SONA is a cloud-based online system for organizing studies and participating in studies. SONA is also the only way for students to collect trial subject hours.
For students
- Successful participation in studies is recorded in the system with the test subject hours
- This means that no other booking than via SONA is possible
- Those who no longer require subject hours can also register via SONA for studies in which participation is (alternatively) financially remunerated
- You can find more information here:
SONA quick guide (PDF, 2,272 KB)
SONA handbook for students (PDF, 208 KB)
For researchers
- Recruit test subjects for studies on SONA
- Beachten Sie bitte die Anleitungen zum Einstellen von Studien im SONA Handbuch (PDF, 277 KB)
- Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie uns gerne per E-Mail
Dr. Tehilla Mechera-Ostrovsky
Academic Council | Postdoc