlates and relationship to emotional dysregulation. JAMA Psychiatry, 72, 1077–1086.
Plewnia, C., Schroeder, P.A., Kunze, R., Faehling, F. & Wolkenstein, L. (2015). Keep Calm and Carry On: Improved Frustration Tolerance and Processing Speed by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS). PLoS One, 10, e0122578.
Plewnia, C., Schroeder, P.A. & Wolkenstein, L. (2015). Targeting the biased brain: noninvasive brain stimulation to ameliorate cognitive control. Lancet Psychiatry, 2, 351-356.
Raabe, S., Ehring, T., Marquenie, L., Olff, M., & Kindt, M. (2015). Imagery rescripting as a stand-alone treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder related to childhood abuse. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 48, 170-176.
Rausch, J., Gäbel, A., Nagy, K., Kleindienst, N., Herpertz, S. C., & Bertsch, K. (2015). Increased testosterone levels and cortisol awakening responses in patients with borderline personality disorder: gender and trait aggressiveness matter. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 55, 116-127.
Rosenkranz, T.*, Gulewitsch, M. D.*, Barkmann, C., & Schlarb, A. A. (2015). Measuring Somatic Complaints in Primary School Children: Validation and Revision of the German Children’s Somatization Inventory (CSI) and its Parental Version. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 46(5), 786-799. *shared first author
Schneider, B.C., Thoering, T., Cludius, B., Moritz, S. (2015). Self-reported symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Rate of endorsement and association with neuropsychological performance in an adult psychiatric sample. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 30, 186-191.
Schneider, B. C., Wittekind, C. E., Talhof, A., Korrelboom, K. & Moritz, S. (2015). Competitive Memory Training (COMET) for OCD: A self-treatment approach to obsessions. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 44, 142-152.
Schroeder, P.A., Ehlis, A.C., Wolkenstein, L., Fallgatter, A. J. & Plewnia, C. (2015). Emotional distraction and bodily reaction: Modulation of autonomous responses by anodal tDCS to the prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 9, 482.
Thielsch, C., Andor, T., & Ehring, T. (2015). Do metacognitions and intolerance of uncertainty predict worry in everyday life? An ecological momentary assessment study. Behavior Therapy, 46, 532-543.
Thielsch, C., Andor, T., & Ehring, T. (2015). Metacognitions, intolerance of uncertainty, and worry: An investigation in adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 74, 94-98.
Thielsch, C., Ehring, T., Nestler, S., Wolters, J., Kopei, I., Rist, F., Gerlach, A.L., & Andor, T. (2015). Metacognitions, worry, and sleep in everyday life: Studying bidirectional pathways using Ecological Momentary Assessment in GAD patients. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 33, 53-61.
Werner, G.G., Ford, B.Q., Mauss, I.B., Schabus, M., Blechert, J., & Wilhelm, F.H. (2015). High cardiac vagal control is related to better subjective and objective quality of sleep. Biological Psychology, 106, 79-85. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.02.004
Werner, G.G., Schabus, M., Blechert, J., Kolodyazhniy, V. & Wilhelm, F.H. (2015). Pre- to post-sleep change in psychophysiological reactivity to emotional films: late-night REM sleep is associated with attenuated emotional processing. Psychophysiology, 52(6), 813-825. doi:10.1111/psyp.12404
Wittekind, C. E., Behmer, F., Muhtz, C., Fritzsche, A., Moritz, S. & Jelinek, L. (2015). Investigation of automatic avoidance in displaced individuals with chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Psychiatry Research, 228, 887-893.
Wittekind, C. E., Feist, A., Schneider, B. C., Moritz, S. & Fritzsche, A. (2015). The Approach-Avoidance Task as a self-help intervention in cigarette smoking: A pilot study. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 46, 115-120.
Wittekind, C. E., Muhtz, C., Jelinek, L. & Moritz, S. (2015). Depression, not PTSD, is associated with attentional biases for emotional visual cues in early traumatized individuals with PTSD. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1474.
Wolkenstein, L. & Hautzinger, M. (2015). Ratgeber Chronische Depression. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Moritz, S., Andreou, C., Schneider, B. C., Wittekind, C. E., Menon, M., Balzan, R. P. & Woodward, T. S. (2014). Sowing the seeds of doubt: A narrative review on metacognitive training in schizophrenia. Clinical Psychology Review, 4, 358-366.
Wittekind, C. E., Terfehr, K., Otte, C., Jelinek, L., Hinkelmann, K. & Moritz, S. (2014). Mood-congruent memory in depression - the influence of personal relevance and emotional context. Psychiatry Research, 215, 606-613.
Jelinek, L., Wittekind, C. E., Kellner, M., Moritz, S. & Muhtz, C. (2013). (Meta)cognitive beliefs in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following forced displacement after World War II in older adults and their offspring. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 18, 452-462.
Jelinek, L., Wittekind, C. E., Moritz, S., Kellner, M. & Muhtz, C. (2013). Neuropsychological functioning in posttraumatic stress disorder following forced displacement in older adults and their offspring. Psychiatry Research, 210, 584-589.
Hauschildt, M., Wittekind, C., Jelinek, L., Kellner, M. & Moritz, S. (2013). Attentional bias to affective visual stimuli in posttraumatic stress disorder and the role of depression. Psychiatry Research, 207, 73-79.
Moritz, S., Fricke, S., Treszl, A. & Wittekind, C. E. (2012). Do it yourself! Evaluation of self-help habit reversal training versus decoupling in pathological skin picking: A pilot study. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 1, 41-47.
Moritz, S., Schilling, L., Wingenfeld, K., Köther, U., Wittekind, C., Terfehr, K. & Spitzer, C. (2011). Psychotic-like cognitive biases in borderline personality disorder. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 42, 349-354.
Moritz, S., Wittekind, C. E., Hauschildt, M. & Timpano, K. R. (2011). Do it yourself? Self-help and online therapy for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 24, 541-548.
Muhtz, C., Godemann, K., von Alm, C., Wittekind, C., Goemann, C., Wiedemann, K., Yassouridis, A. & Kellner, M. (2011). Effects of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder on metabolic risk, quality of life, and stress hormones in aging former refugee children. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199, 646-652.
Muhtz, C., von Alm, C., Godemann, K., Wittekind, C., Jelinek, L., Yassouridis, A. & Kellner, M. (2011). Langzeitfolgen von in der Kindheit am Ende des II. Weltkrieges erlebter Flucht und Vertreibung. Psychotherapie - Psychosomatik - Medizinische Psychologie, 61, 233-238.
Wittekind, C. E., Jelinek, L., Kellner, M., Moritz, S. & Muhtz, C. (2010). Intergenerational transmission of biased information processing in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following displacement after World War II. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24, 953-957.
Bertsch, K., Gamer, M., Schmidt, B., Schmidinger, I., Walther, S., Kaestel, T., Schnell, K., Büchel, C., & Herpertz, S. C. (2013). Oxytocin reduces social threat hypersensitivity in females with borderline personality disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 170, 1169–1177.
Bertsch, K.*, Grothe, M.*, Prehn, K., Vohs, K., Berger, C. Hauenstein, K., Keiper, P., Domes, G., Teipel, S., & Herpertz, S. C. (2013). Brain volumes differ between diagnostic groups of violent criminal offenders. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 263, 593–606. *Shared first-authorship
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Raes, F. & Ehring, T. (2012). Editorial special issue: Repetitief negatief denken. Gedragstherapie, 45, 3-4.
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Schaich, A., Watkins, E.R., & Ehring, T. (2013). Can concreteness training buffer against the negative effects of rumination on PTSD? An experimental analogue study. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 44, 396-403.
Schmahl, C., Herpertz, S. C., Bertsch, K., Ende, G., Flor, H., Kirsch, P., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., Rietschel, M., Schneider, M., Spanagel, R., Treede, R.-D., & Bohus, M. (2014). Mechanisms of disturbed emotion processing and social interaction in borderline personality disorder: state of knowledge and research agenda of the German Clinical Research Unit. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation. doi:10.1186/2051-6673-1-12 .
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Zetsche, U., Ehring, T. & Ehlers. A. (2009). The effects of rumination on mood and intrusive memories after exposure to traumatic material: An experimental study. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 40, 499-514.